hone in on the vibration是什么意思

作者&投稿:牛承 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
hone in on这个词组是什么意思呀,能不能来个句子~

hone in on是不太准确的用法,正确的用法是home in on

例如Scientists have homed / honed in on the secrets of a longer life by studying thousands of pensioners who lived to their 90s and beyond.

in the home

1. 在家中

Your washing machine produces more vibration than any otherappliance in the home.

如有不懂,请追问。 谢谢!

hone in on 曾经是不准确的用法,正确的用法是 home in on
(见 http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=hone+in)
短语原意是 "锁定目标","进一步调查",
可是近来这个错误被很多人重复,甚至于 “被接受”(比如小布什总统1980年竞选时就用过这句短句: “honing in on the issues”)。
鉴于这个解释,hone in on the vibration 可译为 “仔细调查(东西或事件)的震动(或摇动)”。
句子是指什么东西/事件呢? 要看上下文。


句容市18676094584: hone in on the vibration是什么意思 -
张澜双可: hone in on 曾经是不准确的用法,正确的用法是 home in on (见 http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=hone+in) 短语原意是 "锁定目标","进一步调查",可是近来这个错误被很多人重复,甚至于 “被接受”(比如小布什总统1980年竞选时就用过这句短句: “honing in on the issues”).鉴于这个解释,hone in on the vibration 可译为 “仔细调查(东西或事件)的震动(或摇动)”.句子是指什么东西/事件呢? 要看上下文.

句容市18676094584: 在床上,英语怎么写? -
张澜双可: 在床上的英文:In bed. bed 读法 英 [bed] 美 [bɛd] n. 床;基础;河底, 海底vt. 使睡觉;安置,嵌入;栽种 vi. 上床;分层 示例:Between the white limestone and the greyish pink limestone is a thin bed of clay. 在白色石灰石和粉灰色石灰石...

句容市18676094584: in the snow还是on the snow,in the grass还是on the grass -
张澜双可: 有区别,请参考下面的例子:1、in the snow和on the snow He squashed home on the snow ground.他咯吱咯吱地踏着雪走回了家.They discovered suspicious footprints in the snow.他们在雪地上发现了可疑的足迹.2、in the grass和on the grass Sally saw a snake in the grass.莎丽在草丛中看见一条蛇.Better not walk on the grass.最好不要在草地上行走.

句容市18676094584: 英语十大词性 -
张澜双可: adj. / a. 形容词 adv. / ad. 副词 prep. 介词 conj. 连词 num. 数词 int. 感叹词 vt. 及物动词(后面要加宾语) vi. 不及物动词(后面不加宾语) n. 名词 pron. 代词

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张澜双可: with the light on 例句: I'm home now, in bed with the light on. 现在我回到家里,开着灯坐在床上. 解析:with表示一种状态,light on就是灯打开的状态,连起来就是开着灯. light的用法 1、释义 n. 光;光线;灯;打火机;领悟;浅色;天窗 adj. ...

句容市18676094584: 关于英语单词"wash"的用法和有关的短语 -
张澜双可: wash [wɔʃ, wɔ:ʃ]n. 洗涤;洗的衣服;化妆水;冲积物 vt. 洗涤;洗刷;冲走;拍打 vi. 洗澡;被冲蚀wash [wɔʃ; wɔ:ʃ] vt. 1. 洗,洗涤,洗濯: 例句: to wash oneself 洗澡 2. 使受洗礼;使(灵魂、思想等)纯洁;使道德上净化 3. 弄湿,...

句容市18676094584: 哪些动词只能做及物动词? -
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句容市18676094584: 2010初三试题VI.Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子):(共8分) 57.What is the... -
张澜双可:[答案] 为你解答.57. What is the (traditional,传统的) food for the Christmas? 58. What do you think of his (speech,发言) at the meeting? 59. How tall is Mrs Black? Is she of average (height,高度) ? 60. ...

句容市18676094584: Jim's home is on the - _ - (twelve) floor -
张澜双可:[答案] twelfth

句容市18676094584: 急,请问I listen to the music这里的to the music是状语吗,还是VI+介词+宾语,那么I stay at home -
张澜双可: listen是动词,to是介词,二者组成动词短语,the music是宾语 I 是主语,stay 是谓语,at home是地点状语.

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