
作者&投稿:逮褚 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
教师节英文作文 教师节英文作文~


National Teacher Day is always the Tuesday of the first full week of May. And it is always for our students to give our special thanks to our lovely teacher.

I still remember last year when I was feeling lost,down and out,I had no idea about about my life,my love,my study even doubt why I was here in the world.So then came so much wine ang smoke,I was tired,physical and mental.I even wanted to end my life just jumping from the top of our buliding.

Then my teacher came to me, she said she knew what I was afraid of, she aslo told me that's very common like many yong people of my age. She told me to call her anytime I need her help.I did so ,we often chat ems and made some phone call.I just can't remember when come the mirical.I have found myself now!!!

Another teacher's day,to all the teachers,to our parents.

A great teacher like you! Have a wonderful school year!
Have a great year in school! 祝您学期愉快!
For all the great things you say and do…
The best teacher’s award goes to you.
As another school term approaches…
wish your days turn our to be as great as you make ours.
You are the best. 您是最棒的老师
Your guidance makes me go far and do things differently.
Sending flowers to my teacher. 送一束花给我的老师
Your lessons are still the one that helps me.
Your words are still fresh and warm.
You’ve swayed my life so deeply.
You’re still my best teacher.
Far across the miles, sending you wishes of love
and peace on Teacher’s Day.
A sweet and lovely gift to my favorite teacher.
You are a special person in our life.
We all love you, Sir!
To Sir, With Love 老师,我们敬爱您
It’s your day, Teacher. Have a great day! 老师,这是属於您的日子,祝您愉快
The best way to learn is to learn from the best. 名师出高徒
Five starts for my best teacher. 老师,颁给你五颗星的奖( 最佳老师)
Thanks for being such a great teacher.
Happy Teacher’s Day.
Wishing you a happy Teacher’s Day. 祝您有个愉快的教师节
Thanks for being an inspiring teacher.
Hearty wishes on Teacher’s Day.
You taught me to aim for success and to accept failure with courage.
Happy Teacher’s Day.
Warm thoughts of love and regards to our loving teachers.
I want to be like you, when I grow up. 我长大也要像你一样
Your guidance makes us to achieve what we have dreamt for.
Thank you for being my teacher.
Sending great love to the greatest teacher of the world.

This is Teachers‘ Day and a time to be grateful to all teachers. This profession deserves the special recognition and respect. There is no more appropriate time than this to honour you and others in your chosen field. You have my eternal gratefulness. Have a happy Teachers’ Day. 时逢教师节,是向所有教师表达谢意的日子。这个职业值得受到特别的重视和尊重。此刻是向您及您的同行们致敬的最佳时机。我永远感激您。祝节日快乐!

  We are more thankful than we can express. 对您的谢意,我们无法用语言来表达。

  You have been a qualified teachers and even better friend. Thank you for all that you have done. 您不仅是一位合格的教师,更是一位好朋友,谢谢您所做的一切。

教师节感恩老师短文 急急急!!!

教师节歌颂老师范文一 古人曾说:“春蚕到死丝方尽,蜡炬成灰泪始干。”老师你是辛勤的园丁,培育着我们;你是蜡烛,奉献了自己,照亮了他人……你对我们的爱,我们无法用语言表达呀!回头想想,无论是成功后的喜悦、做错事的愧疚,还是莽撞后的尴尬、离别后的思念,都值得我们细细采撷,慢慢体会。岁月...

教师节作文精选篇1:教师节那天 今天是教师节,早上我刚到班里,我就看见讲桌上放着许许多多,五颜六色的花朵。我却只做了三个卡片,不过我觉得老师肯定喜欢同学们自己动手做的礼物,可是我太害怕了就没敢去送给老师。直到下午我终于鼓起了勇气,准备把礼物送给老师。可是我的心里还是害怕极了,我每...


教师是火种,点燃了学生的心灵之火;教师是石级,承受着学生一步步踏实地向上攀登。 ??您像一支蜡烛,虽然细弱,但有一分热,发一分光,照亮了别人,耗尽了自己。这无私的奉献,令人永志不忘。 您讲课的语言,悦耳像叮咚的山泉,亲切似潺潺的小溪,激越如奔泻的江流…… ??春蚕一生没说过自诩的话,...






大厂回族自治县13867077718: 教师节的英语小短文 -
苍狱悦康: Wonderful Teacher 优秀的教师 With a special gift for learning And with a heart that deeply cares, You add a lot of love To everything you share, And even though You mean a lot, You'll never know how much, For you helped To change the world ...

大厂回族自治县13867077718: 关于教师节英语的短文 -
苍狱悦康: It is Teachers' Day on September 10th every year. Teachers are the greatest people in the world, I think, because they teach us how to write and read. The most important is that they teach us how to be a real man. They are also kind to everybody ...

大厂回族自治县13867077718: 关于教师节的简单英语短文 -
苍狱悦康: 教师节英语祝福短信 We wish to show our gratitude and thanks with a small gift. Happy Teacher's Day!我们送您一件小礼物,以表我们对您的感激之情.教师节愉快! You are like a third parent. We all love you and respect you. 您就象我们的家长...

大厂回族自治县13867077718: 关于教师节的英语作文 要简单一点的 -
苍狱悦康: A great teacher like you! Have a wonderful school year! 您是个很棒的老师,祝您学期愉快! Have a great year in school! 祝您学期愉快! For all the great things you say and do… The best teacher's award goes to you. 因为您的身教言教,颁...

大厂回族自治县13867077718: 教师节英语作文:My Teacher -
苍狱悦康:[答案] My favourite teacher is my English teacher Ms Cai.Her English name is Mae. She is a beautiful lady. She is very humorous. But sometimes she is very strict with us. But all classmates love and respect ...

大厂回族自治县13867077718: 教师节快乐的英语作文
苍狱悦康: 一颗丹心染粉笔,两袖清风立乾坤,三尺讲台扬激情,四季桃李开满门,五颜六色描蓝图,七彩梦想绘人生,八方敬意如潮生,九月祝福情意真,十分敬意献给您.教师节...

大厂回族自治县13867077718: 写一篇Teachers' Day为题的英语短文.(提示:九月十日是教师节在那天,我们通常送卡片来表示我...写一篇Teachers' Day为题的英语短文.(提示:九月十... -
苍狱悦康:[答案] Teachers' Day comes on September 10th every year. On the day we usually give our teachers cards to show our thanks. I thank them for helping me when I am in trouble, and teaching me to be a real man.

大厂回族自治县13867077718: 写一篇关于教师节的英语文章 -
苍狱悦康: 以下这篇《教师节英语作文:Teachers'Day》,是考试吧精心为大家整理的,送给大家参考学习,希望大家看后能有的启发哦,写出更优秀的教师节英语作文哦! 教师节英语作文:Teachers'Day It is Teachers' Day on September 10th every...

大厂回族自治县13867077718: 英语作文感恩教师节 -
苍狱悦康:[答案] Today is Teachers' Day. We say happy Teachers' Day to all of our teachers before class. They are very happy to receive our ... Today, I send the cards to my Chinese, math and English teacher. They said the cards are very beautiful. I am excited that they ...

大厂回族自治县13867077718: 英语作文《教师节》 -
苍狱悦康: Yesterday, September 10th was Teacher's Day. There was a big celebraing meeting in the city. Many government officials were present at the meeting. Mayor mad a speech, in which he spoke highly of the teachers' pertormance.About 100 model ...

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