
作者&投稿:阙群 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ What i did in last sunday
When approaching the sunday ,I feel nice because I can do something by myself.Now my sunday is over ,I want to write something to remember the day.
I got up at 8:00 ,then I did the things what I do everyday-clean my teeth,wash face ,One hour later I went shopping with mother.When we back our home I helped my mother do some housework.
Time flies I went to the park at 4:00,I want to do some sporting,

Sure! Here's a sample English essay with a Chinese translation:
Title: The Importance of Exercise
Exercise is an essential aspect of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. It not only helps us stay physically fit but also has numerous benefits for our mental and emotional well-being. In this essay, we will explore the significance of exercise and how it impacts our lives.
1. Physical Health:
Regular exercise is crucial for maintaining good physical health. It helps in weight management, reduces the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and certain types of cancer. Exercise strengthens our muscles and bones, improves cardiovascular health, and enhances our overall physical fitness. It also boosts our immune system, making us less susceptible to illnesses.
2. Mental Well-being:
Exercise has a positive impact on our mental health. It helps reduce stress, anxiety, and depression by releasing endorphins, also known as the "feel-good" hormones. Regular physical activity improves our mood, boosts self-confidence, and enhances cognitive function. It also promotes better sleep, leading to improved mental clarity and overall well-being.
3. Social Interaction:
Exercise provides opportunities for social interaction and bonding. Whether it's participating in team sports, joining fitness classes, or going for a walk with friends, exercising together promotes camaraderie and strengthens relationships. It also helps in building a sense of community and belongingness, reducing feelings of loneliness and isolation.
Exercise is not just about physical fitness; it is a holistic approach to overall well-being. It benefits us physically, mentally, and socially. Incorporating regular exercise into our daily routine is essential for leading a healthy and fulfilling life. So, let's make exercise a priority and reap the numerous rewards it offers.


我推荐一篇三年级上册语文第七单元的作文范文,供您参考: 《我学会了炒菜》 假期里,我学会了炒菜。妈妈教我先把土豆去皮,然后切成片,我切得有厚有薄,妈妈马上说:“切得不太均匀,要切得差不多厚。”。 妈妈先示范了一次,我学着妈妈的样子,先把油倒进锅里,再把土豆片放进锅里,用铲子不停地翻炒着,可是不知...

希望帮到你!采纳一下吧! 7. 有关语言文字的作文怎么写自己、同学或亲人方面的 “言之无文,行而不远”.写作文对语言文字的要求,虽不象文学创作必须达到艺术的地步,但是,如果没有好的文字,不讲究文采,就不能生动的表现新闻事物的本来面貌,就不能吸引人、打动人.作文文字表达得好与坏,关系到一篇作文的成败.因...



给我一个完整的家吧!"尾 声 又到秋风落叶时.秋风依旧,吹落满树黄叶.亦萱走在街头,她没想到自己对家的眷恋,能如此深刻.秋风吹在脸颊上,感觉凉凉的爽爽的.而今父母已经让她懂得了:无论遇到多大的风雨,家始终是最安全的避风港.父母对她的爱是一朵永不凋谢的花!希望对你有帮助!采纳我吧~~~...

...我八年级 帮忙写一篇《我今天感冒了》的英文作文吧 要交了 不要...
Today,i have a cold Today i not feel well,so【原来】i have a cold.so i see a dentist .D entist speak:you should lie down and rest.you should not go to shool.Oh no.I dislike have a cold.I hope me better well soon.我可是尽力了,可别忘了给我加分啊 ...


这个故事当然也可以写成一篇作文,你自己稍加改动即可,当然如果你偷懒,就这样叫上去也大致合格。 远远超过了20个成语。引用的是我自己以前给人讲的一个故事。 你也可以模仿这种写法,自己编一个,比如‘郑人买履’之类的。 2. 帮我用20个成语写一篇200字的文章 我来给你讲一个‘引人入胜’的成语故事,您一定要...

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