
作者&投稿:歧命 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

The emotion fades with the time flies;the two who promised another to live or die together,do not contact each other till the death;time is a thief,who stolen many things unconsciously,such as beauty,real emotion,happiness;we should not fight with each other even we may could not ignore another one;we should had prepared to be robbed by time when we owned the happiness;

Different countries and people have different customs and traditions. It is wrong to ignore these people.

1,the reason that I call you is to let you arrange a (验货) to that factory for QC
2We are not welcomed here,so we don't want to stay here
3the Chairman puts on a notice,it reads that"due to the worring satuation from our company's setting up,we have decided to delete the "sample room"

1. The reason I called you is that I want you to arrange QC to check the good in a factory named ***2. I am at a discount here, so I just want to get out of here.3. The chairman of the board put up an announcement, which says "the company has been going down the drain since it was established, so the sample rooms are going to be removed", and he decide to overpay a month's salary to each of the staff.

1.The reason i called is that i want you to arrange QC to go to a ***factory to inspect goods
2.We are not welcomed here,so we wouldn't like to stay here any more.
3.The board chairman posted a notice,which read:" Since the company came into existence,the situation is falling down rapidlY,so they decided to remove the sample showroom and decided to pay each worker salary of one more month.

1 The reason that I called you is that I want you to arrange Qc to
go to a factory called *** to check the goods
2 we are not welcome here, so we don't want to stay here
3 the chairman sticked a notice, it said"since the company was
founded,the situation has been going down everyday,so I decided to
remove the sample room",he also decided to pay one month more to
every worker

thx。因为这里的x的发音类似thanks的尾音,更接近原词。thanks:英[θæŋks](表示感激) 感谢,谢谢; (接受好意) 好的; (婉言谢绝) 不用了;1、Thanks to that job I became an avid reader 多亏了那份工作我才成了一个喜欢阅读的人。2、I have given thanks to God for ...

在通信的世界里,TKS是一个熟知的缩写,全称为"Thanks",最初源于业余无线电通信,并且被国际上广泛采用作为摩尔斯电码的简写。然而,随着技术的发展,它的应用范围已经超越了这个领域。在网络语言交流中,THX同样被用来表达感谢之意,尽管相较于TKS,它的使用频率可能稍低一些。值得注意的是,TY(Thank ...

THX是什么意思, TKS什么意思
THX和TKS的区别在于它们代表的含义不同。THX是“Thank You”的缩写,通常用于表示感谢或道歉。而TKS则是指“Thank Kind”的缩写,表示感谢和善良的意思。在日常生活中,我们可以通过使用THX和TKS来表达自己的感激之情,传递友善和温暖。THX和TKS的使用场合也有所不同。THX通常用于...

谢谢 的英文是: thank you 或者 thanks.

1. THX是"thanks"的缩写形式,常用于表达感谢之意。2. TKS和THX都是表示感谢的缩写,但TKS的使用并不像THX普遍。3. 有些人使用"TY"来表示"Thank you",但在英语中,"TKS"并不是标准的表达方式。4. 真正的英语母语者更倾向于使用"THX"或"THKS"来表达感谢,而不太常用"TY"。5. "Thank you"...

cfm: 是“确认”单词comfirm的缩写。yr:是“你的”单词your的缩写。C.V是:a summary of your academic and work history,即:工作简历\/工作经验的缩写。tks:是谢谢 Thanks的缩写。g.m: 我想不起来。asap:as soon as possible 的缩写。翻译:亲爱的李小姐:我们确认已收到您的工作简历,我们的...

TKS、thx。thank,英语单词,主要用作为动词、名词、感叹词,作动词时意为“感谢”,作名词时意为“感谢”,作感叹词时意为“谢谢”。短语搭配:Thank you 谢谢 ; 谢谢你 ; 感谢你 ; 神奇视觉倒影杯。双语例句:1、No, that should be it. Thank you.没有,应该就这样了。谢谢你。2、Yes, I ...

