
作者&投稿:艾服 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)




Opportunity is one of the important factors for success. As the saying goes, "Seizing the right moment is the right person." However, opportunities are rare and often only favor those who are well prepared. Everyone in society has many opportunities. However, for most people, opportunities quietly disappear. In contrast, those who are prepared enough and make full use of opportunities will achieve success.

The story of Bill Gates is a good example. When he went to college, the world was going through an information revolution. At that time, people believed that giant machines like computers could only be used for calculation, but they didn't expect them to be so popular today. However, Bill Gates seized the opportunity. He gave up his studies, joined his friends, and ultimately founded the world's largest personal computer software company.

In short, considering how important it is to seize the right opportunity, we college students should make every effort to be fully prepared to avoid missing the opportunity.







As the saying goes, "Wise people always seize opportunities and transform them into success." Opportunities are essential and we must firmly seize them. Opportunity is like a flower, if you seize it in time, it will help you.

Opportunity belongs to everyone, but many people are not prepared to acquire it or seize it. Only fools wait for opportunities, and wise men seize them. Opportunities will never come to you, but you must actively seek them. Waiting for an opportunity is a very foolish behavior. We are looking for opportunities to create opportunities and make them your forever friend. We cannot leave you! In life, there is not a lack of competition, the power of competition, the source of power is an opportunity.

In short, we must take immediate action, seize the opportunity, and give you a spirited future.







Some people believe that opportunity is the most important part of life and the path to success. Therefore, when they see their friends succeed, they will complain that they do not have enough luck to get this opportunity.

However, some people believe that opportunity is purely luck. With their efforts, knowledge, and skills, opportunities always await them. Although they have different attitudes towards opportunities, their luck is not good enough. Opportunities are really important, and no one should ignore their ability to make a person succeed. We should seize every precious opportunity and make use of it, otherwise we can only leave regret and disappointment behind. But I think so. What determines a person's success or failure is not the opportunity itself, but fairness to everyone.

I believe that to seize opportunities, we need knowledge, skills, and experience. In short, opportunities are important.





In life,to grasp the opportunity,if not seize the opportunity,opportunity will slip,so,after they have little chance.( give me a personal example) teacher that called me over,said:This essay to write,do not deal with the.But for me,this essay writing,but the dictation and not to write,the teacher told me to do,but then I let the teacher down,the teacher will rarely give me a chanceSo people should seize the opportunity,don't let the chance slip away.

机遇与挑战并存 困难与希望同在?

抓住机遇 海洋石油科技先行
这些活动总共收集了125个国家、地区的120多种合同和法律方面的资料。与此同时,在国内我们还多次与有关部门的经济、法律专家进行座谈讨论。对国际上海洋石油对外合作采用的风险合同、工程承包、技术服务、租让制等几种对外合作方式进行了深入的分析研究。 工程承包和技术服务两种方式,是把石油勘探开发过程中的物探、钻井...

二十二、机遇乘着顺风,就该扯篷。 ——西班牙 塞万提斯二十三、怀疑1、怀疑比自信更安全。 ——...●让生活的句号圈住的人,是无法前时半步的。 ●只要能收获甜蜜,荆棘丛中也会有蜜蜂忙碌的身影。

我,一直把握不住机会;机会,却总向我招手。但不是每次机会都向我招手。 那是一个星期天,我上了一辆公交车,找了一个位子坐了下来。过了一会,一下子涌上了许多人,第一个上来的是一个小伙子,当时还有许多空位,可他却站在了一旁,给其他老人让了座。尽管有很多的人让了座,但还是有一个...

无异于慢性自杀! 珍惜生命,就要惜时如金;待到硕果累累时,才有真正的快乐。 生命的内涵在于进取,生命的意义在于拼搏! 论奋进 在人生旅程中,常常有一个声音告诉我:快去创造,创造才有收获。只要你一息尚存,就要努力创造! 我曾有过企望,企望机遇的到来。那个声音告诉我:...

I'm concerned,we should look at both sides of globalization.Only when we seize the opportunity of development and meet the challenges can we gain the upper hand in the competition.在我看来,我们应该看到全球化的双面。只有当我们抓住发展的机遇,迎接挑战,我们才可以在竞争中 占上风。





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