
作者&投稿:贡君 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

如:She was born in September.
I went to the Great Wall last October.

The bloom has finally left the digital rose of that newish art form, computer animation. "Doogal," "The Wild," "The Ant Bully," "Ice Age 2," "Cars" — most of this year's computerized crop has had the taste of "straight-to-kids video" about it.

With "Barnyard," another quick-and-dirty "all-star cast" mess churned out by the digital start-ups hired to steal some of Pixar's cash, the year that computer-generated animation "jumps the shark" becomes official.

Politically correct, anatomically incorrect and ugly to look at, the only thing that saves "Barnyard" is writer (and director) Steve "Bruce Almighty" Oedekerk's gift for gags and almost-edgy humor.

This silly parable about the responsibilities of leadership is about a barnyard looked over by Big Ben, the head cow, voiced by Sam Elliott. Ben lives by a stern credo.

"A strong man stands up for himself, a stronger man stands up for others."

Ben is a bovine, not a man. But it still works.

His son, Otis (Kevin James) is meant to inherit daddy's protect-us-from-coyotes duties. But Otis is a party animal. Hook him up with the boys from Jersey (Jersey cows), and he's taking joyrides, jamming the mike at impromptu concerts and break-dancing.

Because this movie is all about what the critters do when the farmer (a vegan, we're told) dozes off. They stand on their hind legs and cut loose.

When Otis takes over, cow-tipping is avenged, the partying on two legs shifts to daylight hours (risking discovery) and the coyotes are in the henhouse.

For some reason, there's an ineptly-rendered chicken-craving weasel in this farm "family," prompting many kiddie (and adult) shouts of "What kind of animal is that?" in the screening I attended. For some reason, the boy cows have udders.

For some reason, Oedekerk thought having Sam Elliott sing Tom Petty's anthem, "I Won't Back Down" as he's facing down coyotes was cute — complete with teaching kids the verse "You can stand me up at the gates of" you-know-where.

And for some reason, somebody thought Kevin James would be the perfect voice for a rebel without horns. "The King of Queens" funnyman who is neither funny nor the king of anything when his pal Ray Romano isn't there to prop him up lacks the vocal charisma necessary to make this cow a hoot.

But the slapstick works, as do the big set pieces — a barn dance that is out of control, a dancing dervish named "Wild Make," the joy-riding Jerseys.

Forget the animation, the bulls with udders and the dull leading man — OK, leading cow — and it's almost good enough to make you forget "The Ant Bully." And lower your expectations for the upcoming "Open Season," "Happy Feet" and "Flushed Away."


yard 是“码”的意思,是一个长度单位,英语中表达“以重量”、“以时间”、“以长度”来计的意思时,用“by weight “、”by time"、“by length"来表达,没有冠词”a"、“an"、”the"等,而说具体的“以千克”“以小时”“以码”等来计量时,就要说“by the kilometer”、“by the hour”、“by the yard”这时是需要冠词的



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学好英语的另一个关键是提高英语学习的兴趣。爱因斯坦说过“兴趣是 最好的老师”。兴趣是产生学习的动力。那如何产生学习的兴趣呢?当然你必须要学会英语、懂得英语、会在生活实践中运用你所学习的英语知识。你懂得越多你的兴趣就会越浓。首先,你必须有足够的词汇量,有坚实的语法知识。 一、词汇 词汇是学好英语的...

适度地推荐自己,才能让人得知在什么时候能够向你求助或请教,不致让你英雄无用武之地。第15招无论与任何一个人打交道,总是待之以礼即使人生苦短,用来学礼数也是绰绰有余了。想出奇制胜,翻身做主人,不必舍近求远,先把你的台词练好再说吧。第16招 名片必须是经过精心设计的作品名片的功用是要让别人能想起世...

适度地推荐自己,才能让人得知在什么时候能够向你求助或请教,不致让你英雄无用武之地。第15招无论与任何一个人打交道,总是待之以礼即使人生苦短,用来学礼数也是绰绰有余了。想出奇制胜,翻身做主人,不必舍近求远,先把你的台词练好再说吧。第16招 名片必须是经过精心设计的作品名片的功用是要让别人能想起世...

