
作者&投稿:氐先 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)



该OzzyMat目的是介绍我们的微生物( Ozzys )到SmartWasher系统,专利的进程,并帮助减少过剩的堵塞在其' 30天,或( 1 )一个月的使用。它必须改变每月将保持微生物(奥兹奥斯)殖民地保持您的健康和工作SmartWasher系统峰值性能。如果不改变OzzyMat每月将减少效率,健康和生物修复能力的微生物( Ozzys ) 。这将导致OzzyJuice越来越污染,直到系统不再清除

佛罗里达州- 3 -单层OzzyMat设计的应用与轻使用

在FL - 3单层OzzyMat了( 1 )白层和( 1 )蓝层。白层垫设计陷阱任何颗粒大于50微米。蓝层提供支持微生物( Ozzys )位于垫。这些微生物( Ozzys )从OzzyMat迁移到OzzyJuice ,位于您的SmartWasher坦克,并打破危险废物

1、Even though the first McDonald's restaurant sold only hamburgers and French fries ,it still became a cultural symbol.
2、These people are angry that the building is now in danger of being destroyed,along with their memories.
3、Some think that McDonald's real reason for wanting to close down the resturant has nothing to do with money .


Now, the VOA Special English program WORDS AND THEIR STORIES.

Have you ever considered all the English expressions that include words about clothes? Let's see if I can name a few off the cuff, or without any preparation.
你有没有留意过和衣服相关词汇的英语表达?让我们看看我是否可以即席(off the cuff)说出一些,即席的意思是不预先做任何准备。

People wear pants to cover the lower part of their bodies. We sometimes say that people who are restless or nervous have ants in their pants. They might also fly by the seat of their pants. They use their natural sense to do something instead of their learned knowledge. Sometimes, people may get caught with their pants down. They are found doing something they should not be doing. And, in every family, one person takes control. Sometimes a wife tells her husband what to do. Then we say she wears the pants in the family.
人们穿着短裤以遮掩身体下部。我们有时形容紧张不安的人裤裆里有蚂蚁(ants in their pants)。他们也可能是fly by the seat of their pants,也就是说他们凭直觉而不是他们所学的知识来做一些事情。有时,人们可能会caught with their pants down,意思是他们被发现正在做一些不应该做的事。此外,每一个家庭都有当家人。有时妻子会吩咐丈夫怎么做,我们就说,她在这个家里当家做主(wears the pants in the family)。

Pants usually have pockets to hold things. Money that is likely to be spent quickly can burn a hole in your pocket. Sometimes you need a belt to hold up your pants. If you have less money than usual, you may have to tighten your belt. You may have to live on less money and spend your money carefully. But once you have succeeded in budgeting your money, you will have that skill under your belt.
裤子通常都有装东西的口袋。花钱如流水就像口袋上烧了个洞(burn a hole in your pocket)。有时你需要用皮带系住裤子。如果较之平常钱少,你可能不得不勒紧腰带(tighten your belt),也就是说您可能只能靠更少的钱生活,并且精打细算。但是,一旦您成功地对钱做好预算,你就扎实地(under your belt)获得了做预算的本事。

I always praise people who can save their money and not spend too much. I really take my hat off to them. Yet, when it comes to my own money, I spend it at the drop of a hat – immediately, without waiting. And sadly, you cannot pull money out of a hat. You cannot get money by inventing or imagining it.
我总是赞扬那些节省、不大手大脚的人。我真的take my hat off to them(佩服他们)。然而,当涉及到自己的钱,我总是立马(at the drop of a hat)花个精光。而可悲的是,你不能pull money out of a hat,也就是说你不能靠空变出钱来。

Boots are a heavy or strong kind of shoes. People who are too big for their boots think they are more important than they really are. I dislike such people. I really do. You can bet your boots on that. Yet, truly important people are hard to replace. Rarely can you fill their shoes or replace them with someone equally effective.
靴子是一种沉重结实的鞋。自负的人(People who are too big for their boots)把自己想得比实际重要。我不喜欢这样的人,真的。你可以bet your boots(赌上你的靴子,即深信不疑)。然而,真正重要的人是难以替代,你很难fill their shoes(适合他们的靴子,即取代他们)。

My father is an important person. He runs a big company. He wears a suit and tie, and a shirt with sleeves that cover his arms. Some people who do not know him well think he is too firm and severe. They think he is a real stuffed shirt. But I know that my father wears his heart on his sleeve. He shows his feelings openly. And, he knows how to keep his shirt on. He stays calm and never gets angry or too excited.
我父亲是一个重要的人,他经营一家大公司。他总是衣着考究,西装革履。不了解他的人认为他太古板严厉。他们认为他爱摆架子(a real stuffed shirt)。但我知道我的父亲十分直爽坦率(wears his heart on his sleeve),他会直接表明他的感受。而且,他知道如何keep his shirt on,意思是他能保持冷静,从不生气或兴奋过头。

Also, my father has never lost his shirt in a business deal. He is too smart to lose all or most of his money. This is because my father rolls up his sleeves and prepares to work hard. He often has a special plan or answer to a problem that he can use if he needs it. He is like a person who does magic tricks. We say he has a card up his sleeve.
此外,我父亲在生意场上从未失手过(lost his shirt)。也就说他足够聪明,不会损失他全部或大部分资金。这是因为我父亲rolls up his sleeves,也就是说他做好了努力工作的准备。他常常对问题有特殊的方案或解决方法,在需要时用得上。他像个魔术师。我们说他有制胜法宝(a card up his sleeve)

帮助的英文说是help。一、发音英:[\/hɛlp\/];美:[\/hɛlp\/]二、中文翻译v. 帮助,援助;有助于;阻止,避免;改善 n. 帮助;帮手,助手;有益的事物 三、形式现在分词:helping 过去式:helped 过去分词:helped 四、短语搭配1. help out 帮忙 2. can't help but 不得不 3....

