
作者&投稿:源云 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

hello, I am **, from Shanghai. It's my pleasure to meet you. I'm 19 years old. I have many hobbies. I like singing. If there is a chance, I would like to go out to sing songs. And I like going to park for a walk on sunny days. If you share it with me , we can accompany each other to enjoy ourselves.

I am a boy,My name is Sheng Qiyun。I'm 12 years old。I'm a student of Suzhong Pingjiang school。
I like playing table tennis very much。I also like swimming。I go to school five days a week。
My school is not far from my home。It's a good school。My school has 3000 teachers and 7000 students。
My school has 300 classes。My English teacher is very tall, and my PE teacher is also very tall,I like them very much。



Hello,everybody!I’m glad to introduce myself to you.


My name is Xiaolin. 


my height is 165 cm and my weight is around 43 kg .


I like many sports,such as playing badminton or playing basketball.


Yao Ming is my favorite player.


listening to music is also my favourite.


That’s all. Thank you for giving me the chance.


Hello, everyone, Please allow me to give a brief introduction of myself. My name is XXX, you can also call me XXX. I’m XXyears old, graduating from XXXX and majoring in XXXX. Generally speaking, I am a confident, optimistic and hard working person. I never left things half done because I always believe that perseverance is vital to my life. In my spare time, I love reading books, because reading books really can widen my horizon and enlarge my knowledge. And I am fond of playing basketball; playing basketball is just like doing jobs, because I got to know how significant teamwork is to achieve success no matter in playing basketball or doing jobs.

My name is ... .I am . Years old.i like... Myfavorite...is... If you want make friends with me plese call me.myphone number is ...

Hello,everyone! My name is XX,I'm XX years old.I'm very happy to share with you my hobbies:i like plying computer very much, and I like shopping.My favourist subject is art. I am very out-going.And I like be friends with you!
that's all.thank you!!!!

my name is
i am is years old
i like and i don t like

简单的自我介绍篇1 大家好,我是xxx,很高兴能和大家在同一班里学习,这是一种缘分也是一种福气。我知道在座的各位都是很优秀出类拔萃的学生,望在以后的日子里请大家多多指教。简单的自我介绍篇2 大家好,我是xxx。来到这里,我非常的兴奋,因为我又能在新的环境中,找到新的朋友了。我是一名学习...

简短的自我介绍 篇1 我叫xxx,来自于xxxx中心小学,是一名即将迈出小学校门跨入初中之旅的小学生。时间如清风,不经意间,它已从指间悄然飘过。刚入这所学校时的懵懂,也被六年的学习时光拭去。从小学到初中,我将勤奋地奔跑于知识与知识之间的道路上。我对贵校神往已久,渴望成为校园内琅琅书声的一名学子。今天,我怀...


超级简单的自我介绍1 回顾大学三年,通过良师的教导和自身的刻苦学习,我已初步掌握如何运用英语知识进行一般商务活动,也养成了认真对待学习和工作的好习惯!在思想品德上,本人有良好道德修养,并有坚定的政治方向.我热爱祖国,热爱人民,坚决拥 护共产党领导和社会主义制度,遵纪守法,爱护公共财产,团结同学,乐于...

一个简短的自我介绍1 本人有多年的销售和管理 经验 ,对 渠道 销售、开拓能力较强。性格开朗、稳重,善于与人交往,亲和力强,组织协调能力强,有极高的工作热情和强烈的责任心,团队意识强,多年的磨练让自己心高而务实,气盛而仁和,进取而严谨。 本人性格开朗,大方。对事物有敏锐的洞察力。能很好得与人沟通,具有团...

简单的自我介绍1 我,一头乌黑的头发和一双明亮的眼睛,充满了自信与活力。“书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟”是我的座右铭,“我能行”是我前进的动力。雷锋那钉子精神令我敬佩。 上学时,我是大家的好同学。放假时,我是大家的好玩伴。每当我的同学遇到困难时我都会尽我所能帮忙解决困难。别忘了我每次期末考...

一个简短的自我介绍1 我是一名应届师范 毕业 生,在校是一名优秀学生,我是一个乐观向上拥有梦想的青年,性格活泼开朗,稳重成熟的外表下,充溢着内心的细心踏实,在大学四年不断成熟和锻炼的基础上,我更加独立;活泼乐观的性情也促使我积极地参加各种有意义的活动,吸收每个值得个人成长的优点而去弥补不足;读书和闲暇时...

