
作者&投稿:徐明 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ National Day is the birthday of the motherland. There will be many holidays on this day. This is the time for us to celebrate our national birthday. An important day, on October 1st. Generally, everyone is resting at this time

学员写的国庆节作业100字参考:A visit to Beijing On Oct 1st, the National Day of China this year, dad, mom and I went to Beijing on a package tour arranged by the travel agency. I was so happy because it’s the first time that I visit the Great Wall. The。还有其他什么...

National Day has a history of more than 70 years in China.国庆节(英文名:National Day)是由一个国家制定并用来纪念国家本身的法定节日,它们通常是这个国家的独立、宪法的签署、元首诞辰或其他有重大纪念意义的周年纪念日。中国的日期为每年公历的10月1日。 国庆日,各国都要举行不同形式的庆祝...

拉丁文 aperire 即张开、开放(英文 aperture 是孔,张开的地方)。四月份是大百花盛开的时节,所以叫作 April 。五月是万物生长的好时节,主管生长的是大地女神 Maia ,纪念她的庆节在五月举行。所以五月叫作 May 。另一个传说称五月是纪念众神中地们最高的 Jupiter 的。 Jupiter 比其他天神都要大,...

- 英文:Niulang and Zhinv are a married couple with children; the message of the Qixi Festival is that those who wish to love each other for a long time should be loyal to their love.

中国的传统节日 (英语)
我要全英语的,最好给一点解释.一定要正确哦!(我要做小报,多多益善.)解释要中文的.最好是小短文(英语)的.不要一句句子就结束的... 我要全英语的,最好给一点解释.一定要正确哦!(我要做小报,多多益善.)解释要中文的.最好是小短文(英语)的.不要一句句子就结束的. 展开 4个回答 #热议# 你发朋友圈会...

中国传统节日 人日亦称“人胜节”、“人庆节”、“人口日”、“人七日”等,指阴历正月初七。古代相传农历正月初xxx为鸡日,初二为狗日,初三为猪日,初四为羊日,初五为牛日,初六为马日,初七为人日。汉xxx,人日逐渐从单xxx的占卜活动,发展成为包括庆祝、祭祀等活动内容的节日。到了唐代,中国民间仍...

人日,亦称人节、人庆节、人口日或人七日,是中国传统的农历节日,每年的正月初七庆祝。以下是对人日节的来由及风俗的整理和润色。1. 来由 传说在古时候,人和动物都有各自的生日。鸡、狗、猪、羊、牛、马分别在正月初一、初二、初三、初四、初五、初六出生,而人则在初七诞生。女娲在创造这些生物后,...

英文:Lantern Festival 释义 又称“上元节”,即阴历正月十五日。是我国一个重要的传统节日。在古书中,这一天称为“上元”,其夜称“元夜”、“元夕”或“元宵”。元宵这一名称一直沿用至今。 习俗 由于元宵有张灯、看灯的习俗,民间又习称为“灯节”。此外还有吃元宵、踩高跷、猜灯谜等风俗。 演变 我国古代历法...

世界各国的情人节习俗 情人节习俗 各国的情人节习俗 情人节 - 2月14日西方情人节 情人节(英语:Valentine's Day),情人节的起源有多个版本,其中一个说法是在公元三世纪,古罗马暴君为了征召更多士兵,禁止婚礼,一名叫瓦伦丁Valentine的修士不理禁令,秘密替人主持婚礼,结果被收监,最后处死。而他死的那天就是2月14日,...


容城县18275554916: 用五句话介绍国庆节,英语的 -
师成醒脑: National Day ", this refers to the national festival, the first in the western jin dynasty. Western jin dynasty writer found that in the context of "the theory of five governors such as" has a "National Day alone serenading the benefits, the main worry ...

容城县18275554916: 用英语介绍国庆节!!!!!^^^^^^ -
师成醒脑: Happy National Day It is known to everyone:Oct,1st is our National Day.At this day I went to street and saw something.Now I will tell you! At 8:00 I got up and went bus station with my mother .O my god there were so many people!With difficult we got ...

容城县18275554916: 关于国庆节的英语介绍 -
师成醒脑: National Day is the symbol of china, It is on October 1, 1949, the anniversary of the new China was founded.Reflect the country's constitution and form of government. Since 1950, every October 1, will become the people of all ethnic groups grand ...

容城县18275554916: 用英语介绍国庆节6句六年级 -
师成醒脑: national day is coming,and we can have a seven-day.my family are going to hainan.it's a good seaside city.we are staying there for a week. we are going to the beach and going swimming in the sea.we're visiting tianya haijiao,wanquan river and ...

容城县18275554916: 请写出关于国庆节的英语短文(两篇) -
师成醒脑:[答案] 国庆,一些内容参考了:Today is National Day.We have no classes.In the morning,I went to the People's Park with my mother.We had a good time.In the afternoon,I helped my parents to cook supper.I had a b...

容城县18275554916: 介绍国庆节的英语作文 -
师成醒脑: National Day is coming,in order to spend it meaningfully,I have made a plan for it.I'll have a 8-day holiday for the Nation Day,so first of all,for the first two days,I would like to stay at home to have a good rest,getting enough sleep.For I am very tired due ...

容城县18275554916: 国庆英语作文 50字12简单并带翻译 -
师成醒脑:[答案] The National Day,is a important festival in China.We will fly five Stars flag in the first day in Tian'anmen Square.And we also ... 国庆节是一个很重要的中国传统节日.我们要在天安门广场上升国旗,唱国歌.我们有七天的假期!我们可以和自己的家人呆在...

容城县18275554916: 用英语介绍国庆节 -
师成醒脑: National Day The year is the annual National Day on October 1, the birthday of our great motherland. Along with ups and downs, it's been 55 years of our mothers, this day, th...

容城县18275554916: 用英语介绍国庆节,要中英对照.还有国外的国庆节简介,也要有中文要快呀.短一点. -
师成醒脑:[答案] National DayThe year is the annual National Day on October 1,the birthday of our great motherland.Along with ups and downs,it's been 55 years of our mothers,this day,this nation will celebrate the fes...

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