
作者&投稿:鱼印 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Once upon a time the fox was talking to the wolf about the strength of man, how no animal could withstand him, and how all were obliged to employ cunning in order to protect themselves from him.

The wolf answered, "If I could see a man just once, I would attack him nonetheless."

"I can help you to do that," said the fox. "Come to me early tomorrow morning, and I will show you one."

The wolf arrived on time, and the fox took him out to the path which the huntsman used every day. First an old discharged soldier came by.

"Is that a man?" asked the wolf.




Tags: 狼和人 中英双语故事 ,

Ji An lived at the time of Emperor Wudi of the Western Han Dynasty (206 B.C.-A.D.24). He was respected for being upright and just and for daring to speak the truth. He did not bother about small matters in personal behavior and in being an official. He was particular about actual effects and, although he did not cause a stir, he could keep the prefecture he governed in perfect order. Because of this, the imperial court transferred him to the central government from being the perfect of the Donghai Prefecture to being a commander in charge of the appointment and dismissal of the local officials.

Tags: 后来居上 英语小故事 ,

My brother-in-law opened the bottom drawer of my sister's bureau and lifted out a tissue-wrapped package. "This", he said, "is not a slip. This is lingerie." He discarded the tissue and handed me the slip.


It was exquisite, silk, handmade and trimmed with a cobweb of lace. The price tag with an astronomical figure on it was still attached.


Tags: 英语故事 珍惜每一天 ,

When someone disagrees with you or offends you, don’t lose your temper.

1.Learning:A Lifelong Career 【学习:一生的事业(学习无止境,只有努力,努力,再努力,才会成功)】
As food is to the body, so is learning to the mind. Our bodies grow and muscles develop with the intake of adequate nutritious food. Likewise, we should keep learning day by day to maintain our keen mental power and expand our intellectual capacity. Constant learning supplies us with inexhaustible fuel for driving us to sharpen our power of reasoning, analysis, and judgment. Learning incessantly is the surest way to keep pace with the times in the information age, and an infallible warrant of success in times of uncertainty.
Once learning stops, vegetation sets in. It is a common fallacy to regard school as the only workshop for the acquisition of knowledge. On the contrary, learning should be a never-ending process, from the cradle to the grave. With the world ever changing so fast, the cease from learning for just a few days will make a person lag behind. What's worse, the animalistic instinct dormant deep in our subconsciousness will come to life, weakening our will to pursue our noble ideal, sapping our determination to sweep away obstacles to our success and strangling our desire for the refinement of our character. Lack of learning will inevitably lead to the stagnation of the mind, or even worse, its fossilization, Therefore, to stay mentally young, we have to take learning as a lifelong career.

2.heavy schoolwork【课业繁重】
In my opinion, the schoolwork now being assigned to high school students is too heavy. While it is true that students need to study, they need other things as well if they are to grow into healthy and well-rounded adults. High school students should be allowed more time for play. Playing is not wasting time, as some think. It gives them physical exercise, and also exercises their imagination. Which tends to be stifled by too much study. Finally, the pressure put on high school students by excessive schoolwork can cause serious stress, which is unhealthy physically and mentally. I do not advocate the elimination of schoolwork. I do think, however, that a reduction of the current heavy load would be beneficial to students and to the society as a whole.