Help是一个英文单词,意为“帮助”、“援助”。在日常生活中,我们常常需要帮助,无论是在学习、工作还是生活中,都可能会遇到各种问题需要他人的帮助。而Help作为一个动词,可以表示我们向他人寻求帮助,或者是我们主动提供帮助。help 读音:英 [help] 美 [help]意思:v. 帮助;有助于;促进;擅自...

一、can 英 [kæn] 美 [kæn]aux.可以;能;能够;可能 二、help 英 [help] 美 [hɛlp]1、vt. 帮助;促进;治疗;补救 2、n. 帮助;补救办法;帮忙者;有益的东西 3、vi. 帮助;有用;招待 三、learn 英 [lɜ:n] 美 [lɜ:rn]v.得知;学习...

1、aid 英文发音:[eɪd]中文释义:v.帮助;援助 例句:They have already pledged billions of dollars in aid.他们已经许诺援助几十亿美元。2、communication 英文发音:[kəˌmjuːnɪˈkeɪʃn]中文释义:n.表达;交流;交际;传递;通信;交通联系;...

他很乐于助人用英语表达是 He was helpful.下面分享几句乐于助人的句子及其翻译。1、助人要从日常小事做起,不因善小而不为。Helping others should start from the small things in daily life, not because of the small things that are kind.2、助人为乐是一种美德。Helping others is a ...

向某人寻求帮助的英文:ask sb for help ask 读法 英 [ɑːsk] 美 [æsk]1、作及物动词的意思是:问,询问;要求;需要;邀请;讨价 2、作不及物动词的意思是: 问,询问;要求 词汇搭配:1、ask an advice征求意见 2、ask an excuse请求原谅 3、ask an name问姓名 4、ask a...

一个有用的朋友,不仅能提高你的学习成流,也能有助于你的成长。A useful friend can not only help you improve your academic performance, but also help you grow up healthily.

"乐于助人的" 英语是什么
be eager to help people、be happy to render help to others、be only too pleased to help sb 词汇详解:happy 一、读音 英 [ˈhæpi] 美 [ˈhæpi]二、释义 adj、感到(或显得)快乐的;高兴的;给予(或带来)快乐的;使人高兴的;幸福的;表示祝愿 三、语法 记忆...

乐于助人,这是一种朴实的中国传统美德。每个人都有遇到困难的时候,最需要的是别人给予的帮忙。如果人人都献出一点爱,将不再会看到别人得不到帮忙时焦急的面庞。下面分享乐于助人的英文范文三篇,附中文翻译,供您参考。乐于助人英语作文一 Helping Others In school, I work very hard and I ...

拔苗助长 spoil things by excessive enthusiasm pull up seedlings to help them grow

新邱区13459062806: 求助用英语翻译
辉剂感冒:seek help for help look to

新邱区13459062806: 求助,英文翻译 -
辉剂感冒: Nelly: 新奥尔良著名的Rapper歌手,四届Grammy Awards得主,Rap界史上最有名的元老之一.除了创立Derrty娱乐集团,还推出Vokal、Apple Bottoms等男、女服饰品牌,热爱美式足球的Nelly甚至推出名为Pimp J...

新邱区13459062806: 求助 英语翻译
辉剂感冒: 食如其人 着凉要食,发烧免食.(意思是如果你感冒了你应该进食,但是如果你发烧了你就不能吃.)

新邱区13459062806: 求助英语翻译
辉剂感冒: 1.I'm very surprised at this accident. 2.There is a true ice skating rink in Xiaogang Park. 3.trees 4.rest 5.taught

新邱区13459062806: 求助英语翻译
辉剂感冒: When I open your message, listening to the beautiful and nice melody, my heart can not be controlled, can not describe, can tell you with the sentence: Thank you, dear!

新邱区13459062806: 求助翻译成英文 -
辉剂感冒: 一双巧手,弹出悠扬的舞曲;一张歌喉,唱出青春与热情. A pair of skillful hands, gives a gentle dancing music: a singing throat, gives youth and passion.在五光十色的舞台上,热情奔放、动感十足的挪拉(norah)倾情的演绎出一首首动人的歌...

新邱区13459062806: 求助翻译英文
辉剂感冒: 1. they planned tomorrow flies to Shanghai? A 2.LuLy one after next month does not prepare to take vacation. 3. this suitcases do not belong to Sarry? 4. these shoes belong to Marry? 5. the pen is mine.

新邱区13459062806: 求助英语翻译
辉剂感冒: 您好! 翻译为:I am a friendly people,I want to make friends with everyone !望您采纳,谢谢您的支持!

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