
作者&投稿:卫士 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


R: Excuse me, do you mind? Every where else is full.
H: Not at all.
R: I'm Ron by the way! Ron Weasley.
罗:顺带一提我叫罗恩!罗恩 韦斯莱。
H: I'm Harry. Harry Potter.
哈:我叫哈利。哈利 波特。
R: SO it's true! DO you really have the?the?
H: The what?
R: The scar?
H: Oh!
R: Wicked!

Oth: Anything off the trolley dears?
R: No, thanks, I'm all set.
H: We'll take the lot!
R: Woah!
H: Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans?
R: They mean every flavor! There's chocolate, peppermint and also, spinach liver, and tripe. George sweared he got boogie flavored one once.

H: These aren't real frogs are they?
R: It's just a spell. But it's the cards you want. Each pack's got a famous witch or wizard. I got about 500 me self. Watch it! That's rotten luck. They've only got one good jump in them to begin with.
H: I've got Dumbledore!
R: I've got about 6 of him.
H: Hey, he's gone!
R: Well you can't expect him to hang around all day, can you? This is Scabbers by the way. Pathetic isn't he?
H: Just a little bit.
R: Fred gave me a spell to turn him yellow. Want to see?
H: Yeah!
R: Ahem?Sunshine?/font>
HG: has anyone seen a toad? A boy named Neville's has one.
R: No.
HG: Oh are you doing magic? Let's see then.
R: Ahem. Sunshine Daisies Butter Mellow Turn this stupid fat rat yellow.
HG: Are you sure that's a real spell? Well, it's not very good is it? Of course, I've only tried a few simple ones myself but they've all worked for me. For example: Oculus Reparo. That's better isn't it? Holy cricket! You're Harry Potter! I'm Hermione Granger. And you are?
R: I'm Ron Weasley.
HG: Pleasure. You two better change into your robes. I expect we'll be arriving soon. You've dirt on your nose by the way. Just there.

Hag: Right then. First years this way, please! First years, don't be shy. Come on now, hurry up! Hello Harry!
H: Hi Hagrid!
R: Woah!
Hag: Right, then. This way to the boats. Come on now, follow me.

R: Wicked!


R: Excuse me, do you mind? Every where else is full.对不起,你介意我坐在这里吗,到处都满了。
H: Not at all.坐啊
R: I'm Ron by the way! Ron Weasley.顺便说一下,我叫罗恩,罗恩韦斯莱。
H: I'm Harry. Harry Potter.我是哈利,哈利波特
R: SO it's true! DO you really have the?the?所以说那是真的了,你真的有,有……
H: The what?有什么
R: The scar?伤疤
H: Oh!哦
R: Wicked!真炫
Oth: Anything off the trolley dears?oth(此处指卖东西的人)
R: No, thanks, I'm all set.不,谢谢,我有这个
H: We'll take the lot!我全都要
R: Woah!哇
H: Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans?比比多味豆
R: They mean every flavor! There's chocolate, peppermint and also, spinach liver, and tripe. George sweared he got boogie flavored one once.
H: These aren't real frogs are they?
R: It's just a spell. But it's the cards you want. Each pack's got a famous witch or wizard. I got about 500 me self. Watch it! That's rotten luck. They've only got one good jump in them to begin with.
H: I've got Dumbledore!(邓布利多)
R: I've got about 6 of him.
H: Hey, he's gone!
R: Well you can't expect him to hang around all day, can you? This is Scabbers by the way. Pathetic isn't he?
H: Just a little bit.
R: Fred(弗雷德) gave me a spell(咒语) to turn him yellow. Want to see?
H: Yeah!
R: Ahem?Sunshine?
HG: has anyone seen a toad? A boy named Neville's (纳威)has one.
R: No.
HG: Oh are you doing magic? Let's see then.
R: Ahem. Sunshine Daisies Butter Mellow Turn this stupid fat rat yellow.阳光,雏菊,甜奶油。将这只又笨又胖的老鼠变成黄色
HG: Are you sure that's a real spell? Well, it's not very good is it? Of course, I've only tried a few simple ones myself but they've all worked for me. For example: Oculus Reparo. That's better isn't it? Holy cricket! You're Harry Potter! I'm Hermione Granger. And you are?
R: I'm Ron Weasley.
HG: Pleasure. You two better change into your robes. I expect we'll be arriving soon. You've dirt on your nose by the way. Just there.

The what?有什么
The scar?伤疤
H: Oh!哦
R: Wicked!真炫
Oth: Anything off the trolley dears?oth(此处指卖东西的人)
R: No, thanks, I'm all set.不,谢谢,我有这个
H: We'll take the lot!我全都要
R: Woah!哇
H: Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans?比比多味豆
R: They mean every flavor! There's chocolate, peppermint and also, spinach liver, and tripe. George sweared he got boogie flavored one once.
H: These aren't real frogs are they?
R: It's just a spell. But it's the cards you want. Each pack's got a famous witch or wizard. I got about 500 me self. Watch it! That's rotten luck. They've only got one good jump in them to begin with.
H: I've got Dumbledore!
R: I've got about 6 of him.
H: Hey, he's gone!
R: Well you can't expect him to hang around all day, can you? This is Scabbers by the way. Pathetic isn't he?
H: Just a little bit.
R: Fred(弗雷德) gave me a spell to turn him yellow. Want to see?
H: Yeah!
R: Ahem?Sunshine?
HG: has anyone seen a toad? A boy named Neville's (纳威)has one.
R: No.
HG: Oh are you doing magic? Let's see then.
R: Ahem. Sunshine Daisies Butter Mellow Turn this stupid fat rat yellow.阳光,雏菊,甜奶油。将这只又笨又胖的老鼠变成黄色
HG: Are you sure that's a real spell? Well, it's not very good is it? Of course, I've only tried a few simple ones myself but they've all worked for me. For example: Oculus Reparo. That's better isn't it? Holy cricket! You're Harry Potter! I'm Hermione Granger. And you are?
R: I'm Ron Weasley.
HG: Pleasure. You two better change into your robes. I expect we'll be arriving soon. You've dirt on your nose by the way. Just there.


