
作者&投稿:鬱涛 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Payment settlement terms:

1. 甲方负责向当地合作机构收取中加合作项目费用,甲方应以有效方式将乙方应得项目款汇至乙方指定的国内外银行帐号。经乙方核实无误后书面通知甲方,并为甲方开具中国税务机关认可的有效票据。
1. In case of Party A responsible for collecting the expenses for the Sino-Canadian cooperation project from local partners, it shall transfer the project amount payable to Party B to a domestic or overseas bank account specified by Party B in an effective way. Upon confirmation, Party B shall issue to Party A a written notice as well as effectie bills recognized by the Chinese taxation authorities.

2. 乙方直接向合作机构收取中加合作项目费用,原则上乙方在确认应收费用到帐之日起7个工作日内以有效方式将甲方应得项目款汇至甲方指定的国内银行帐号。
2. In case of Party B collecting the expenses for the Sino-Canadian cooperation project directly from local partners, it shall transfer the project amount payable to Party A to a domestic or overseas bank account specified by Party A in an effective way, within seven working days upon confirming the arrival of the accounts receivables, unless otherwise stipulated.

1) 环境保护问题越来越受到人们的关注。(focus on)
翻译为英文是:People focus more on environmental protection.
2) 人们认为月球上没有生命,(It is supposed that)
翻译为英文是: It is supposed that there is no life on the moon.
3) 我们通常认为狗是聪明的动物。(think of…as…)
翻译为英文是:We usually think of dogs as smart animals.

Te of, beautiful in appearance. The shape of her body and lithe and graceful, two legs, slender waist fine; Her skin smooth, TongShen shining moon holy light; Her eyebrows are embedded one glaring the moon, tilting the 30 °; Her brown curly hair hung to waist level, wind blows; Her eyes like a moon clear and clever, color is the deep and dark blue; Her eyelash dense; Her lips small red tender, corners of the mouth with a hint of inheritance and the majesty of the Apollo brother grave. She looks represents the moon all noble beautiful. Te character dress, wearing a and her slender figure proportional to the silver color clothes, the clothes on the window of shimmering gleaming like gold; Her head wore colourful wreath, the symbol of the green; Since the te of shoulder to his right arm, left, wore a green shawl, represents the nature; In her right arm with a ring of the moon marks silver-shiny, is to cooperate with her brother Apollo on his left arm glittering symbol the sun; Her left hand was wearing a ruby ring, is said to be dyed by the blood drops, engraved with hunting sign; Finally, her right hand with bow and left hand with arrows, her bow and arrow glaring shining silver light, Apollo also have a bow and arrow, shining gold. Te costume and refined, the atmosphere, showing the moon and the majesty of the goddess of hunting. Te character is like the moon, like the leng yan, at the same time a hunting goddess exclusively nobility and pride, and inherited brother Apollo grave with majesty, give a person a kind of such as the moon as high up, it is not easy to sense, so she has some cold in the character of the public, do not break cruel.

Greek mythology, Poseidon had a son named Mr LaiWen. Mr LaiWen was born like his father did, grow big and strong. But he does not like to live in the sea, and always come to the wild, rock climbing, between hunt. However, after all he is the son of Poseidon, so even in the sea can also walk such as fly. All day long with his is a named set of the west, hunting, it is as brave and master, hunting and always rushed in front, meets the beast is always stand in the front LaiWen Obama. The time is long, Mr LaiWen often met in hunting on god is also a hunting goddess, te. Two people was soon each other's elegant and natural and unrestrained and the superb skill deeply atlracted, later, they often together walk in the hills, ascend a precipice, climbing perilous peak, has no words don't talk. All of this, but to the Apollo is very angry, and his sister, afraid of te like myself and DaFu as solid. He know te character, is a stubborn girl, persuade not impress her. Apollo a cruel, came up with a deadly trap. One day, she and ollie temperature to go to the sea, ollie temperature to play to marry him, she agreed, but she put the poison scorpion Apollo and ollie temperature in the water wars, Apollo let Diana with the arrows, don't shoot dead poison scorpion to ollie temperature, so let both of them get married, if shoot to ollie temperature that...... She is very confident, really shot to poison scorpion, but ollie temperature was poison poison with poison of scorpion. This screen tragedy at infinity also. He gathered his body, and he LaiWen ascend to heaven into Orion. Not often before defend, died, and he succeeded and your lover on te-god, together forever. The west made of loyalty, to win the sympathy of Zeus, and was promoted to the heavenly planets, continue to be with master side, this is a big dog. In order not to make the west stand, lonely, Zeus also specially to it to find a partner, a small dog. Zeus know Mr LaiWen loved hunting, was beside him put a small prey-day rabbit seats.

Te of, beautiful in appearance. The shape of her body and lithe and graceful, two legs, slender waist fine; Her skin smooth, TongShen shining moon holy light; Her eyebrows are embedded one glaring the moon, tilting the 30 °; Her brown curly hair hung to waist level, wind blows; Her eyes like a moon clear and clever, color is the deep and dark blue; Her eyelash dense; Her lips small red tender, corners of the mouth with a hint of inheritance and the majesty of the Apollo brother grave. She looks represents the moon all noble beautiful. Te character dress, wearing a and her slender figure proportional to the silver color clothes, the clothes on the window of shimmering gleaming like gold; Her head wore colourful wreath, the symbol of the green; Since ?


尽管这件事已经被隐瞒了很多年了,但最终还是被他知道了。 Although this matter has been concealed for many years, but eventually it was he knows.炎热的天气让我无法专心复习。 Hot weather so I can not concentrate on review. (关键:“专心复习”如何翻译) (Key: "concentrate on review...

