
作者&投稿:徒全 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1.of2.digital 3.programmed4.response 5.nicely6.who7.sentences 8.said9.asking 10.them原文,不用写,记得给优质平均悬赏啥的🌚

There are six_ students in my group.Sam's birthday is in January_.It's the fiest month_ of the year.Ruth's birthday is in March_.It's after Women's Day.Jack was born on June_.It's also Children's Day.Will and Tina were bor in the same_ month---October_.They are proud they heva the same birthday__ as our country.My birthday is in the last month---December_.W_hen_ is your birthday?

As babies, learning comes naturally:
we learn about our environment using our senses.
Probably th-e experience a school ma a l-ot of peo-ple think th-eir learning alw-ays implies sit-ting at a de-sk listening t-o someone, tak-ing notes a then revi-ewing for ex-am.
可能学校的经验(experience a school ma似乎怪怪的,是不是打错了=-=),许多人认为他们的学习就是坐在课桌前听讲,记笔记,然后复习迎考。
In fa-ct, this i-s only o-ne of ma-tter- possible w-ith in wh-ich learning takes place and it is definitely not suited for all topics or subjects.
Flea markets are wonderful places to go if you want to wander around antique stands.
You ne-ed know qu-itely- what y-ou are go to fi-nd.
Actually, th-ere are of well ov-er one-hundred var-ious dealers a shops sel-ling all ki-nds of thi-ngs.
The atmos-phere is a l-ot different t-o strolling thr-ough a shop centre bec-ause most sm-art traders would never be able to afford to run a shop there.
As a result, flea markets have completely unique shops offering very unusual merchandise.

罕言寡语 罕、寡:少。很少开口说话。形容沉默寡言。豪言壮语 豪迈雄壮的言语。形容充满英雄气概的话。好言好语 好:美好,友善。指友善和中听的言语。黑言诳语 犹言胡言乱语。指没有根据,不符实际的瞎说,或说胡话。胡言汉语 犹言胡言乱语。指没有根据,不符实际的瞎说,或说胡话。胡言乱语 指...

欢喜得【 眉开眼笑】难过得【 伤心落泪 】烘烤得【 金黄喷香】攀谈得【 十分投机 】站得【 稳如泰山】写得【酣畅淋漓】觉得【拒人千里 】变得【 楚楚动人 】看得【 津津有味 】想得【 深入】挨得【辛辛苦苦 】显得【 不尽人意】长得【 娇艳动人】睡得【 香甜】懂得【 道...

(乌黑)的眼睛 (清闲)的日子 (清脆)的嗓子 (无忧)的少年

1。had 2。gave 3。did not kown 4。had 5。went 6。asked 7。did not like 8。brought 9。loved 10。seemed 11。needed

1.深深的祝福 2.深深的爱 3.深深的情 4.深深的情谊 5.深深的情意 6.深深的情义 7.深深的爱情 8.深深的爱恋 9.深深的爱意 10.深深的眷恋 11.深深的眷念 12.深深的留恋 13.深深的思念 14.深深的怀念 15.深深的想念 16.深深的期盼 17.深深地盼望 18.深深的痛 19.深深的痛苦 20.深深的...


语文 填词
滔滔不绝 寥寥无几 炯炯有神 气势磅礴 风卷残云 南柯一梦 横七竖八 四分五裂 百密一疏 痛心疾首 促膝谈心 格格不入 源源不断 气势汹汹 衣冠楚楚 大腹便便 阴晴圆缺 异口同声 严寒酷暑 转危为安 化险为夷 避害就利 避实就虚 避祸就福 横七竖八 只有 省吃俭用 粉身碎骨 ---...

'Tea for two' \/填词,杜国威,舒志义;演唱,黄百鸣,周文建.'小桃红' \/填词,杜国威;演唱,张国荣,吴倩莲.'路边野花不要采' \/填词,杜国威,舒志义;演唱,张国荣.'Sha la la' \/填词,杜国威,舒志义;演唱,钟镇涛,吴倩莲;歌曲提供,宝丽金唱片有限公司.'广东小调' \/填词,杜国威,岑伟宗;演唱,张国荣,朱洁仪.'...


括号里应该填“弱”和“强”,连起来是弱肉强食。成语 弱肉强食 weak being at the mercy of the strong \/the weak will stand as easy prey to the strong 发音 ruò ròu qiáng shí 解释 原指动物中弱者被当做肉被强者吞食。比喻弱的被强的吞并。出处 唐朝·韩愈《送浮屠文畅师序》:“...

濠江区18913722639: 英语的填词 -
宦柿博士: 一旦她来到这儿,请拨打1598找我.___Once____ she ____comes______ here, please ___call_____ __me____ ____at__ 1598 一旦你遇到危险,请拨打110报警.__Once_____ you're _in___ ___danger_____, please call ____the__ _____...

濠江区18913722639: 英语填词 -
宦柿博士: 1. starts2. usually3. terrible4. bored5. take6. rest7. for8. week9. knew10. live 希望能帮到你,祝更上一层楼O(∩_∩)O 有不会的欢迎再继续问我(*^__^*)

濠江区18913722639: 英语填词 -
宦柿博士: 6.surrounding 7.pressed8.admirable9.intentionalII.1.tolerate2.assistance3.imaginative 4.appointment5.journal

濠江区18913722639: 英语填词题 -
宦柿博士: Bindi Bobbin runs a business altering and repairing clothes.altering and repairing clothes可以表示裁剪衣服. 谢谢~

濠江区18913722639: 英语填词~~~~ -
宦柿博士: 1.affair2.unaware3.condition4.formation5.possibilities6.recovery

濠江区18913722639: 英语填词并翻译
宦柿博士: as poor as a rat 一贫如洗;穷到极点 as easy as pie 极容易(像馅饼一样容易) as light as a butterfly 轻率的;轻佻的;轻浮,轻佻 as proud as a peacock 极骄傲 ;不可一世 ;非常高傲 (像孔雀一样) as green as a gooseberry 青绿,青如鹅莓;[戏谑语]初出茅庐的,无生活经验的 as strong as an ox 健壮如牛;强壮如牛 as blind as a bat 有眼无珠;眼力不行的;鼠目寸光的 as blind as a mole 瞎的,完全看不见的as blind as an owl 瞎透了

濠江区18913722639: 英语填词!!
宦柿博士: 1.暂时想不到 2.as 3.bring 4.pass 5.suppose,would

濠江区18913722639: 英语填词
宦柿博士: which place,when did,what did,how long will,did learn

濠江区18913722639: 英语填词:
宦柿博士:They all hurried ( up ) to see what was going on. hurry up : 赶紧; 赶快 They all hurried ( upstairs ) to see what was going on.

濠江区18913722639: 英语填词
宦柿博士: 1 2 people 3 monkeys 4 forest 5trainer 6 flesh 7 dangrous 8 modern 9 noise 10 possible

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