大家帮帮忙,关于英语的 1当我遇到陌生人时,我应该怎么做? What_____I ______ ______I meet new people

作者&投稿:费削 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
I`ll meet new people.这句话是什么意思~



1、what can do when i meet new people.
2、my parents are not at home
3, people all over the world shake hands for many differernt reasons
4 people like to work with and talk with polite people
5 when the bus was coming ,i wait and queue
6 the students are asking the fireman some questions
7when you call 119,someone else answers the phone
8put off the stove when you are not in the kitchen
9 it's not safe to put ciothes or bags on heaters
10when i look out to the window,i saw somke
11what are you doing when the teacher come in
12 where were you playing football when call you
13 maybe i can go into the space in the future
14 they both want to go to japan to spend holidays

1uglier 2 bigger 3 best
4 slowly 5 safe 6 old
7 here 8 hippos 9 writting
10 fool 11 was 12 were

6ask question
11were you doing

1.What_should_I __do_ _when_I meet new people
2.My__parents__are no__at__ _home___.

should do when
parents at home
around the world 你几年级的教材啊?

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Forwarding for our bright future!

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茅览内消: 1、what can do when i meet new people. 2、my parents are not at home 3, people all over the world shake hands for many differernt reasons 4 people like to work with and talk with polite people 5 when the bus was coming ,i wait and queue 6 the ...

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茅览内消:[答案] 这个不是笔头上写出来的.需要视情况而定.是书面化,还是口语化.

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茅览内消:[答案] My Favourite Singer She is such an ideal singer! She is a girl with a lot of talent. She is a girl but she has individuality like a ... I learned all by myself that time.But i don't know why i still can't consist on it although i really want to learn english. i feel very bad. ...

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茅览内消: 呵呵,这个问题可能所有英语专业的同学都会碰到.我个人认为就是时间的问题,不能刚刚看了一个电影就给自己下结论,用电影来练习听力是一个循序渐进的过程……我...

南乐县17149566011: 大家帮帮我,关于英语作文
茅览内消: 其实初中作文很简单,只要把自己想的用英语表达出来,问候语可以参照书本上的例子,介绍自己呢就把自己的名字,爱好,家庭住址,特长,还有自己的一些想法用英语表达出来就行了 还有学习初中英语,主要就是说每天早上读英语,多听磁带,看英语杂志,上课认真听讲,记笔记,这些多是客套话,适用于初中三年,但自己也要有想象力,把自己想的用英语表达出来,不是什么难事,最好找个朋友和你一起说,进步会很快哦

南乐县17149566011: 英语问题 大家帮帮忙
茅览内消: 1.改错 错句:He favorite subject is computer 正确:His favorite subject is computer 2.翻译 1.悉尼在哪儿 Where's Sydney? 2.你能很快给我写信吗 Could you wirte to me as soon as possible? 3.请写信告诉我关于你自己 Please write to me to let me know about you. 4.给我写信.你真好! It's very kind of you to write to me.

南乐县17149566011: 关于英语的,大家帮忙提提见意.谢谢! -
茅览内消: 如果你用功的话,一年时间内是可以不起来的.对于你这种情况,我想你先把基础打扎实了,你再考虑其他的吧,不然基础不稳,以后就会吃亏的.还有,在做阅读理解时,你千万不要像一楼说的那样,遇到不会的就查字典,这是一种很不好的习惯.因为如果你想深造英语的话,以后你遇到的生词多了去了,难道遇到一个不会的就查吗?你应该在做阅读理解时,浏览全文,遇到不会的词你可以根据上下文的意思去猜测,等到做完的时候你再去查字典,看看自己的猜测是否正确,这既可以锻炼你的猜词能力,也可以加深你对一个词的理解.还有,做阅读理解时一定要专心,你说你读不懂还是说明你没有用心去读,要不就是基础还不太扎实.总之你这种情况要先补补基础再说,基础非常重要

南乐县17149566011: 大家帮帮忙,有关英语
茅览内消: 其实,我觉得组不成什么单词···因为它没有元音字母,而且,按发音规则来说也弄不出元音··· 就像拼音里面没有韵母一样

南乐县17149566011: 简单的英语句子填空(急啊,大家帮帮忙~~!) -
茅览内消: 1.fulled with2.is covered with3.sure to4.else5.tastes

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