1.网上发送电子邮件取代写信,成为人们互相交际的主要方式。(replace…as)Email replaces letter as the main channel of communication.2.李教授的报告中关于英语的解释令人困惑,我完全糊涂了。(confusing\/confused)The explanation to English in Prof Li's speech was so confusing that I was ...

花都开好了 Blossoming Around 如果没遇上 那么多转弯;Without turnings in the past 怎能来到你身旁;How could I have been by your side 现在往回看 每一步混乱;Looking back, every steps seemed complicated 原来都暗藏方向;turning out to be direction hided 曾经还以为 再不能承担;I ...

所以,在商务交往中,用字母或者中文来做简称,一定要先讲全称,再说简称,否则就会给对方造成理解上的歧义。Self introduction generally has four points to pay attention. First,the first delivery of business cards and then introduced. Exchange business cards to pay attention to timing, a ...

rapidshare帐号,可以借我用用吗 我现在有很多重要文件要下载 苦于找不到人帮忙 用1天就行了.我问了不少人,都没结果.如果你能帮我,就谢谢了.Could I use your Rapidshare account number because I have a lot of important information to download. But it is hard to find someone who can...

I in July 1998 graduated from Peking University in Beijing and the administration of the Department of Political Science (now Beijing University School of Government), the college I also had a minor in law faculties, when I graduated from university in the Bachelor of Laws. I do ...

更好的翻译建议 感谢您为 Google 翻译提供翻译建议。我们会利用您的建议在将来更新我们的系统时提高翻译质量。 Abstract: Sports future is not only physical contest, but is also a high physical and intelligent combination of competition, especially in the knowledge-based competitive intelligence...

generous of my sister to buy so many things for her friends.10.对于这份工作,你要考虑一下有什么喜欢和不喜欢的地方。(like;dislike )You need to consider what you like and dislike about this job.好啦啦啦啦 有什么不懂再追问吧 自己翻译滴 ♥以上回答希望有帮到你!♥...

求翻译 中译英 求大神 不带有道的 谢谢
Every day, when you give more than yesterday, your life is one day shorter.(简单明了)

餐饮用语 中译英
1.你好,欢迎光临..1. How do you do, welcome your presence.2.请问有位了吗?2. Have had a place excuse me ?3.请问几位?3. May I know how many guests are there?4.谢谢.慢走.4. Thank you. Good-bye.5.欢迎下次光临. 5. Welcome next time presence.6.请坐.6. Please be ...

郫县13993431327: 急求翻译.中译英!谢谢 -
乘童盆炎: :handshake :handshake 谢谢Derek..正在慢慢借鉴中.```

郫县13993431327: 急求!中译英!请把这些句子翻译成英文句子.谢谢!1、过马路时,她紧紧地牵着小男孩的手.(cross the road,fim,keep hold of)2、咱们出去吃饭吧,除非你太... -
乘童盆炎:[答案] 1.When crossing the road,she kept hold of the boy's hand.2.Let's have dinner out unless you are too tired.3.Last weekend I went to watch the baseball game for the first time.4.Never let go of the one ...

郫县13993431327: 中译英 急求!!!
乘童盆炎: 1,请记下我的电话号码.万一有什么重要的事情,可以打电话给我(in case) Please write down my phone number. You can call me in case of any important things happen. 2.我们学校建了一个有半个足球场那么大的游泳池(thr size of) The ...

郫县13993431327: 帮忙翻译下下面几句句子,中译英,急求!谢谢了~
乘童盆炎: It's very easy to find out our school in the map they try thier best to escape can you show me around the beach? they give me anything what I needNo one can be sure to pass the exam

郫县13993431327: 急求大家帮忙翻译几个句子(汉译英),谢谢啦!
乘童盆炎: Dear Customer: In order to avoid waste, my restaurant meal in both the volume of per capita allocation of fresh meals, if you dine at the process of appetite and food are inadequate, we may think that you are free to add. Telephone complaints: XXXXXXX Asked by: aitianniu

郫县13993431327: 急求一个英文翻译!!(中译英)
乘童盆炎: 原文的句子很美,所以译文也要力求简洁优美 We met but were strangers to ezch other. 打错了一个字母,应该是: We met but were strangers to each other. 你也可以说: We met only to find we were strangers to each other. 此外,楼上有几个人的答案本身就是错误的,可能是机器翻译的. 我们在追求简洁、优美的同时首先要保证句子是正确的,否则可能会闹出笑话的.

郫县13993431327: 求汉译英翻译,急!谢谢了!
乘童盆炎: Have just embarked on a high school life, is ambitious to do some large business, i have a headache, "the economic base determines the superstructure. always stay of my house to save, but has still very difficult. mom and dad's some sort of thought, that will work out.

郫县13993431327: 求翻译 中译英 求大神 不带有道的 谢谢 -
乘童盆炎: Every day, when you give more than yesterday, your life is one day shorter. (简单明了)

郫县13993431327: 急求!!汉译英...谢了 -
乘童盆炎: 请介绍一下你自己Please have a introduction of yourself. 你为什么选择这个专业?Why do you choose this major?因为PLC这门课程,我对控制方面产生了浓厚的兴趣,所以我选择了这个专业Because of the course PLC, I have strong interest to control , therefore, I chose this major.

郫县13993431327: 急!英语在线求翻译 !翻译一句 带句中文 谢谢了 好人一生平安!我的父母都是下岗的工人,在我很早的时候就做开销售了,一开始卖了一段时间电脑,然后... -
乘童盆炎:[答案] 1楼一看就是用软件翻译的,正确翻译应该是这样,我保证没有多大错误My parents are both laid-off workers,I've been a salesman for a long time,in the beginning ,I sold the computers,then turned to the clothes...

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