
作者&投稿:赤妻 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ 1、Do you have a map? Because I just keep losing in your eyes.

你有地图么?因为我刚在你的眼神中迷失了. 2、Meeting you was fate,and falling in love with you was out of my control.

遇见你是命运的安排而爱上你是我情不自禁. 3、No man or woman is worth your tears and the one who is,won't make your cry.

没人值得你为ta流泪,真正爱你的人不会让你哭泣. 4、There are two reasons why I wake up in the morning: my alarm clock and you.

我早上愿意醒来为两个理由: 闹钟和你. 5、 You are everything to me, and I was so blessed when god sent you here for me

你是我的一切,我是如此幸运上帝让你来到我身边. 6、In spite of you and me and the silly world going to pieces around us,I love you.

哪怕是世界末日,我都会爱你. 7、If I could rearrange the alphabet,I'd put Y and I together.

如果我能重新来排列字母,我要把Y(你)跟I(我)在一起. 8、It's not being in love that makes me happy, but is being in loving with you.

不是恋爱的感觉让我幸福而是爱上你的感觉让我幸福. 9、There are 4 steps to happiness: 1 you 2 me 3 our hearts 4 together

通过四步就能幸福1 你2 我3 我们的心4 在一起. 10、 Love you so I don`t wanna go to sleep, for reality is better than a dream.

爱你,所以不想入睡,因为真实比梦境还要美丽. 11、The moonlight stands for my heart! 月亮代表我的心! 12、Love is a light that never dims. 爱是一盏永不昏暗的明灯。 13、Love me little and love me long. 不求情意绵绵,但求天长地久。

14、I love you, always have, always will. 我爱你,一直是,永远会。 15、I miss you, and I've been missing you for a while. 我很想你,想你很久了。 16、Your smiling at me is my daily dose of magic. 你嫣然的微笑是我每日享受到的魅力。 17、If equal affection cannot be, let the more loving be me. 如果没有相等的爱,那就让我爱多一些吧。 18、Look into my eyes - you will see what you mean to me. 看看我的眼睛,你会发现你对我而言意味着什么。 19、Love is like the moon, when it does not increase, it decreases. 爱情就像月亮,不增则减。 20、A hundred hearts would be too few to carry all my love for you.' 我对你的爱,100颗心也是无法企及的。 21.You make my heart smile.

我的心因你而笑。 22.The road to a lover's house is never long.

通往爱人家里的路总不会漫长。 23.Being with you is like walking on a very clear morning.

和你在一起就像在一个清爽的早晨漫步。 24.It is never too late to fall in love.

爱永远不会嫌晚。 25.To the world you may be just one person. To the person you may be the world.

对于世界,你可能只是一个人,但对于某个人,你却是整个世界。 26.Where there is love, there are always wishes.


27.You don't love a woman because she is beautiful, but she is beautiful because you love her.

你不会因为美丽去爱一个女人,但她却会因为你的爱而变得美丽。 28.Love is something eternal; the aspect may change, but not the essence.

爱是永恒的,外表可能改变,但本质永远不变。 29.Love is not a matter of counting the days. It's making the days count.

爱情不是数着日子过去,它让每个日子都变得有意义。 30.With the wonder of your love, the sun above always shines.

拥有你美丽的爱情,太阳就永远明媚。 31.To me, you are irreplaceable, because you are one of a kind. 对我而言你是无法代替的,因为你是独一无二的。 32.You are everything when you are with me, and everything is you when you are not. 你在时你是一切,你不在时一切是你! 33.You are my words, my feeelings and my emotions. You are all I have wanted in my life. 你是我的语言,我的感受,我的情绪,你是我今生想要的 34.I know you like this song most and I know what you are thinking about ,too, I miss you . 我知道你最喜欢这首歌,我也知道你的心思,我想你。 35.I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you. 我自己爱你,不是因为你是一个怎样的人,而是因为我自己喜欢与你在一起时的感觉。 36.For you see, each day I love you more. Today more than yesterday and less than tomorrow. 正如你所见所感,每过一天,我就爱你更多,今天胜过昨天,而明天又将多过今天。 37.I miss you so deeply that my love just like a kite has broken its line and won't stop flying until it reaches you at last. 长长的思念,就像风筝断了线,飘啊飘啊,飘到你的身边。 38.but I know I cannot lose you. If the earth is going to be destroyed I want to tell you that you are the only one I want to see. 我不知道我是否真的爱,但是我知道我不能没有你,如果地球将要毁灭,那么我要告诉你“你是我唯一想见的人”。 39.I can meet a person in a minute, like a person in an hour and love a person in a day, but it will take me a whole life to forget you. 遇上一个人要一分钟的时间,喜欢一个人只需一小时的时间,爱上一个人要一天的时间,可要我忘记你却要用上一生的时间。

