pull into是什么意思?

作者&投稿:鄘话 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ “Pull into”通常被使用在驾驶方面,意思是“驶入”或“开入”。例如,“I pulled into the gas station to fill up my car with petrol.”(我驶进加油站给我的汽车加满油)。“Pull into”也可以用于形容某人因为某种原因而停下来,例如,“He pulled into his garage and turned off the engine”(他驶进车库并关掉了引擎)。
除了在驾驶场合中,“pull into”也可以用于形容某事或某物的进展或进展速度。例如,“The project is really starting to pull into shape now”(这个项目现在真的开始有了轮廓了)。“Pull into”也可以形容一个人或团队在某个方面的取得进步,例如,“Our team has been working really hard, and we're starting to pull into the lead”(我们团队一直在努力,现在正在领先)
在口语中,“pull into”还可用于描述某人或某物被捕或被要求停下来或检查。例如,“He was pulled into the police station on suspicion of theft”(他被警方带到警局,因被怀疑偷窃)。“Pull into”也可以在类似的语境中使用,“The customs officers pulled the truck into the inspection bay to search for contraband goods”(海关官员把卡车拉进检查站,搜查走私货物)。

沛县15896248367: pull into是什么意思 -
蓍志茵栀: 您好,(尤指即将停下来的车辆司机把车停下)开向路边,开进 [例句]So listen to your words do err finishs sth , also be you pull into ignore list?.太听你的话做错了事,也被你拉进不理不睬的名单中?仅代表个人观点,不喜勿喷,谢谢.

沛县15896248367: pull into是什么意思及反义词 -
蓍志茵栀: pull into 英[pul ˈɪntuː] 美[pʊl ˈɪntu] [词典] (尤指即将停下来的车辆司机把车停下) 开向路边,开进; [例句]He pulled into the driveway in front of her garage 他把车停在了她家车库前的车道上.没有反义词

沛县15896248367: 请问 pull into 和draw into这两个词组都有停车的意思,那他们有什么区别呢? -
蓍志茵栀:[答案] 两者都含有共同的意思:火车进站.比如,a train is pulling into the station.或者drawing into the station.区别在于pull into 还有把车停靠路边的意思.而Drawn into 多用于火车进站.而且,它是不及物短语.pull into 是及物短语.

沛县15896248367: 当火车驶进车站时,乘客们很高兴这趟旅途终于结束了.(pull into) 翻译成英文. -
蓍志茵栀: When the train pulled into the station, the passengers happy this trip was finally over.

沛县15896248367: 用pull into造句 -
蓍志茵栀: 是:(车等)进入,驶入 的意思.I need to pull into a gas station and fill up.我需要把车开进一个汽油站把油箱灌满.

沛县15896248367: Pull into的用法 -
蓍志茵栀: Five hours later,the bus pulled into the station. 五小时之后,这辆车开进了车站.

沛县15896248367: 以下几个短语的区别pull down pull out pull into pull throughget on get over get off get down -
蓍志茵栀:[答案] pull down ['pul dɑun]拉下,拆毁 赚钱pull out 拔(抽,取)出;(车等)驶出;摆脱困境pull into 让车等驶入get down 下来;写下;使沮丧;(to)着手做get down 下来;写下;使沮丧;(to)着手做pull through (使)度过危机,(使)恢复健康get ...

沛县15896248367: pull into有被动吗.The train is pulling into the sttion.此处理解为现在进行时,但是如果用被动呢?改为is pulled into -
蓍志茵栀:[答案] pull into有被动,比如:She was pulled into that room.此处的被动表示进入房间并非出於她的主观意愿,而是被动执行.在你举出的例子中,则需使用主动,因为主语the train是动作pull的直接发出者.英语和中文的主被动关系...

沛县15896248367: 用pull into来翻译句子:火车进站时旅客们站起来伸懒腰 -
蓍志茵栀:[答案] Passengers stood and stretched as the train pulled into the station.

沛县15896248367: 请详细解释一下,i know Ai is the answer,but pull into 是不是进站的意思,还是一定要是pull in 呢? -
蓍志茵栀: pull into 不是进站,必须是 pull in; 和 pulling out 离站 相对

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