provide sb with sth和provide sth for sth什么意思

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provide for和provide with的区别是什么~


1、I provide him with all his rights.
2、We should provide some help for them.
3、Therefore, you have to provide an element for this operation.


provide sth for sb 为某人提供某物,提供什么东西给某人,提供某人某物。

provide sb with sth / provide sth for sb 向某人提供某物。


Our parents are willing to provide money and food for us students so that we can study better。

=Our parents are willing to provide us students with money and food so that we can study better。


provide 这个词在《朗文当代高级英语辞典》(1998)中是这样解释的:

provide: [provide+obj+with] to cause or arrange for (someone) to have or use (something needed or useful); supply. 其提供的例句为:These letters should provide us with all the information we need。

而provide sb sth,也是有相关使用的。


provide sth for sb  为某人提供某物;提供什么东西给某人;提供某人某物

provide sb with sth / provide sth for sb  向某人提供某物。


1、Our parents  are willing to provide money and food for us students so that we can study better.

=Our parents  are willing to provide us students with money and food so that we can study better.


2、Can you provide some food for the poor guy.

Can you provide the poor guy with some food.




provide sth for sb 把..提供给某人

provide sb with sth 向某人提供某物

provide with sth 为...装备(东西), 为...提供(东西)

provide for sb 赡养, 提供生计

provide for 为…提供必要条件,为…做好准备,规定

provide with 给...提供 以...装备

provide ... for ... 向…提供…

be much obliged to sb for sth 因为(某事)非常感激(某人)

be offended with sb for sth 对(某人)因(某事)而生气

beg sb to do sth 请求(某人)做(某事)


provide v.[T] 1.供给,供应;提供,给予 2.(决定、法律等)规定,订定 3.准备好,预先准备 4.【史】【宗】任命...就有俸神职;(教皇)委任...为现任有俸神职者的继承人 v.[I]

sth n. 1.somatotropic(growth) hormone生长激素 2.something的缩写

STH 【医】 生长激素

Sb =Sales Book 售货簿

SB abbr. (= Sales Book) 售货簿

sb abbr. 1. (= Sales Book) 售货簿 2. (= somebody) 某人,某个人 3. 恶意侮辱性词语,意思是很傻很傻的人

sth. abbr. something

stibium(Sb) 锑

sb. 【缩写】 1.=somebody 2.=substantive

Sb 58 【医】 锑五八(治疗血吸虫病药)

provide sth for sb 为某人提供某物;提供什么东西给某人;提供某人某物
provide sb with sth / provide sth for sb 向某人提供某物。例如:
Our parents are willing to provide money and food for us students so that we can study better.
=Our parents are willing to provide us students with money and food so that we can study better.
祝你学习进步,时时开心 !O(∩_∩)O~~

provide sb with sth和provide sth for sth意思相同,provide sth for sb  为某人提供某物;提供什么东西给某人;提供某人某物。
provide sb with sth / provide sth for sb  向某人提供某物。


provide sb with sth

1、resources through the PartnerWorld Industry Networks. 


2、The owner of each end point decides how much optional information to provide with the endpoint URL. 


3、Instantly, they provide with the encouragement and boost my motivation. 


4、Provide them with additional background or with supplementary information. 


provide sth for sth

1、Elaine wouldn't let him provide for her 


2、James had provided for just such an emergency. 


3、The bill provides for the automatic review of all death sentences. 


4、Her father always ensured she was well provided for. 


provide sth for sb 为某人提供某物;提供什么东西给某人;提供某人某物
provide sb with sth / provide sth for sb 向某人提供某物。
provide sth for sb 为某人提供某物;提供什么东西给某人;提供某人某物
provide sb with sth / provide sth for sb 向某人提供某物。例如:
Our parents are willing to provide money and food for us students so that we can study better.
=Our parents are willing to provide us students with money and food so that we can study better.

繁峙县13675795524: provide sb with sth和provide sth for sth什么意思 -
盖砍奥普: 这两个汉语意思相同,不同之处在于宾语不同. provide sth for sb 为某人提供某物;提供什么东西给某人;提供某人某物 provide sb with sth / provide sth for sb 向某人提供某物. 例如: 1、Our parents are willing to provide money and food for us ...

繁峙县13675795524: provide sb with l例句加翻译 -
盖砍奥普:[答案] 给某人提供某物 She provides me with some food. 她给我提供些食物.

繁峙县13675795524: provide sb.with sth.和provide sb.sth.都对吗? -
盖砍奥普: 都是可以的,但加with的用的多些. provide 这个词在《朗文当代高级英语辞典》(1998)中是这样解释的.provide: [provide+obj+with] to cause or arrange for (someone) to have or use (something needed or useful); supply. 其提供的例句为:These letters should provide us with all the information we need. 而provide sb sth.也是有相关使用的.所以也对.

繁峙县13675795524: provide sb with sth和provide sb for sth两个都对吗?区别是什么? -
盖砍奥普:[答案] 不对 provide sb with sth=provide sth for sb 为某人提供什么 我是一英语老师,绝对正确

繁峙县13675795524: 提供某物给某人 用英语怎样说 -
盖砍奥普:[答案] provide sb with sth=provide sth for sb. 记不太清了

繁峙县13675795524: provide sb with sth 和 provide sb sth 都对吗 -
盖砍奥普:[答案] provide sb with sth 是正确的介宾结构,而 provide sb sth 就不是. 另一种介宾结构是 provide sth for sb ,相当于provide sb with sth.如: We've provided them with a lot of medical aid. We've been providing an incredible number of financial ...

繁峙县13675795524: 存在 provide sb. sth. 吗 -
盖砍奥普: nihao.规范的英语中没有这样的表达.正确的表达是1 provide sb. with sth.2 provide sth for sth 都等于offer sth to sb. offer sb. sth.

繁峙县13675795524: provide sb sth有这个用法吗? -
盖砍奥普: provide sb with sth 是正确的介宾结构,而 provide sb sth 就不是. 另一种介宾结构是 provide sth for sb ,相当于provide sb with sth.如: We've provided them with a lot of medical aid. We've been providing an incredible number of financial assistance for them.

繁峙县13675795524: provide sb with sth和provide sth for -
盖砍奥普:[答案] 这两个汉语意思相同,不同之处在于【宾语不同】: provide sth for sb 为某人提供某物;提供什么东西给某人;提供某人某物 provide sb with sth / provide sth for sb 向某人提供某物.例如: Our parents are willing to provide money and food for us ...

繁峙县13675795524: provide sb with sth 怎么造句23e4 -
盖砍奥普: Can you provide me with some hot water?

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