罗恩和赫敏则跑到密室里取走了怪蛇的毒牙,只有毒牙才能毁掉做在霍夫帕夫(Hufflepuff)杯子里的魂器。弗雷德在一堵墙爆炸时被烧死了,海格也被抓在Acromantulas手里。哈利又一次进入幻境之后,他和罗恩与赫敏推断出了伏地魔的居所在哪里,于是三人来到了Shrieking Shack。他们看到伏地魔命令毒蛇娜吉妮除掉...

韩利波特第二部详细攻略!!!2009-04-06 00:50亲爱的王子,提前祝你生日快乐!!! 开场带着东海去见银赫,银赫家就在下面的小房子里,进屋后要进里屋才能看到银赫! 和银赫说完话后,按原路上去,到路口看路标,路标会提示第一个任务,打三只火狼!!! 三只火狼的位置,第一只,要过了有小恐龙看守的台阶,然后跳上...

秦州区18836493190: 关于小天狼星布莱克和詹姆波特一年级时候在火车上第一次相遇的描写 是在哪本书的哪一章? -
俟怕洁珂: 《哈利波特与魔法石》我都找过了,没找到,然后一年级结束了.第6章从9 3/4站台开始的旅程,第17章双面人,这两章讲过他做火车,但是都没有出现小天狼星的身影.你确定他们是一年级的时候在火车上相遇?

秦州区18836493190: 哈利波特和赫敏罗恩一起坐列车对话的片段是哪部里面的,急 -
俟怕洁珂: 好几部都有啊,开学都要坐火车,哈一就有,哈二是哈利和罗恩开车去的,没有.哈三有,遇到摄魂怪.哈四有.哈五没有对话.哈六也有.

秦州区18836493190: 在第几部哈利波特中,有哈里坐着火车的镜头? -
俟怕洁珂: 是第四部,《哈利波特与火焰杯》 哈利在火车上遇见秋张,就是买南瓜饼的时候,他喜欢上秋张,但他们没有谈恋爱 第五部,《哈利波特与凤凰社》只是一点点,但车上没有秋张.在这一部里哈利和秋张谈恋爱

秦州区18836493190: 哈里波特第一部中在火车上的对白要英文的呵呵~~先谢谢大家了~帮帮
俟怕洁珂: RON WEASLEY Excuse me, do you mind? Every where else is full. HARRY Not at all... I expect we'll be arriving soon. You've dirt on your nose by the way. Just there.

秦州区18836493190: 哈利波特第几部秋张在火车上遇到了波特?
俟怕洁珂: 第四部 火焰杯上

秦州区18836493190: 求助哈利波特中的哪个片段适合演话剧 -
俟怕洁珂: 魔法石 1火车上三个小主角第一次相遇时的对话 2最后在伙伴们下面罗恩牺牲自己让哈里继续前行的一段 3 以及在学期结束火车即将开走的时候海格与哈利的一段感人至深的对话.密室 1 开场哈利与多比的对话 2三个小主角在桃金娘的女厕所研...

秦州区18836493190: 哈利波特与魔法石每一章情节简介 -
俟怕洁珂: 哈利·波特与魔法石逐章导读第一章 大难不死的男孩 德思礼一家登场了.一场由门前台阶上“从天而降”的哈利.波特以及邓布利多与麦格教授的一段谈话展开的奇幻故事拉起了帷幕. 第二章 悄悄消失的玻璃 讲述了哈利十年来的悲惨境遇和一...

秦州区18836493190: 哈利波特在火车上遇到摄魂怪是那一集? -
俟怕洁珂: 哈里波特3:阿斯卡班的囚徒

秦州区18836493190: 哈利波特与魔法石第八章讲述了什么故事 -
俟怕洁珂: 第八章 魔药课老师 学生们认出了哈利,总是对他指指点点.这时哈利也开始了学校的生活,认识了他的魔药老师——斯内普教授,他们互相都不喜欢对方.哈利又去看了海格,在他那里,哈利知道了古灵阁被非法闯入的新闻.

秦州区18836493190: 哈利波特1每一章的主要内容 -
俟怕洁珂: 从小寄养在姨丈家里的哈利波特,饱受姨丈一家人的歧视与欺侮,然而就在11岁生日那天,哈利·波特得知了自己的身世,他的生活也随之发生了天翻地覆的改变.原来,哈利的父母是两位善良的巫师,在同坏人的较量中被对方杀害了.为了继...

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