当来到一个陌生环境中,我们往往需要进行适当的自我介绍,通过自我介绍可以得到他人的认可。写起自我介绍来就毫无头绪?以下是我整理的简短的自我介绍10篇,希望能够帮助到大家。 简短的自我介绍 篇1 大家好,我是杨××,来自物理科学学院,14级。爱玩爱闹爱志愿爱生活。每次活动都被小朋友包围叫阿姨的老腊肉,欢迎你们~...

自我介绍1 本人有着较强的沟通表达本事,对工作有上进心、认真负责、待人真诚、处人随和!换位思考有自我独特的想法这是我最大的优点,并且我多才多艺,我相信我能胜任任何工作!我梦想就是能实现我的个人价值的挖掘,能让我的价值得到最大实现,同时实现企业利润和价值的最大化。从基层做起,不断学习...

简单描述个人情况的自我介绍篇1 大家好,我是个调皮的小男孩.是很强的好奇心才"召"出来的调皮.现在该介绍我的特征了:我有一双大大的眼睛,里面弥漫着稚气的好奇的光泽;因为调皮才摔成半截眉的眉毛;高高的鼻子长得很可爱,但总喜欢流鼻涕;小小的嘴巴,可牙齿很黄.我喜欢看电影,也喜欢玩游戏,但学习也...

株洲市13678788995: 用英语写一段介绍你自己的小短文.(不少于8句话)(快快快快) -
武新普罗: Hello,everyone.I'm very happy to be here to study with you.First,I would like to introduce myslfe,my name is xxx,maybe you can call me xxx(your English name),I'm xx years old,usually I like dong xxx(reading,listening to music……),I wiah to have many ...

株洲市13678788995: 急急急~~~求一篇英文自我介绍短文 -
武新普罗: Hi,everybody,I am so glad to come to this school to interview.I like English very much.So I come to this company to interview. Below:I wanna introduce myself.My name's vivian.I am Shanghainese.I like live in Shanghai.My hobby is painting,reading ...

株洲市13678788995: 急需一篇简单的介绍自己的英语小短文,尽量简单一点,介绍自己的姓名,年龄,爱好,等等的 -
武新普罗:[答案] My name is ....I am .Years old.i like...Myfavorite...is...If you want make friends with me plese call me.myphone number is ...

株洲市13678788995: 急求一篇简短的英语自我介绍 -
武新普罗: Hi, everyone, my name is xx, a sophomore from the major of animal medicine. It is my honor to align myself with you guys in the future. I love music, since it is the only thing I feel so beautiful in the life.

株洲市13678788995: 介绍自己的英语小短文 -
武新普罗: Hello,everyone.My name is ***(你的名字),I'm *(你的年纪) years old.I study in ***(你的学校名) Primary School.I'm in Grade*(你的年级) Class*(你的班级). I'm going to be a junior high school student, i feel very happy. I like football and ...

株洲市13678788995: 求 介绍自己的英语短文? 急用 -
武新普罗: Good morning,my dear teacher and my dear professors, It is my honor to be here for this interview. I would like to answer whatever you may raise, and I hope I can make a good impression today. First, please let me introduce myself to you. My name ...

株洲市13678788995: 求一篇英语短文(不要太长)这就是我!内容就是简单介绍一下自己!急! -
武新普罗:[答案] I Am Who I Am my name is ***.it is really a great honor to have this opportunity to introduce myself.(i am 21 years old,born in ... a perseverant and consistent girl.)这段最重要,可根据自己喜好改长一点,用词简单一点. sometimes i prefer to stay alone,...

株洲市13678788995: 求一篇英语自我介绍小短文 -
武新普罗: hello everyone, my name is xxx i am xx years old, i went to high school at the beggining to the year. my favorite sport is tennis and lot more. my dream is to be a olympic players and represent my country. my favourite subject is sport, english and math...

株洲市13678788995: 英语翻译自我介绍小短文英语,单词不要太难,150词左右,内容有,班级,年龄,最爱的食物,因为它怎么样,最爱的运动,最爱的科目,因为怎么样,要... -
武新普罗:[答案] 同学,求助我的是你吧!急要么?我现在给你写一篇!等我么? 大家好,我是晓华,我今年14岁了.我在7年级三班. 我最喜欢的食物是香蕉,因为我很喜欢吃香蕉.我最讨厌的食物是热狗,因为很难吃.我最喜欢的科目是英语,因为英语老师是友善的....

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