过程中,要掌握词的拼读规则,根据规则记忆单词;同时还要根据构词法知识记忆和扩充单词,通过语境理解和记忆单词也是一个最佳学习单词 的好方法。目前词汇在中考试题中汉译英的试题越来越少,取而代之的是词汇在语境中的运用考查比重越来越大。在进入学习英语的初级阶段时,掌握语音知识是学好英语单词的基础...

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适度地推荐自己,才能让人得知在什么时候能够向你求助或请教,不致让你英 雄无用武之地。 第15招无论与任何一个人打交道,总是待之以礼 即使人生苦短,用来学礼数也是绰绰有余了。 想出奇制胜,翻身做主人,不必舍近求远,先把你的台词练好再说吧。 第16招 名片必须是经过精心设计的作品 名片的功用是要让...

茂港区18591901166: 我是英语初学者 我想请教大家一个问题 钥匙 key 英标是 ki: 怎么没有y ey是发i:音吗 能怎么理解吗 -
盈索双参: “y”在这个单词中不发音,所以把它省略了,第二个不能那样理解,哪个i:音就是e发的,如果你那样理解,以后见了ey岂不是都发i:音了吗?不如they这里“ey” 的音标是[ðei]

茂港区18591901166: 老师 你好 英文要 怎么拼呀 -
盈索双参: Hello teacher 老师你好. 例句: 老师你好.想请教你一个问题.可以吗? Hello teacher. I would like to ask you a question. Will that be OK.

茂港区18591901166: 您好,我想请教您一个问题:我吃完晚饭后写作业,直到晚上九点才睡觉.这句话用英语应该怎么说? -
盈索双参: 答案:I did my homework after dinner and I didn't go to bed until 9 p.m.欢迎追问,在线为你解答 【帮到你望及时采纳,你的采纳将是我们团队的动力所在】

茂港区18591901166: 你好,我想请教你一个关于英语反意疑问句的回答问题 -
盈索双参: 反义疑问句其实是种对语气的加强,仅仅是强调一下语气 You don't like me,do you 中do you是种语气加强 如果不加呢 可以是一种推测 或是询问 但是仍旧是回到yes,i do /no i don't 具体用哪个 得看你到底喜不喜欢他了== He don't think you are beautiful 其实是=He thinks you aren't beautiful.(1)doesn't he yes,he does.是,他认为我不漂亮2 no,he doesn't不,他认为我漂亮 (2)are you yes,i am 不 漂亮 no 是,不漂亮 总是像这种句子 主句里的否定词可以放在从句里面来判断

茂港区18591901166: 您好,想问您:y的发音规则. -
盈索双参: 一、多音节的单词分为重读音节和非重读音节,重读音节中的元音字母a,e,i,o,u 要按读音规则读音,如闭音节(读短元音)、开音节(读双元音或长元音)或与其他字母的组合(读长元音)...

茂港区18591901166: 我有个问题想请教你.的英语怎么说 -
盈索双参: 答案是:I have a question to consult you~手工翻译,尊重劳动,欢迎提问,感谢采纳!~

茂港区18591901166: 老师您好,我有两个英语问题想向您请教 -
盈索双参: 1,考试通常用exam,“考试不及格”用fail in the exam或者fail the exam或者fail to pass the exam或者don't pass the exam都可以;2,look ...up in the dictionary.

茂港区18591901166: 老师,您好!想请教您一些英语问题,恳请老师帮我详细分析一下句子.谢谢!在此,祝老师工作顺利! -
盈索双参: 1. B 第一空:固定搭配 the only+名词+to do第二空:用to die表明还没死,确定要死.用dying表示已经死了.无被动,不能用died. 本句 用过去时was,说明人已经死了,用dying.2. C 空格前的easier是比较级,所以应该选than.而than是连...

茂港区18591901166: 你好.我想请教您一个问题. 请问,“趁这短暂的青春努力奋斗” 的英文是什么呢. 还有有没有缩写呢?谢谢 -
盈索双参: 你好,以下供参考:Strive totake thisshort-termyouth.希望有所帮助.

茂港区18591901166: 你好,我想请教你几句英语翻译 -
盈索双参: 1.乘几路公交车怎么问,要怎么回答? --Excuse me, but which bus shall I take?--A bus No. 2 can take you right there./You can take a bus No. 2. 2,这家书店卖各种外文书 This book store sells all kinds of foreign language books./ This book store ...

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