
作者&投稿:素光 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1. look like
2. watch
3. have alook
4. see
5. look after
6. look the same
7. Look
8. look at
9. listen
10. hear
11. find
12. looking for
13. heard from
14. looking forward to
15. Look

Having said

1、between and
3、a photo of
4、should do
6、the captain of team
7、saying jokes
8、has a little
9、for most children
10、decide to climb hills
11、in fact don’t at all

1.Tom is standing between Jim and Jack(在```之间)
2.There is a hosptial ___ ___ ___(在附近)
3.Here is a photo of my family(一张全家福)
4.What will Teff do (做什么)when it rains?
5.What ___Tom ___ ___ ___(看起来怎么样)?
6.WANG Lin is the captain of the team(足球队队长)
7.LI ping likes play jokes(讲笑话)
8.Xu Qian is short and___ ___ ___(有点)heavy
9 to most children 对于大部分孩子),the weekend is fun.
10.Today is sunny,so we decide to climb hill决定去爬山)。
11.in fact (事实上),I don't like hot food any more(一点儿也不喜欢).

1.between and
2.in the vicinity
3.a picture of
4.does do
5.does look like
6.the captain of soccer
7.telling jokes
8.a little bit
9.To most children
10.decide to go climbing
11.In fact don't at all

between and
in the neighborhood
the photo of
should do
does look like
the captain of the team
telling jokes
a bit of
For most kids
decide to climb mountains
In fact don't at all

小升初英语阅读题参考 At the Barber’s Len was thirty years old, and he had very long hair. He lived in a big city. Because of his long hair, he did not find any work.One day he met an old friend, and this man said to him,“People in this city don’t like long ...

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固原市15286509199: 几道小升初的英语题
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长沙奋凯妮: Please go to the classroom and(bring )my books (to ) me.

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固原市15286509199: 问几道小升初的英语题
长沙奋凯妮: 1. reading...reading 2. for 3. notes 4. next 5. aadmire 6. B 7. A 8. C 9. A 10. Did ...go 11. B 12. football field 13. all---both 14.. to去掉 15. Germen---Germans 16. to go---going 17. Look后面加at 18. are---do 19. is后面加a 20. Englishes---Englishmen

固原市15286509199: 小升初英语题目
长沙奋凯妮: 八.Write at least 5 sentences on the topic"Children's Day"(以Children's Day为 题,写一篇不少于5句的日记)5%

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