Lost time is never found again. This is something which I learned very clearly last semester. I spent so much time fooling around that my grades began to suffer. I finally realized that something had to be done. It was time for a change.
Now I have a new plan for using my time wisely. I have set my alarm clock ahead half an hour. This will give me a head start on the day. I have also decided to keep a log of what I do and when I do it. Looking back on what I’ve done will give me some ideas on how to reorganize my time.
始退步。最后我终于了解到我必须有所作为;该是痛改前非的时候了。 现在我有一个明智运用时间的新方法。我已将闹钟早拨半小时,这将使我这一天的作息提前开始。我也决定将我所做的一切及做这些事的时间记录下来。回顾我所做的事情会启发我如何重新安排我的时间。
4.Work and Play【工作与娱乐】
Work and play do not contradict each other; in fact, they complement each other. As the saying goes, "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy." A life burdened with work leads you nowhere, for you would get tired and bored with your daily routine work. On the other hand, proper recreation will relieve the tension and discomfort of our monotonous life because it offers you various ways to let out your pent-up emotions.
What I usually do to relax after school is jogging and watching movies. Usually I don't spare time for exercise, but I value the physical education class at school. Jogging several rounds in the field certainly relieves the day's pressure. On weekends, I'll catch the morning movie for my visual enjoyment. I feel revived and energetic for another week's work-load.

5.My first Job【我的第一份工作】
My first job was at a cramming school. It was three years ago when I just graduated from junior high school and finished the entrance examination. since I had nothing to do that summer, I decided to find a job, tasting the joy of independence.
I was responsible for answering the telephone and taking the message. I worked eight hours a day, six days a week. The work was not difficult nor heavy to me and I guess I did well. The most delighted thing was perhaps that I could spend the money I earned all by myself.

6.My Favorite Sports【我最喜爱的运动】
Sports help everyone to keep healthy, happy, and efficient. So I pay special attention to games, especially table-tennis. Table tennis is my favorite game. I play it almost every day.
Table-tennis is an ideal game for us because it brings the whole body into action. It strengthens our muscles, expands our lungs, promotes the circulation of the blood, and causes a healthy action of the skin. Besides, it is very amusing and does not cost us much money. Table-tennis is very moderate; it is not so rough as football. It is an indoor game and can be played even on rainy days. Thus, it is my favorite kind of exercise.
7.Fox and cock【狐狸和公鸡】
One morning a fox saw a cock.He thought,"This is my breakfast.'' He came up to the cock and said,"I know you can sing very well.Can you sing for me?''
The cock was glad.He closes his eyes and began to sing.The fox saw that and caught him in his mouth and carried him away.
The people in the field saw the fox.They cried,"Look,look!The fox is carrying the cock away.''
The cock said to the fox,"Mr Fox,do you understand?The people say you are carrying their cock away.Tell them it is yours.Not theirs.''
The fox opened his mouth and said,"The cock is mine,not yours.''Just then the cock ran away from the fox and fled into the tree.

8.The City Mouse and the Country Mouse【城里老鼠和乡下老鼠】 Once there were two mice. They were friends. One mouse lived in the country; the other mouse lived in the city. After many years the Country mouse saw the City mouse; he said, "Do come and see me at my house in the country." So the City mouse went. The City mouse said, "This food is not good, and your house is not good. Why do you live in a hole in the field? You should come and live in the city. You would live in a nice house made of stone. You would have nice food to eat. You must come and see me at my house in the city." The Country mouse went to the house of the City mouse. It was a very good house. Nice food was set ready for them to eat. But just as they began to eat they heard a great noise. The City mouse cried, " Run! Run! The cat is coming!" They ran away quickly and hid. After some time they came out. When they came out, the Country mouse said, "I do not like living in the city. I like living in my hole in the field. For it is nicer to be poor and happy, than to be rich and afraid."
从前,有两只老鼠,它们是好朋友。一只老鼠居住在乡村,另一只住在城里。很多年以后,乡下老鼠碰到城里老鼠,它说:“你一定要来我乡下的家看看。”于是,城里老鼠就去了。乡下老鼠领着它到了一块田地上它自己的家里。它把所有最精美食物都找出来给城里老鼠。城里老鼠说:“这东西不好吃,你的家也不好,你为什么住在田野的地洞里呢?你应该搬到城里去住,你能住上用石头造的漂亮房子,还会吃上美味佳肴,你应该到我城里的家看看。” 乡下老鼠就到城里老鼠的家去。房子十分漂亮,好吃的东西也为他们摆好了。可是正当他们要开始吃的时候,听见很大的一阵响声,城里的老鼠叫喊起来:“快跑!快跑!猫来了!”他们飞快地跑开躲藏起来。

