
作者&投稿:丹肤 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

I go to a doctor to ask how i can keep happy when i am in trouble.He tells me taking a trip is a goodidea.Understanding it is good to my health,i accept his idea and I invent my friend to catch fish with me.欢迎追问

I hold the belief that he is a bad egg.

There is no doubt that he stole the bad egg.
I am writing in the hope that I can sell the bad egg.
Word came that the bad egg was coming soon.

The story is boring.People often get bored.The news is exciting.I am excited to hear the imformation.This book is interesting.I am interested in sports.The most dangerous thing is to play soccer on the road.Today I am busier than yesterday.





我在路上遇到了危险,但是我很兴奋 因为这个故事很有趣,妈妈忙碌了一天,我去帮帮妈妈。



We had all things in common in those days.那时我们共同分享一切东西。As for my desert, I'd like a chocolate milk shake.甜食我要巧克力牛奶冰淇淋。This lesson adds to the value of the book.这一课增加了这本书的价值。Here is the fried beef with green onion.这是洋葱炒牛肉。Held ...

英语(有11个英语单词,请造句)准确点,不要全都造一样的,谢谢 !一定要...
1.I've been living in this city since my family moved here twenty years ago.2. I'm banking on you to help to help me with the arrangements.3. Do you know Grace?4. I want to leave.5. Lily and Lucy are in the same class.6. My brother and I are in different ...

ton: They have got tons of money. 他们腰缠万贯。 bone: I give my dog a bone. 我给了我的狗一根骨头。 cheetah: Cheetah is a very dangerous animal. 猎豹是一种很危险的动物。 kilometer: The distance from my home to school is about 10 kilometers. 从我家到学校大概有10公里。

...to丶try his best英语造句,就是那种简简单单的小短句就行了,谢_百...
i was ready to go out...he will try his best to learn english!

There is no point in arguing with him further.继续和他争下去是没有意义的。1..There are five books in my bag.在我的书包里有五本书。2.There are some cakes in the case.在盒子里有一些饼干。3.There are two girs and a boy in the playground.在操场上有两个女孩和一个男孩。4....

肯定句:I AM CHINESE. HE IS JAPANESE, WE ARE FRIENDS.疑问句:are you chinese? is he japanese? are you friends?肯定回答:yes, i am. yes, he is,. yes , we are.否定回答:no, i am not. no, he is not. no, we arenot.否定句:i am not chinese, he is not ...

kiten.风筝;鸢(猛禽)造句:1.风筝宽1.5米。The kite has a span of 1.5 metres.2.你应该迎着风放风筝。You should fly your kite against the wind.3.风筝在沙滩上空时隐时现。Kites whooshed above the beach at intervals.4.随着这轻薄的东西向上飞升,这些人慢慢放出细绳,直到风筝飞到...

英语造句``` 快
She eats much less than you do 她的饭量比你小多了 She has more than you.她的比你的多。She said it more than once.她不止一次说起过这件事 Diet cures more than doctors 食疗胜于医疗 Words cut more than swords 话比剑更伤人 It’s more than enough 绰绰有余 ...

初一英语造句,很简单的 奖金10
1.She lives in shanghai.She watches TV.She plays computer.She plays football.She drinks milk.She eats bread.She has icecream.She runs to me.She types letters.She takes photos.2.l living in shanghai.l watching TV.l playing computer.l drinking milk.l eating bread.l having ...

1 she went to school late on purpose 2 in order to visit my sister early i will go home by bus. 3

澄海区19171197691: 简单的英语小造句,希望大家可以耐心看下.用 无聊(boring) 兴奋(exciting) 有趣(interesting) 各以ing与ed的形式造句.一共六个小句子.然后还有用 危... -
仇功三乙:[答案] This TV program is so boring.He bored us all by talking for hours about his new house.That is an exciting game.Sara was excited to see the rock band.This book is interesting.He is not interested in re...

澄海区19171197691: 简单的英语小造句,英语好的来看一下啊! -
仇功三乙: The story is boring.People often get bored.The news is exciting.I am excited to hear the imformation.This book is interesting.I am interested in sports.The most dangerous thing is to play soccer on the road.Today I am busier than yesterday.

澄海区19171197691: 简单的两个英语小造句!英语好的看看哦!用“一般现在时”和“现在进行时”各造三个小句子.记住,很简单很通俗的那种小句子.适合小学的那种就可以了. -
仇功三乙:[答案] 一般现在时 she likes englsih very much. he goes to the park on Sunday. they are teachers. 现在进行时 they are having an english class now. look ! he is running . Listen. she is singing.

澄海区19171197691: 简单的两个英语小造句!!英语好的看看哦!!! -
仇功三乙: 一般现在时 she likes englsih very much.he goes to the park on Sunday.they are teachers.现在进行时 they are having an english class now.look ! he is running .Listen. she is singing.

澄海区19171197691: 简单的英语小造句,英语好的来看一下啊! -
仇功三乙: This TV program is so boring.He bored us all by talking for hours about his new house.That is an exciting game.Sara was excited to see the rock band.This book is interesting.He is not interested in reading It is one of the most dangerous things to be so near to the tiger I'm busier than before.

澄海区19171197691: 简单的英语造句 -
仇功三乙: 1、hello,everyone,here are some questions I prepared. 2、nothing 3、Which color is the most beautiful,yellow 、red or orange?The red is the most beautiful.Which is smaller,the elephant or the dog?The dog is smaller.

澄海区19171197691: 简单的英语造句1.翻译 将下面的句子翻译成英文:(每小题给五分)下面是我准备的几组题.(2)没了.2.几对(一组给五分)比如说:1.Which is ... -
仇功三乙:[答案] 1、hello,everyone,here are some questions I prepared. 2、nothing 3、Which color is the most beautiful,yellow 、red or orange? The red is the most beautiful. Which is smaller,the elephant or the dog? The dog is smaller.

澄海区19171197691: 英语造句(简单的) -
仇功三乙: 1.They carry the boxes into the room.他们将箱子搬进室内. 2.The sick child shouted with pain.那病童痛得叫了起来. 3.I didn't find my english book .我没有找到我的英语课本. 4.He fell down and broke his arm .他跌断了手臂. 5.Their team has ...

澄海区19171197691: 英文造句、简单、快、好评! ps :一个单词一句 1.rare 2.mammal 3.disease 4.interested in 5.inspire 6.famous -
仇功三乙:[答案] Targets like sunoco are rare.像太阳石油这样的目标太难得.That 's the reality of being a mammal.这是作为哺乳动物所要面对的一个事实.Aids is a terrible disease.它是一种恐怖的疾病.I 'm only interested in t...

澄海区19171197691: 几道简单英语造句 -
仇功三乙: 1.meat\you\eat in a week How much meat do you eat in a week?2.fruit\you\eat? How much fruit do you eat?3.milk\you\have with your coffee or tea? How much milk do you have with your coffee or tea?4.glass of water\you\have in the morning? How ...

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