
作者&投稿:孟庙 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


Dear Sirs, (尊敬的先生),
L/C No.244—5M/T Frozen Rabbit Meat (L/C No.244-4M/T 冷冻兔肉)
Wethank you for your L/C No.244 for the captioned goods (非常感谢您对标题所提货物(L/C No.244)的订购).We are sorrythat owning to some delay on the part of our suppliers (很抱歉,由于部分供应商的原因 而导致的延误),we are unableto get the goods ready before the end of this month.((使得)我们无法在本月前将所有货物准备妥当)。 So we write to youasking for an extention.(因此写信请求您能多宽限我们些时日) It is expected that theconsignment will be ready for shipment in the early part of May and weare arranging to ship it on S.S “Red Star ”sailing from Shanghai on May10. (预计能在5月初左右将所有委托之物准备齐全,并定于5月10号从上海的"S.S Red Star"货轮启航)
We are looking forward to receiving your extention of theabove L/C (期待能早日收到您对于L/C同意延缓的决定),thus enabling us to effect shipment of the goods in question (这样我们将竭尽所能将如上所说的货物如期运到). Yours faithfully(您忠实的,)


textile performance standards :

The Xxx textile performance standards are for use by all suppliers of textile merchandise to Xxx and also fabric manufacturers, componentry suppliers, dyers, finishers and printers.
Xxx 纺织质量标准适用于xxx公司的所有纺织商品的供货商及面料生产商、零件供应商、漂白商、最后加工商和印染商

These standards are the minimum performance levels (a maximum for dimensional stability and spirality) required to ensure fitness for purpose, and are based on fabric type and end use. Certain tests are indicative however, and careful construction or styling of the merchandise may overcome marginal failures highlighted during testing. In these circumstances approval of the fabric for use in a designated style should be obtained from the relevant technologist.
这些标准为保证达到目的并依据面料种类和用途所要求的最低性能标准(也为可量化的稳定性和纤维转曲度的最大值)。 某些测验是提示性的,但是仔细的对产品仔细的架构或者塑形是有可能克服在测试中出现的小错误的。在这种情况下,需要得到相关技术人员对某个特别款式使用此面料的准许。

The tests outlined in each of these standards are the minimum requirement for each product type.

Xxx may request additional tests for a specific style; this will be communicated and agreed at the pre-production stage.

It is the responsibility of the supplier to ensure that the frequency of testing is sufficient to ensure conformance to performance standards over large production runs and repeat orders.

The requirements relate to components and finished products and to ensure that they are met, all suppliers of fabric trims and fasteners should be aware of the relevant standards.

Products containing contrast trims must receive a product cleanse test to evaluate colour fastness of all components in the product.

Base fabric test reports from manufacturers are encouraged at the pre-production stage as an indication of bulk performance. It is essential that testing be carried out immediately upon receipt of bulk in order that corrective action can be taken on failures Decision to commence production prior to receipt of an acceptable test report is at suppliers own risk.

textile performance standards :
The Xxx textile performance standards are for use by all suppliers of textile merchandise to Xxx and also fabric manufacturers, componentry suppliers, dyers, finishers and printers.
These standards are the minimum performance levels (a maximum for dimensional stability and spirality) required to ensure fitness for purpose, and are based on fabric type and end use. Certain tests are indicative however, and careful construction or styling of the merchandise may overcome marginal failures highlighted during testing. In these circumstances approval of the fabric for use in a designated style should be obtained from the relevant technologist.
The tests outlined in each of these standards are the minimum requirement for each product type.
Xxx may request additional tests for a specific style; this will be communicated and agreed at the pre-production stage.
It is the responsibility of the supplier to ensure that the frequency of testing is sufficient to ensure conformance to performance standards over large production runs and repeat orders.
The requirements relate to components and finished products and to ensure that they are met, all suppliers of fabric trims and fasteners should be aware of the relevant standards.
Products containing contrast trims must receive a product cleanse test to evaluate colour fastness of all components in the product.
Base fabric test reports from manufacturers are encouraged at the pre-production stage as an indication of bulk performance. It is essential that testing be carried out immediately upon receipt of bulk in order that corrective action can be taken on failures Decision to commence production prior to receipt of an acceptable test report is at suppliers own risk.