1. THX是"thanks"的缩写形式,常用于快捷的感谢表达。2. TKS和THX都是表示感谢的缩写,但TKS的使用并不像THX普遍。3. TY也是"Thank you"的缩写,但在英语中不如THX和THKS常见。4. TKS虽然被一些人在中文环境中使用,但它并不符合英语的习惯用法。5. 真正的英语母语者通常使用THX或THKS来表达感谢...

在外资企业中,英语的使用频率极高,以下是一些常见词汇和表达方式的简要介绍:1. RGDS: 表示“敬意”,类似于“Best regards”。2. TKS: 是“Thanks”的缩写,表示感谢。3. ASAP: 紧急状态下的“尽快”或“立即执行”。4. BTW: 用作插入语,意为“顺便说一下”。5. FW: 有时用于转发邮件,...

正确答案是thx。thx是thanks的缩写,在表达感谢的情境中常用,是国际通用的简洁表达方式;tks可能是某种特定语境下的表达,但在标准英语中并不常见。因此,thx相较于tks更为准确。以下是 1. 关于thx:在现代网络语境中,thx是thanks的缩写,是一种简洁的表达感谢的方式。这种用法在国际交流中尤为常见,...

伊金霍洛旗13051995230: 翻译一句英语,TKS! -
郴背丰原: Due to the lack of accessories, the box could not be fully loaded. As such, the box cannot take any weight on top. When loading and unloading, please make sure that this box is at the top at all times so that it would not be crushed.

伊金霍洛旗13051995230: 你可以不喜欢我,但是你不可以阻止我不喜欢你 -
郴背丰原: hiYou may not like me, but you may not prevent me from liking you.或者You may not like me, but you may not stop me liking you.tks

伊金霍洛旗13051995230: 英语翻译经理发英文邮件鼓励员工,并道TKS!请问我应该怎么回复.不用谢,这是我的职责.怎么翻译,不用谢缩写是啥? -
郴背丰原:[答案] 不用谢,这是我的职责.怎么翻译,不用谢缩写是啥. my pleasure,sir, it' my duty! 不用谢没有固定的表达,所以也没有缩写形式. 看语境不同用不同的表达. 像 you're welcome. 普通关系的 像 that's ok. 陌生或普通的. 像 my pleasre. 可以是对客户或上级的.

伊金霍洛旗13051995230: 英语翻译(中文)(谢绝在线翻译机器) -
郴背丰原: 1.at lunch or during a break 在午饭或是休息的时候 2.down by the lake 在湖的下游/沿着湖向下游的方向走

伊金霍洛旗13051995230: 英语翻译谢绝机译很高兴认识你.谢谢你的提醒.我的客人也已经通知我们,让我们特别注意货物的包装.我会很慎重的转告我的同事,请他们务必注意包装的事情. -
郴背丰原:[答案] Nice to meet you.Thank you for your advice.My customer had already informed us to pay special attention to the packing of the goods.I will pass this issue to our colleagues and make sure they take car...

伊金霍洛旗13051995230: 人工翻译一段话,翻译成英文,拒绝机翻译 -
郴背丰原: Hello, 2 12 - February 20】 【7 days holiday is Chinese New Year holidays, Chinese New Year post office do not work, EMS messages are subject to different delays. Buyers want to be able to actively cooperate with the patience to wait, February ...

伊金霍洛旗13051995230: 急!好心人帮忙翻译一下,汉译英,谢绝机译 -
郴背丰原: This is the delivery charge you already paid. We have sent u the bell before that. The attachment is the invoice for the customs. We have shipped out the original copy with the shipment together. 请副查,如果是紧急文件

伊金霍洛旗13051995230: 速度翻译……谢绝机译
郴背丰原: 1 Having not heard from my daughter 2 in case of fire 3 opposite to its publicity 4 interfere with business/career

伊金霍洛旗13051995230: 商务英语句子翻译,谢绝机译! -
郴背丰原: We can not perform the special requests about packaging items you have sent to us on January 12th.

伊金霍洛旗13051995230: 英文翻译,谢绝机译. -
郴背丰原: (This paper)studies the theory of skin color detection and confirms a skin color detection method that suits majority of the people.It also proposes the method of geometric characteristics detection as a remedy to make up for the inadequacies of skin ...

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