My Hobby
Everyone has own hobbies,i also have that is play computers.If i have time,I must play computer at home.So i know a lot from computer.I think computer not only give me joys but also let me know many things.
My Hobby
I can play basketball very well and playing basketball is my hobby.Because playing basketball is interesting.
My hobby
Different people have different hobbies.Such as collecting stamps,singing,dancing,playing basketball and so on.But my hobby is drawing pictures.I draw pictures as well as my friends. I draw them after school.As a result,I won the first prize!
Do you share my interest!

I like reading books very much, because there are lots of interesting things in them.
Two years ago, I didn't like reading very much. I had plenty of time, but I spent lots of time on playing with computers. When I was very young, I didn't think reading book was interesting, because I found nothing more interesting than the computer games.
I've changed now. I enjoy reading novels, because there're lots of interesting stories. I love to read Harry Potter. That's a good novel. I know that it is one of the best-sellers in England. I'm always lose myself in the interesting stories.
I hate the words like "to be continued" in a novel. That makes me very sad, because I don't know the end of the story. I also hate the words like "the end", because I want to read more. Some of my friends think that I'm strange.
Maybe you can find the interesting things in a book, so don't waste your time in the computers any more. If you read very much, you抣l get lots of knowledge.

We have only one earth ,so it is important to protect the environment. First, we should live a low-carbon life, we'd better travel by bike or on foot instead of taking a car. We should take a bag with us when we go shopping instead of using plastic bags. We'd better not waste electricity,paper and so on. Secondly, we shouldn't spit in public or litter things. We should put the rubbish into the dustbin. We'd better plant more trees, grass and flowers instead of cutting down the trees. I believe if everyone makes a contribution to the environment, our world will become more and more beautiful.

My Hobby
Everyone has own hobbies,i also have that is play computers.If i have time,I must play computer at home.So i know a lot from computer.I think computer not only give me joys but also let me know many things.
My Hobby
I can play basketball very well and playing basketball is my hobby.Because playing basketball is interesting.
My hobby
Different people have different hobbies.Such as collecting stamps,singing,dancing,playing basketball and so on.But my hobby is drawing pictures.I draw pictures as well as my friends. I draw them after school.As a result,I won the first prize!
Do you share my interest!

I like reading books very much, because there are lots of interesting things in them.
Two years ago, I didn't like reading very much. I had plenty of time, but I spent lots of time on playing with computers. When I was very young, I didn't think reading book was interesting, because I found nothing more interesting than the computer games.
I've changed now. I enjoy reading novels, because there're lots of interesting stories. I love to read Harry Potter. That's a good novel. I know that it is one of the best-sellers in England. I'm always lose myself in the interesting stories.
I hate the words like "to be continued" in a novel. That makes me very sad, because I don't know the end of the story. I also hate the words like "the end", because I want to read more. Some of my friends think that I'm strange.
Maybe you can find the interesting things in a book, so don't waste your time in the computers any more. If you read very much, you抣l get lots of knowledge.

Everyone has some hobbies.Different people has different hobby.Hobbies can make you grow as a person,develop you interests and keep you healthy,such as reading,collecting stamps,playing basketball,mountain biking,growing vegetables and so on. My hobby is reading.I often read books before go to bed, because I hardly go to bed without reading.I think reading helps me learn much knowledge and know a new the world.I'm also interested in playing basketball.I play basketball so well that I join school team.I often play basketball after school with my friends.Although it's tired to play basketball, I enjoy myself. It also brings me success and keep me healthy. But we shouldn't spend all our time on our favourite hobbies, because there are many other interesting things to do in life,and we should try to do something new or different.