纺织性能标准: × × ×的纺织品业绩标准,以供各供应纺织商品,以× × × ,并面料厂家合作 mponentry供应厂,印染厂和打印机. 这些标准是最低的业绩水平(最高为尺寸稳定性及螺旋) ,以确保健身为目的, 并基于织物类型和最终用途. 某些测试表明然而,仔细施工或造型的商品,可以克服边际故障期间着重测试. 在这种情况下批准的织物,使用在指定的风格应索取有关技师. 测试概述每一这些标准的最低要求为每种产品类型. 第三十可要求额外的测试某一特定风格; 这将通报并同意在前期制作阶段. 它的责任是由供应商,以确保频率测试,是不足以确保一致性 绩效标准的大批量生产和重复命令. 所需经费用于零件及成品,并确保他们得到满足, 所有供应商的装饰织物和紧固件应该知道的有关标准. 含有对比涉必须得到净化产品测试评价染色牢度的所有部件的生产. 基布测试报告,从厂商感到鼓舞,在前期制作阶段,作为一个指标,散装的表现. 因此有必要进行检验,立即接到散装秩序,纠正行动,可 采取失败决定开始生产之前收到可接受的测试报告是在供应商自己的风险
阿拉伯文到英语 测试版朝鲜语到英语 测试版德语到法语德语到英语俄语到英语 测试版法语到德语法语到英语葡萄牙语到英语日语到英语 测试版西班牙语到英语意大利语到英语英语到阿拉伯文 测试版英语到朝鲜语 测试版英语到德语英语到俄语 测试版英语到法语英语到葡萄牙语英语到日语 测试版英语到西班牙语英语到意大利语英语到中文(繁体) 测试版英语到中文(简体) 测试版中文到英语 测试版中文(繁体到简体) 测试版中文(简体到繁体) 测试版

纺织性能标准: × × ×的纺织品业绩标准,以供各供应纺织商品,以× × × ,并面料厂家合作 mponentry供应厂,印染厂和打印机. 这些标准是最低的业绩水平(最高为尺寸稳定性及螺旋) ,以确保健身为目的, 并基于织物类型和最终用途. 某些测试表明然而,仔细施工或造型的商品,可以克服边际故障期间着重测试. 在这种情况下批准的织物,使用在指定的风格应索取有关技师. 测试概述每一这些标准的最低要求为每种产品类型. 第三十可要求额外的测试某一特定风格; 这将通报并同意在前期制作阶段. 它的责任是由供应商,以确保频率测试,是不足以确保一致性 绩效标准的大批量生产和重复命令. 所需经费用于零件及成品,并确保他们得到满足, 所有供应商的装饰织物和紧固件应该知道的有关标准. 含有对比涉必须得到净化产品测试评价染色牢度的所有部件的生产. 基布测试报告,从厂商感到鼓舞,在前期制作阶段,作为一个指标,散装的表现. 因此有必要进行检验,立即接到散装秩序,纠正行动,可 采取失败决定开始生产之前收到可接受的测试报告是在供应商自己的风险
阿拉伯文到英语 测试版朝鲜语到英语 测试版德语到法语德语到英语俄语到英语 测试版法语到德语法语到英语葡萄牙语到英语日语到英语 测试版西班牙语到英语意大利语到英语英语到阿拉伯文 测试版英语到朝鲜语 测试版英语到德语英语到俄语 测试版英语到法语英语到葡萄牙语英语到日语 测试版英语到西班牙语英语到意大利语英语到中文(繁体) 测试版英语到中文(简体) 测试版中文到英语 测试版中文(繁体到简体) 测试版中文(简体到繁体) 测试版

Xxx 纺织品性能标准是供纺织品商品的所有供应商到Xxx 和并且织品制造者、componentry 供应商、dyers 、修整机和打印机使用。这些标准是极小的性能水平(一个最大值为尺寸稳定和spirality) 被要求保证健身为目的, 和根据织品类型和最终用途。某些测试是表示的然而, 并且仔细建筑或称呼商品也许克服少量的失败被突出在测试期间。在这些情况织品的认同用于选定的样式应该被获得从相关的工艺师。测试被概述在每个这些标准是各个产品类型的极小的要求。Xxx 也许请求另外的测试为具体样式; 这将通信和将同意在前生产阶段。是供应商的责任保证, 频率测试是充足保证依照对性能标准大生产运行和重覆次序。要求与组分和完成品关系和保证, 他们遇见, 织品修剪的所有供应商并且紧固件应该意识到相关的标准。产品包含对比修剪必须接受产品洗涤测试评估所有组分的固色性在产品。基本的织品实验报告从制造商被鼓励在前生产阶段作为大块表现的征兆。它是必要的测试立刻被执行收到大块后为了惩治行为可能被采取在失败决定开始生产在一个可接受的实验报告的收据之前将在供应商拥有风险。

