
作者&投稿:庾便 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1.There are so many surprising things in our life.
2.The reporter have two attitude to him,supporting or againsting,that's his opinion to the area of the Press.
3.The mother's take the baby in her arm.

1你能看见什么吗 What can you see?y
2火车什么时候到那儿 When will the train get there?
3今天国庆节Today's National Day.
4大家都在吗Is everyone here?
5这几天我妈妈很忙My mother is busy in a few days.
6你从不看病,是吗?不,我看的You are never ill,are you? Yes, I am ill.

1前天下雨的 it was rainy the day before yesterday.
2去年你弟弟几岁How old was your brother last year?
3谁昨晚开的灯 Who turned on the light yesterday?
4她什么时候回来的When did she come back?
5他刚才在看报He read newspaper just now.
6我们今天早晨没有吃早饭We didn't have breakfast this morning.
7昨天没人看了京剧yesterday nobody watched the opera,
8当我在北京时,我经常去长城I often walk up the Great Wall when I am in Beijing.

1前天,她参加了英语比赛she entered the English competition the day before yesterday.
2明天星期几?星期六 what day is it tomorow? Saturday.
3我去年12岁,我去了海南 I went to Hainan when I was 12 last year.
4如果下雨,你会干什么if it is rainy,what will you do?
5不要大声说话,我在看报 don't speak loudly, i am reading the newspaper.
6刚才篮子里有三个西红柿there were 3 tomatoes in the basket just now.
7做眼保健操对你有好处 doing eyes exercises is good for you.

She bought a dictionary for me.
Please pass the paper to me.
Would you please tell your school life to us?
Please make a model plane for her.
John is teaching Mary how to ride bike.
I sent a telegram to him.
Excuse me, when will the next train start?
The policeman pointed the location of the park in the map for me.



she bought a dictionary for me.
please pass the paper to me.
can you tell me about your school life?
please make a moble plane for her
John is teaching mary riding bike.
yesterday I were make a telegraph to him.
Please tell me when the next train start to move.
That policeman show the place of park on the map for me.

1.She bought me a dictionary.
2.Please pass me that paper.
3.Could you please tell us something about your school life?
4.Please make a model plane for her.
5.John is teaching Mary riding bike.
6.I sent him a telegram yesterday.
7.Excuse me, when is the next train?
8.That police showed me the park on the map.

把下列句子翻译成英文 1、这是两张我的家庭照片。 2、在下一张照片里...
1、这是两张我的家庭照片。These are two photos of my family.2、在下一张照片里Tina和她的姐姐。Those are Tina and her sister in the next photo.最准确,请采纳,有问题追问,祝好!【来自英语牛人团】

小题1:stop\/prevent\/keep scientists , telling the truth 小题2:be paid to education小题3:look down on, laugh at 小题4:make a living in a city小题5:are busy finding out 试题分析:小题1:阻止某人做某事:stop\/prevent\/keep sb. from doing sth.; 科学家用复数形式scientists;...

将下列句子译成英语,必须用上所给提示词 他一看见我就高兴地跳起来...
He jumped happily as soon as he saw me.2.昨天李明敲门时我在做饭.( when , knock at , cook )When Li Ming knocked on the door yesterday, I was cooking.3.她每天花二十分钟骑车上学.(take , 20 minutes , school , every day )It takes her twenty minutes to go to school by b...

be valuable for或to sb表示对某人很有价值的含义,故本题可翻译为Father’s suggestions are great valuable for\/to me.小题3:直到know后跟的是一个宾语从句,

Translate the following sentences into English
1.去年我游览了长城,而且玩得特别开心.I visited the Great Wall last year and had a great fun.2.自从上次吵架后,我们就再也没有跟对方讲过话.Since we had a quarrel last time,we haven't talked with each other any longer.

故本句可翻译为This old photo always reminds me of my hometown.4.advise sb to do表示建议某人做某事的含义,read English表示读英语的含义,故本句可翻译为The teacher often advises us to read Ebglish every day.5.作为主语使用穿的动名词wearing,make it easier to do表示使做某事更加容易...

5.I put affect and effect wrong on confusion mix.6.Many new mobile phone take the lable of "for sale "exhibit in the Shop window.7.I don`t mind be laugh for others ,always jion in doing the thing what i remain right .8.george anxious to buy the test centre which ...

2. Who are you waiting for?3.现在,他们在打篮球吗?3. Are they playing basketball now?4.我正在打扫教室。4. We are cleaning the classroom.5.那个男孩不是在弹吉他。5. That boy is not playing the guitar.People like swimming in summer.没有错 希望对你有帮助,也希望点击“选为...

