
作者&投稿:祖张 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)




l am going to take up a hobby like taking photos.




八年级上册英语 46页 1题怎么做,还有翻译。急急急!
新目标八年级上册英语 答案:1. cut up 我需要一些帮助。你能将这些图都切碎吗?2. put 接下来你需要将原料放进搅拌机里。3. pour 然后把热水倒入搅拌机内。4. mix up 加一些蜂蜜,并且将其和原料进行搅拌。5. Turn on 打开搅拌机,时间大约为2分钟。

we should look up new words in the dictionary before class and prepare each lesson carefully before class. I believe if we work hard and have good ways of learning English, we will learn English well.学习英语就象学习其他语言一样是艰辛的。因此我的第一个建议是每天花多点时间练习使用...

求文档: 外研版(三起)四年级英语上册重点句型和短语
四年级复习提纲 第一模块 单词46页单词表 数字: ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen Seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty twenty-one 动物 狮子(tiger) 猴子(monkey) 大象(elephant)老虎(tiger) 小猫(cat) 小狗(dog)小鸟(bird) 熊(bear)...

have a look at Zig Zag's Clothes Store. We have black and blue hats for $15. The blue sweater is $31. and the red sweater is $30. The yellow shorts are also $30 and the green shorts are on sale for $25! How much are the shoes? Sorry, those are my shoes! I ...

Last Firday morning ,上个星期五早上 I went to the park for some exercise 我到公园去做运动 When I crossed the road,当我越过马路时 I tripped on something and fell.我绊到某样东西后跌到了 Just at that moment 刹那间 a taxi stopped behind me 一辆的士停在我后面 He asked 他...

They are...to run”maglev train: 第45页最后一段第四句:“it is ...the air”disadvantage biogas:。。(没写。嘿嘿 上课没注意听哦~)electric vehicle:第45页第三段第四句话:“Although ..used”maglev train:第45页最后一段最后一句话:“however ..railways”2 : bdca ...

...cat!green cat!五年级寒假生活指导第46页这篇英语课文的汉语意思 急...
Kitty 跳到树上。“Green.” says Mr Black.“绿猫。” 布莱克先生说。“Yellow.” says Mrs White.“黄猫。” 怀特女士说。1. Color the wall, the door and the cat in these pictures.在这些图片中将墙,门,猫涂上相应的颜色。2. Who is right, Mr Black or Mrs White?谁说的是正确...

浔阳区15680727671: 八年级上册英语第八单元2e怎样写成作文 -
姬看卓舒:[答案] Dave,Mom says I can have the school party at my house.I need some help.When you come over on Saturday,could you please help me sweep the floor?My mom asked me to move the good chairs to the bedroom an...

浔阳区15680727671: 人教版八年级上册英语第七单元46页第二部分的作文怎么写.急. -
姬看卓舒:[答案] What's more,I think friends are an important part of one's health.Many studies show that people with a wide range of social contacts get sick less than those who don't.I always feel better when I am with friends than when I am alone.When I am with ...

浔阳区15680727671: 八年级上册英语书p38页2e翻译和造句 -
姬看卓舒: 考虑 We think of art and history 出版,开花 In spring ,flowers come out . 其中一个主要原因 Cartoon is popular ,one of the main reasons is the cartoon characters are like men. 例如 We learn many subjects such as Chinese ,English,math and so on ...

浔阳区15680727671: 新版人教版八年级上册英语第七单元46页第二部分的作文怎么写.... 急.... -
姬看卓舒: What's more, I think friends are an important part of one's health. Many studies show that people with a wide range of social conta...

浔阳区15680727671: 八年级上册英语造句 -
姬看卓舒: I fell the same as you 我与你有同样的感受 i help my motherdo the housework 我帮助妈妈做家务 he make a robot to help him do easy things他做了一个机器人帮助他做一些简单的事 i help jim with his homework我帮助吉姆做功课 she ask me to take some book to her她要我给她带几本书 the bridge will complete in two years这座桥会在1年内建成

浔阳区15680727671: 八年级上英语二单元单词造句 -
姬看卓舒: Different people have different ways of dealing with such problems.I met an old friend of mine on my way home yesterday.Spring Festival is one of the traditional festivals in China.It is believed that all is not gold that glitters.No one believes in him because he isn't honest.

浔阳区15680727671: 八年级上册英语 46页2怎么做 人教的 -
姬看卓舒: First,check you have all the ingredients.You need green onion,sauce,slices of duck and some pancake.Then put duck,sauce and green onion into a pancake.Next roll the pancake.Finally,eat it.It is very delicious.首先,检查你所用的所有的材料.你需要把嫩洋葱,甜面酱,鸭子片放在薄煎饼里.接着,把薄煎饼卷起来.最后,吃掉他.她真的很好吃

浔阳区15680727671: 八年级上册英语连词成句,在线等 -
姬看卓舒: students take turns to clean up the the classroom.学生轮流打扫教室 two teaspoons of milk is enough to make a banana shake.两勺牛奶足够制作一份香蕉饮料了.

浔阳区15680727671: 八上英语How to eat Beijing Duck英语书46页First,check you have all the ingredients.You need (),(),()(或者还有一个括号)and().Next ,() some ... -
姬看卓舒:[答案] sauce,green oinion,slices of duck,pancakes,put,into,put,add,roll

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