40.It is graceful grief and sweet sadness to think of you, but in my heart, there is a kind of soft warmth that can't be expressed with any choice of words. 想你,是一种美丽的忧伤的甜蜜的惆怅,心里面,却是一种用任何语言也无法表达的温馨。 41.Your smiling at me is my daily dose of magic.

你嫣然的微笑是我每日享受到的魅力。 42.Your kiss still burns on my lips, everyday of mine is so beautiful.

你的吻还在我的唇上发烫,从此我的日子变得如此美丽。 43.Love understands love; it needs no talk.

相爱的心息息相通,无需用言语倾诉。 44.First impression of you is most lasting.

对你最初的印象,久久难以忘怀。 45.When the words "I love you" were said by you for the first time, my world blossoms.

第一次听到你对我说"我爱你",我的世界一瞬间鲜花绽开。 46.Tell me you are mine. I'll be yours through all the years, till the end of time.

请告诉我你是我的。岁岁年年,我都属于你,永远永远。 47.Love is a fire which burns unseen.

爱情是无形燃烧的火焰。 48.I feel happy at times we have had angry words but these have been kissed away.

我们生气争执时,爱的双唇把它们吻得无影无踪,我的心也顿觉甜蜜。 49.You cannot appreciate happiness unless you have known sadness too.

不知道什么是忧伤,就不会真正感激幸福。 50.But if the while I think on thee, dear friend, all losses are restored, and sorrows end.

只要我一想起你,亲爱的人,所有的失落和遗憾烟消云散 51.As we grow older together, as we continue to change with age, there is one thing that will never change……I will always keep falling in love with you. 就像我们一起在变老一样,我们随着年龄的增长其他的一切也都在变化,但是我爱你,永远不会变。 52.Do you understand the feeling of missing someone? It is just like that you will spend a long hard time to turn the ice-cold water you have drunk into tears. 你知道思念一个人的滋味吗,就像喝了一大杯冰水,然后用很长很长的时间流成热泪。


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卢品安必: 1) You look more beautiful every time I see you. 每次见到你,你都更漂亮. 2) I love you with all my heart. 我全心全意爱你. 3) I love you for you. 我真心爱你.(简单吧!当你想表示爱的是对方的人,而不是其他如钱财,权势等, 就可以这样说. 4) For...

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卢品安必: (1) I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you. 我爱你,不是因为你是一个怎样的人,而是因为我喜欢与你在一起时的感觉.(2) No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won't make you cry. ...

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卢品安必: 1、想着你很美. It's beautiful to think about you. 2、有你好幸福. Have you happy. 3、未来全是你. The future is all about you. 4、陪你到来生. Accompany you to the next life.5、每天只爱你. Love you every day. 6、你是我全部. You're all I ...

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博乐市17821843559: 英文表白的句子 -
卢品安必: 1.I will always love you. 2.As long as I love you. 3.I will right here waiting for you. 4.No matter where you go ,no matter when you go,I will always love you.I'm very fond of you. You mean a lot to me. I care for you very deeply. I have a crush on you. I guess...

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博乐市17821843559: 关于爱的英文句子 -
卢品安必: 1、There was once a moment,we misunderstood it was a lifetime. 有那么一瞬间,我们误以为是一辈子.2、To the world you may be just one person. To the person you may be the world. 对于世界,你可能只是一个人,但对于某个人,你却是整个...

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