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happy english手抄报
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每天都坚持学英语很重要。但是,也不要太夸张了!每天学习30分钟比一周学习两个小时效果更好。短暂的、定期的练习比起不定期的长时间学习效果更好。每天坚持学习英语的习惯可以使你大脑中储存的英语知识保持在活跃的状态。2.Review Grammar as Your Watch or Read回顾你观看或阅读过的语法知识 Give ...

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初一英语手抄报内容 内容为个人爱好的介绍
Everyone has own hobbies,i also have that is play computers.If i have time,I must play computer at home.So i know a lot from computer.I think computer not only give me joys but also let me know many things.翻译;每个人都有自己的业余爱好,我也有那就是玩电脑,只要我一有时间...

以下内容可以参考,相信,你一定可以出一份优秀的英语手抄报:1.英语寓言 2.故事 3.名言 4.学生的学习心得(可从同学的英语作文中挑选...)5.学生的优秀作文(内容体裁不限,不要有病句,预先让老师审定一下!)6.生活用语(情景对话:包括天气、打电话、看病、吃饭、游玩...等,每期只需按一个...

内江市15725011001: 初一英语手抄报内容 -
从洪西吡: My Hobby Everyone has own hobbies,i also have that is play computers.If i have time,I must play computer at home.So i know a lot from computer.I think computer not only give me joys but also let me know many things. 翻译;每个人都有自己的业...

内江市15725011001: 初一英语手抄报的内容 -
从洪西吡: 很简单,这个范围很广. 你可以构思几个板块,像 1、英语的美文(作文) 2、英语好词句 3、英语的小幽默小笑话 4、英语小故事 *5、英语名人名言 时事英语版,如现在的十一国庆的英语介绍、世博会的英语......这块比较重要,“时效性”!用彩色铅笔或水彩笔绘制点漂亮的图案,边框,用笔把字工工整整的写上去,这样你的手抄报一定很棒,祝你成功!

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从洪西吡:[答案] 可以讲关于学校的 Our shool When you walk throught the front gate,there is a huge garden that greets you with every kind of ... stands the teaching building that stretches for one hundred and fifty meters.This teaching building has four floors with the ...

内江市15725011001: 初一英语手抄报内容内容为个人爱好的介绍 -
从洪西吡:[答案] My Hobby Everyone has own hobbies,i also have that is play computers.If i have time,I must play computer at home.So i ... love to read Harry Potter.That's a good novel.I know that it is one of the best-sellers in England.I'm always lose myself in the ...

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从洪西吡:[答案] 有关和平或习俗的英语手抄报资料 Rush Swallows may have gone,but there is a time of return; willow trees may have died back,but there is a time of regreening; peach blossoms may have fallen,but they will bloom again.Now,you the wise,tell me,why ...

内江市15725011001: 求初一英语手抄报A3A4各一张内容为英语的故事或笑话 -
从洪西吡:[答案] Part-time JobWhen my son was a hign-school sophomore,he got a part-time job sacking groceries at a supermarket.He came home all smiles."How was your first day?" I asked."It was great,Dad," he replied....

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从洪西吡: 资料Campus Life Early in senior high school, we longed to be enrolled in a university. Now the dream has come true. But how do we college students like our campus life? Certainly, some relish it, finding it colorful and rewarding. Besides study, they ...

内江市15725011001: 初一以〈我理想的……〉为主题的英语手抄报 -
从洪西吡:[答案] My ideal jobMy ideal is to become a scientist.I will work in the research for flying in the cosmos after i grow up.I hope to help China to realize debarking on the Mars.You know, it's the dream of the...

内江市15725011001: 初一英语手抄报些什么好?
从洪西吡: 可以摘录一些英语文章,这里有一篇你可以参考.Reach for rainbows By Collin MccartyIf you don't ever take chances, You won't reach the rainbows.. If you don't ever search,, You'll never be able to find. If you don't attempt to get over ...

内江市15725011001: 有七年级上册英语手抄报内容 急急急 -
从洪西吡: one disire given to me, aha. I'll sloa down the time. let the af laller white hair on the head.

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