4。 我认为我明年会在西班牙度假 1。 This book is not suitable for beginners. 2. John will apply for this work in the company today. 3. The young should devote to his own work. 4. In this way we can put the theory into practice better.1. be influenced whether you can ...

短头发short hair,那个that,女的woman,是is,你们your,英语老师English teacher,短文发的,做定语修饰那个女人,加介词with,故答案填Is that woman with short hair your English teacher?小题2:考查汉译英。现在now,大家everyone,都all,为做准备prepare for,春节the Spring Festival,根据现在、着可知为...

吉林市15917132418: 将下列句子译成英语. 将下列句子译成英语. 1.他们擅长英语,他们非常喜欢他们的英语老师. - _________________________________________ - ... -
市响女宝:[答案] 1.They are good at English.They like their English teacher very much.2.I was born in Shanghai,but now I live in Beijing.3.My classmate Daniel wears glasses,he likes playing computer games.4.I don't...

吉林市15917132418: 将下列句子译成英语. 将下列句子译成英语.必须用上所给的提示词. 1.我爷爷习惯早起.(be used to) - ___________________________________... -
市响女宝:[答案] 1.My grandfather is used to getting up early,2.Hurry up,or you'll be late.3.We were preparing for the exam(s) (at) this time last week.4.She didn't leave her school until she worked out the problem...

吉林市15917132418: 把下列句子翻译成英文 1. 他比我更擅长讲故事.他经常使我们大笑 2.他们和我们不同,他们善于把下列句子翻译成英文1. 他比我更擅长讲故事.他经常使我们大... -
市响女宝:[答案] 1He is good at telling stories more than me. He often makes us laugh 2They are different with us, they are good at getting along with children 3 Do you think who should clean the classroom 4. He jump much higher than me, but I run faster than him more ...

吉林市15917132418: 英语,根据所给提示将下列句子译成英文 1,他在尽力屏住呼吸(hold one's br英语,根据所给提示将下列句子译成英文 1,他在尽力屏住呼吸(hold one's ... -
市响女宝:[答案] 1.1.he is trying his best to hold his breath.2.Mary has a gift for communicating with others.3.Eating to much will lead to serious problems.4.The teacher will go to the park every Saturday as well as...

吉林市15917132418: 将下列句子译成英语.小题1:在我们学校图书馆里有有几千本书.小题2:扬州园林(Yangzhou Gardens)不仅在中国出名,而且在全世界也很有名.小题... -
市响女宝:[答案]小题1:There are thousands of books in our school library. 小题2:Yangzhou Gardens are famous not only in China but also in the whole world. 小题3:Who will be invited to host the next week's show? 小题4:Unless you have a map, you will get lost easily...

吉林市15917132418: 请将下列句子译成英语,并将所译句子写在答题卡上标有题号的横线上.1.让我们尽力使他振作起来.___________________________________________... -
市响女宝:[答案] 1.Let's try to cheer him up.2.I'm patient enough to explain everything to him.3.This old photo always reminds me of my hometown.4.The teacher often advises us to read Ebglish every day.5.Wearin...

吉林市15917132418: 将下列句子译成英语,并将所译句子写在答题卷上标有题号的横线上.小题1:多么可惜!洪水冲走了一个小村庄.小题2:我们错过了末班公交车,只好走... -
市响女宝:[答案] 小题1:What a pity! The flood washed away a small village.小题2:We missed the last bus and had to go home on foot. 小题3:Do you know how long she has been in the Reading Club? 小题4:These magazines c...

吉林市15917132418: 翻译句子; 根据括号内的提示,将下列句子译成英语. 1. 让我们尽可能多地讲英语 .( try to do sth. ) - __________________________________________... -
市响女宝:[答案] 1. Let's try to speak English as much as possible. 2. Why not write down the mistakes in our notebooks? 3. It's a good idea to spell and pronounce new words aloud every day. 4. Don...

吉林市15917132418: 将下列句子翻译成英语
市响女宝: 1. I can not join you because I must help my mother 2. My American friends will visit me next week 3. Call me after the after the holiday. 4. I'm free after 22:00

吉林市15917132418: 将下列句子译成英语 -
市响女宝: 1你能看见什么吗 What can you see?y 2火车什么时候到那儿 When will the train get there? 3今天国庆节Today's National Day. 4大家都在吗Is everyone here? 5这几天我妈妈很忙My mother is busy in a few days. 6你从不看病,是吗?不,我看的You...

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