
作者&投稿:陆战 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

I went to a group activity, “Sensitivity Sunday”, which was to make us more aware of the problems faced by disabled people. We were asked to “ adopt a disability” for several hours one Sunday. Some members, like me, chose to use wheelchairs. Others wore sound-blocking earplugs or blindfolds.Just sitting in the wheelchair was a learning experience. I had never considered before how awkward it would be to use one. As soon as I sat down, my weight made the chair begin to roll. Its wheels were not locked. Then I wondered where to put my feet. It took me quite a while to get the metal footrest into place. My wheelchair experiment was soon finished. It made a deep impression on me.


英语唯美短文分享:Grow old along with me, the best is yet to be.执子之手,与子偕老。想不想拥有自己的专属外教,点击下方蓝字领取免费外教课程,跟着外教学习地道的英语知识!【免费领取,外教一对一精品课程】试完课还可以帮助各位免费测试英语水平哦。欢迎各位学生来阿卡索学英语,课均不到20元,每天都有25分钟时间跟外教学习地道的表达,无需出国,就能为自己营造一个良好的英语学习环境,对考取证书也非常有帮助。不知道如何选择英语机构,可以百度咨询“阿卡索vivi老师”;如果想下载免费英语资源,可以百度搜索“阿卡索官网论坛”。

Shelton’s eighth album, “Red River Blue,” recently became his first Number One debut on the Billboard 200 chart. Its title track features Blake’s wife, Country singer Miranda Lambert, on harmony vocals.
Blake Shelton的第八张专辑“Red River Blue”最近让他在告示牌200强排行榜上初次登上榜首。他的妻子,乡村歌手Miranda Lambert也挺身相助,为他那首与专辑同名的主打歌充当和声歌手,使该曲增色不少。

Shelton won the Country Music Association’s Male Vocalist of the Year award in November 2010. Since then, he has earned crossover success with critics and music fans beyond the Country genre. Much of that newfound popularity came earlier this year, when he served as a celebrity coach on the nationally-televised singing competition, “The Voice.” He also received an enormous amount of attention for his high-profile marriage to Miranda this past May.
Shelton于2010年11月荣获乡村音乐协会的年度最佳男歌手奖。自此以后,他所尝试的跨流派音乐成功获得乐评人和音乐粉丝的支持,已超越他的乡村音乐风格。他这新近的知名度大部分来自于今年初旬在一项全国性电视歌唱比赛 "The Voice” 中担任名流指导。他与Miranda在今年五月份所举办的高调婚礼也备受广泛的关注。

Blake Shelton reached Number One with his 2001 debut single “Austin,” but it’s taken him a decade to reach superstar status. But, 2011 will be remembered as his breakthrough year.
“Honey Bee” was the lead single released from “Red River Blue.” It took only 10 weeks for the track to reach the top of the Country chart, where it spent four consecutive weeks. The ninth Number One single of Blake’s career earned platinum certification for selling one million digital downloads.
Blake Shelton凭他的首张单曲 “Austin” 于2001年攀上排行榜榜首,然而他却经历了十年的打拼才成为超级巨星。不过2011年将会被铭记为他脱颖而出的年份。
“Honey Bee” 是取自“Red River Blue”的一首单曲;只经过10周的时间就已名列乡村音乐排行榜首位,并持续占据榜首长达4周。这是Blake在其歌唱事业中的第九张名列第一的单曲,由于在线下载销售达一百万次而为他赢得白金奖状。

Shelton is supporting “Red River Blue” with a North American tour that runs through early October. Many of the dates are with Country star Brad Paisley.
Shelton has also announced that he’ll sit alongside Christina Aguilera, Cee Lo Green and Maroon 5’s Adam Levine to judge the second season of “The Voice,” which begins in February 2012.
Shelton整个十月初旬都在举办北美巡回演唱推广他的专辑“Red River Blue”;乡村明星歌手Brad Paisley受邀和他同台演出许多场。Shelton也宣布将会与Christina Aguilera、Cee Lo Green和Maroon 5 的Adam Levine一起担任将在2012年2月开始的第二季度“The Voice”歌唱比赛的评委。



谢尔顿的第八张唱片专辑“Red River Blue”(还是留着好,翻译成什么比较难,比如说红河蓝或忧郁)最近成为他的第一支在公告牌200(好像是美国的一个排行榜)占据榜首位置的歌曲。这个荣誉自于布莱克的妻子,她是乡村歌手米兰达•兰伯,有她作为和声。
2010年11月,•谢尔顿赢得了乡村音乐协会奖的颁发的年度最佳男歌手奖。从那时起,他已经成功转型,尽管有乡村风格的评论家和歌迷的批评。今年早些时候,他变得名望更高了,当时,他作为一个名人在电视歌唱比赛”The voice”中作指导。他也因为他与米兰达的今年5月高调结婚,受到了大量的关注。

在“red river blue”之后,“蜜蜂”开始领先,它只花了10几个星期就达到国家榜的最高位置。在那个位置待了连续4周。布莱克职业生涯的第九个单曲冠军赢得了白金认证,因为被收费下载一百万次。

谢尔顿的“red river blue“北美巡演贯穿在十月初。有许多场的演出有国家明星布拉德佩斯同台。

谢尔顿也宣布他将与克里斯蒂娜,Cee Lo Green 和 Maroon 5’s Adam Levine一起,为将在2012年2月开始的“The Voice”第二季担当评委。





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