
作者&投稿:连邓 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


1.There was a time when I thought I would never have that sort od career.
首先拼写有点错误,应该是sort of career.
2.I just accepted taht I wasn't the type to have a caree.
3.We agreed that if I had to work extra hours one week,she'd give me time off the next
4.My experience counted for a lot and I got on a part-time course.

1.A year ago,I wanted a car like that,but I didn't have enough money.
Are you afraid of snakes?I'm afrad I can't help you.
Do you wear glasses?I wore them three years ago,but I don't wear now.
6:你刚才买了许多食物吗 Did you buy much food just now?
7.How many photos did you take
He has a lot of free time.
You don't need to worry.I need to think it over.

I must go to the vegetabl shop to buy some fruit and vegetables.

1.one year ago,I want a car like that,but I don't have enough money.
2.Last Saturday,I want to buy a pair of shoes like this,but they don't have.
3.Are you afraid of snacks?I'm afraid I can't help you.
4.Do you wear glasses?I wore them 3 years ago,but I don't wear them now.
5.sorry,I don't konw
6.Did you buy much food juest now?
7.How many photos did you take?
8.He has much free time.
9.Don't worry,I need to think about this.
10.I must go to the shops to buy some fruits and vegetables.

1.One year ago, I wanted a car like that, but I didn't get enough money.
2.Last saturday, I wanted to buy a pair of shoes like that, but they are out of the stock.
3.Do you dread snake?I'm afraid I can't help you.
4.Do you wear glasses?I wore them three years ago,but I'm not wearing them now.
5.Did he have a precontract? He precontracted you 10 days ago.
6.Did you just buy much food?
7.You take(过去时用took) some pictures.
8.He has a lot of freedom time.
9.Don't worry.I need to think withal.
10.I must(have to)go to the greengrocer's to buy some fruit and vegetables.

1.one year ago,I want a car like that,but I don't have enough money.
2.Last Saturday,I want to buy a pair of shoes like this,but they don't have.
3.Are you afraid of snacks?I'm afraid I can't help you.
4.Do you wear glasses?I wore them 3 years ago,but I don't wear them now.
5.sorry,I don't konw
6.Did you buy much food juest now?
7.How many photos did you take?
8.He has much free time.
9.Don't worry,I need to think about this.
10.I must go to the shops to buy some fruits and vegetables.

1 One year ago,I wanted a car of that kind,but I hadn't enough money.
2 I wanted to buy a pair of shoes of this kind,but they hadn't any.
3 Are you afraid of snakes? I'm afraid I cannot help you .
4 Do you wear glasses?I wore 3years ago,but now I don't.
5 Does he have any appointment?He made an appointment with you 10days ago.
6 Did you buy lots of food just now?
7 How many photos did you take?
8 He has a lot of free time.
9 Don't worry.I need to think over (consider)it.
10 I have to go to the vegitable-shops to buy some fruits and vegitables.

1.London is busy,noisy,crowded and excting .But it's too expensive.伦敦是个繁忙的,吵闹的,拥挤的,精彩的城市,但是它太贵了.2. I go to a gym twice a week with my friends .We swim and work out there.我和我的朋友每周去两次体育馆,我们在那里游泳游到筋疲力尽.3. He's ...

跪求英语大神帮我用中文句子翻译成英文句子。 “或许你真的很忙,甚至...
或许你真的很忙,甚至连回我一条短信的时间都没有Maybe you are really busy, even I have no time for a message

【1】很抱歉这么晚才与你们联系因为我这几个月实在是太忙了。翻译版本(1) :I am so sorry to contact you so late for the reason that I have been so busy these months.翻译版本(2): I am so sorry that I have contacted you so late because I have been so busy in recent months...

我现在很忙,忙完了打给你。这句话怎么翻译成英文? My hands are full. As soon as I’m done, I will call you back.……这里面主要是my hands are full这个用法,记忆一下然后as 。soon as I am done这个表达,“我一完成我就……”一个很好用的表达。帮忙翻译这句话 翻译成英文 ...

牛仔很忙The Cowboy Is Busy 彩虹Rainbow 青花瓷Porcelain 阳光宅男The Sunny House Boy 蒲公英的约定 Dandelion' Promissory 无双 No Match 我不配 I Deserve Not 扯 Gossip 甜甜的 Sweet 最长的电影The Longest Movie

1.the colour of this coat is too dark\/light. 2. What do you think of the colour and style of this coat?3. I think this coat suits you well, you look younger and prettier. 4. This coat doesn't suit you very well, you may try another one. 5. You have been very ...

It is a busy day today,because I should go to the math class today.

1.如果我们要保持身体健康还要享受生活,我们就不能总在工作。2.Everyone has their own way to relax.3.可能最受欢迎的方式就是参加体育运动。4.并不是每个人都喜欢参加和享受体育运动。5.For each person, relaxation is very important.

1. Developing countries are too busy in developing economy, while developed countries are starting to pay attention to environmental issue 2.they have got rid of poverty, but still cannot receive good education 3. we have to try our best to make some progress.4. I stayed up late...

1 Where are you working? I am at a hospital 2 Where is she woring? She is in the police station 3 We have a powder as the work of the actor 4 Please make a phone call to me 5 Evening newspaper 6 busy but stimulate of work 7 news reporter 8 an international school ...

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定兴县15899087304: 急!帮忙翻译两个英语句子.1.布莱克一家将去海南度假.The Blacks - __ - ___ - ___ - ___ - in Hainan.2.过来!我有一些重要的事要告诉你.Come here! I have - ... -
怀怡益血:[答案] go on a holiday something important to

定兴县15899087304: 几句英语句子, 希望帮忙翻译一下.很急!
怀怡益血: 1.I am glad to work for the TV station. 2. Was he taking photoes under the tree? 3. I had read a book before I went to bed yesterday. 4. No one konws what did he do last year. 5. He stood here but did nothing . 6,Did you went to Newyork during the ...

定兴县15899087304: 帮忙翻译几个英文句子吧,帮帮忙!1.在…的开端2.一个玩的开心的地方3.下周日4.给你指去…的路5.欢迎到…来(亲,帮帮忙吧,很急的)
怀怡益血: 1. In... Beginning 2. A play of happy place 3. Next Sunday 4. Give you mean to... Road 5. Welcome to... To (pro, to help you, very urgent)

定兴县15899087304: 各位大神帮忙翻译几个英语句子、...
怀怡益血:1.It will be a long time of we finish the work 2.He was busy taking care of three children

定兴县15899087304: 帮忙用英文翻译几个句子 急~
怀怡益血: 1.If only the letter has come in time! 2.I hope that he can receive my letter tomorrow. 3.Hope you get good marks in the entrance exam. 4.It sounds like he had been there when it comes to Paris. 5.It feels as if it was spring now. 也可能不对...应该差不多吧

定兴县15899087304: 帮忙用英语翻译五个短句. -
怀怡益血: 1:在这条河里游泳很危险.It's dangerous to swim in this river.2:放学打篮球,很有意思.It's interesting to play basketball after school.3:现在已经不可能抓住小偷了.It'...

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