I alway recall the day in you campang with a heart full of thankfulness,求句式分析,要详细。

作者&投稿:凤友 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
I recall the days we stayed together. In my dreams i still with you. 什么意思~



in you campang 是一个地点状语
with a heart full of thankfulness with引导的介词短语补充说明也是状语。
I alway recall the day剩下的这里面 I 是主语 recall是谓语动词 the day是宾语

六安市13695743007: 玫瑰花的葬礼英文版 -
应到莱阳: 玫瑰花的葬礼 - 英文版(原创词)The Rose' s Funeral制作、作词:Yyleaving you with long long timeI'm returned hereto found our loved evidenceNobody was willing to raised rose pasttoday the theme was called recallI known the love do...

六安市13695743007: 高中英语改错题When leaving alone ,I always recall this sadness -
应到莱阳: leaving主动的,表示离开;但这里的意思是“(被)单独留下”的意思,所以,用left表示被动.相当于 When I am left alone, I always recall this sadness.leave sb alone让某人单独 如:Leave me alone. 别理我(让我一个人单独)

六安市13695743007: 当我遇到困难的时候我总是想起老师的教导 翻译成英语是什么? -
应到莱阳: I always recall teachers' education and guidence when I come across hardship.

六安市13695743007: i don't recall ever meeting him .其中的 recall doing结构 是复合宾语结构吗?可觉得不像 到底是什么? -
应到莱阳:[答案] 不是复合宾语,recall doing =remember doing .v-ing 形式做了宾语.

六安市13695743007: 会一直回忆我认为最幸福的时光.英语怎么翻译?
应到莱阳: 答:Will always recall I think the most happy time.

六安市13695743007: 当我遇到困难时老师总是要求我要有耐心用英语怎么说完毕 -
应到莱阳: When I have difficulties, the teacher always asks me to be patient

六安市13695743007: 我爱你如从前 英文怎么说 -
应到莱阳: I love you as before

六安市13695743007: “我一直看好你”用英文怎么说?谢谢啦!!! -
应到莱阳: I always be proud of you.看好 是中国人的说法.中国人讲看好,其实不单单指对你有信心.更多的意思是为你感到骄傲.所以,应该用 be proud of 更贴切.

六安市13695743007: 问个很疑惑的英语选择、、 I cannot recall ( ) rudely.All my classmates and teachers have always treated me kindly. -
应到莱阳:[选项] A. ever to be spoken B. ever having spoken to C. ever being spoken to D. ever to have been spoken to

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