纺织品性能标准: Xxx纺织品性能标准是供纺织品商品的所有供应商到Xxx并且织品制造者、元件部分供应商、dyers、修整机和打印机使用。 这些标准是(一个最大值为尺寸恒定性和spirality)要求的极小的性能水平保证健身为目的和根据织品类型和最终用途。 然而某些测试是表示的,并且仔细建筑或称呼商品也许克服在测试期间被突出的少量的失败。 应该从相关的工艺师在这些情形中获得织品的认同用于选定的样式。 在每一个个这些个标准概述的测试是每个产品类型的极小的要求。 Xxx也许请求另外的测试具体样式; 这将被传达并且同意在前生产阶段。 是供应商的责任保证频率测试是充足保证依照对性能标准大量的生产运行和重覆顺序。 要求与组分和完成品关连和保证他们遇见,织品修剪的所有供应商,并且紧固件应该知道相关的标准。 包含对比修剪的产品在产品必须接受产品洗涤测试评估所有组分的固色性。 基本的织品实验报告从制造商被鼓励在前生产阶段作为大块表现的征兆。 它是必要的测试收到大块后立刻被执行,为了惩治行为在失败决定可以采取在一个可接受的实验报告之前的收据开始生产是在供应商拥有风险。


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This intelligent greenhouse monitoring system is based on the principle of automatic control, aiming at comprehensive control of multiple-access, diverse sensors.The system sends and receives the data of soil's humidity,air's temperature, air's humidity,concentration of carbon dioxide ...

As China's economic development particularly in the establishment of a socialist market economy, the property of individual citizens more and more, continues to expand the scope of the property, property relations between the increasingly complex. At the same time, as China's divorce ...

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第点香砂:[答案] Dear leaders of the school, I was an English-speaking students, I hope I can apply to the school's student loans. I know that student loans are limited number of places, I believe I have every reason ...

冷水江市15079694935: 请帮忙翻译下面一段文字(英语): -
第点香砂: My hometown used to have a beatiful scenery, there was a river, with green trees on the bank and fish swimming. People come to exercise or go for a walk every morning and evening. However, many factories have been built over the recent years. ...

冷水江市15079694935: 英语翻译请帮忙翻译下面一段话,“ 出校门向左走到路口,过了马路再向右走,然后一直向前走大约150米,从路边的第二个大门进去,直走20米向右拐至7... -
第点香砂:[答案] Turn left when you walk out the school and cross the road,then turn right.keep walking along with the road about 150m and get in through the second gate .at last continue to walk 20m before turning right ,when you see the NO7 ,it is.

冷水江市15079694935: 请帮忙翻译下面一段话,翻译成英语?上海流行纱线展将于…举行,你们是否参观展会?如果来上海的话你们是否有时间,我们老板想和你们见个面.盼复. -
第点香砂:[答案] Dear sirs,Shanghai Popular Yarn Exhibition will be held on 年月日,Will you attend the exhibition?If you come to Shanghai,I'd like to know whether you have free time.Cause my boss wants to visit you.Yo...

冷水江市15079694935: 请帮忙用英语翻译下面一段话.
第点香砂: Remembered when I study rides a bicycle, I am afraid a person to ride, does not dare to board throughout, afterward was my father encourages me, he to tell me me to be able to be good, afterward I learned under his help to ride a bicycle. I want to ...

冷水江市15079694935: 英语翻译请大家帮忙把下面一段话翻译成英语,我认为最重要的是合理地安排时间.每个人每天都只有二十四个小时,我们必须珍惜他们,同时合理地利用他们... -
第点香砂:[答案] I think that the most important thing is that budget one's time rationally. Everybody has 24 hours only every day, we must treasure them, utilize them rationally at the same time. First. Choice of the order. Want thing that do and want thing that make have ...

冷水江市15079694935: 请帮忙用英语翻译一下下面这段话,谢谢! -
第点香砂: The problem is, we've received the bank slip for more than a week now, but the money hasn't been transferred into our account yet. We don't know what is going on, we'll wait and see how it goes. I will contact you if the money is still not credited into account after two more days. Thank you!

冷水江市15079694935: 英文翻译,请帮忙用英语翻译下面一段话
第点香砂: To apply for loans may keep my face in, also can offer me hard power. Loans for helping me is great. Finally, I hope you will pay attention to my situation, you can approve my feeling entreated the application. Thank you very much.

冷水江市15079694935: 请帮忙把下面一段话翻译为英文
第点香砂: I come from China, and many people, I also XX club fan. As a representative figure of the club and my girlfriend and I are very like XX. A few days ago for my girlfriend said: "if you can send me an autograph with XX something, I'll marry you." I hope this little desire can be satisfied.希望我的答案能让你满意

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