
作者&投稿:竹杭 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ 关于我的房间这个主题是比较容易的,你可以大概描述一下你的房间是怎么样的,你是否满意等。
My room
Open the door,oh,the room is very

beautiful!Whose room is this?!I's my room.

The bed is near the window.a quilt and adoll is on the bed.What color is my bed?lt's myfavourite color-purple.It's very dreamily

color.the dresser is next to the bed.There aresome books and a pen on the dresser.

I like watching TV.The TV is before the bed.Ian lie to watch TV on the bed.I have a piano. Thepiano is near the TV set.Sometimes,I play thepiano.And the computer is near the window.Ioften play the piano. My bedroom is small but very beautiful, there is a big bed, a TV setin front of the bed, there is a desk in front of the TV set, there is a computer, there are two windows in the room, with curtains.This is my room.打开门,噢,这房间多么漂亮啊!这是谁的房间呢?这是我的房间。


This is my room.Do you like my room?What about your room?


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冀劳产后: Hello, everyone, this is my room.My room is very tidy.My schoolbag is on the chair.The pen is in the pen case.My toys are in the box.My clothes are in the closet.There is also some fruit on the table.I often clean my room.So he's clean.大家好,这是我...

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冀劳产后: It's small but nice. I have a bia bed and it is very soft and comfortable. There is aovely Teddy bear on the bed and it is a gift from my mother. I have a small desk and I usually do my homework there. In the corner, there is a shelf. There are a lot of books...

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冀劳产后: Hi!My name is Jenny.I have small eyes but a large nose.My face is round and I wear a piar of glasses.Maybe you have know that Ilike playing ping-pong.I'm good at Chinese and math,and especially English.I'm in Class 4,Grade5.I have many ...

当阳市18675248124: 介绍自己的房间英语作文不少于15字,要有翻译 -
冀劳产后: 翻译如下 介绍自己的房间英语 我的房间就在楼上.这是我的房间,它非常干净整洁.我的房间里有一个新空调.我花了不少时间和精力装饰我的房间. My room is just above. This is my room, it's very clean. There is a new air condition in my room. I spend quite some time and energy decorating my room.

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冀劳产后:[答案] My name is Nick.This is a picture of my room.A desk and a bed are in it. My book and notebooks are on the desk.A map and two picture are on the wall.The computer is on the table.My baseball is under ...

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冀劳产后: Open the door,oh,the room is very beautiful!Whose room is this?It's my room. The bed is near the window.a quilt and a doll is on the bed.What color is my bed?It's my favourite color—purple.It's very dreamily color.the dresser is next to the bed....

当阳市18675248124: 英语小作文我的房间 -
冀劳产后: My Room I have a small but comfortable room. The ceiling of my room is paint blue which stands for the sky. I pasted some plastics stars on it so I could imagine the universe when I lie on my bed. There is a desk and a bookshelf in my room. I love ...

当阳市18675248124: 我的房间的英文作文怎么写 -
冀劳产后: 范文: Look ,I have a nice room .Come and have a look .It's small and nice .There is a big bed ,a small desk ,a shelf and a closet .The bed is near the desk .There is a shelf near the closet too .Many good books are in the shelf .I like the ...

当阳市18675248124: 怎样用英语介绍我的房间 -
冀劳产后: Let me introduce my ideal room to you have a small room of my own. The room is decorated with a lot of posters of teen idols. In front of the window there is a desk and a chair. I spend a lot of time in there on learning. I have a bookshelf in the corner. ...

当阳市18675248124: 介绍自己的房间英语作文用上in,on,under,where,it,is,they,are -
冀劳产后: I have a beautifull room,there is a picture of Yao Ming on the wall ,and have a desk near the wendow ,I offen put my valuable things in the draw of it,They are very important for me.Look ,my cat is sleeping under the desk,I very like my room!

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