
作者&投稿:漆斩 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
asinx+bcosx=√(a²+b²)sin(x+φ) φ是什么~

asinx+bcosx=√(a²+b²)sin(x+φ) φ是什么?




With the introduction of ceramic straightening irons, straightening your curly or wavy hair is never a tedious task. Alternatively known as a hair straightening iron or perhaps a hair iron, a hair straightening iron is simply hairdressing tool to temporarily straighten your hair. The usage of hair straightening irons used to be confined to elites and celebrities, and hence was considered an extravagance. But hair straightener has become employed by all degrees of people, and now it really is necessity instead of luxury. On recognizing its increased demand along with usage, many hairdressing brands have finally come forward with an array of ceramic straightening irons. Put simply, options are endless for those seeking to shop a hair straightener. Discussed further in the following paragraphs are probably the popular types of hair straighteners available these days available in the market. Ceramic Hair straightening irons Ceramic hair straightening irons are perhaps the most popular one of the hair straightening irons now available on the market. On the list of specialties of ceramic hair straighteners are stable and also distribution of heat throughout the hair, elimination of damaging spot, and efficient heat retention. Further, a specialty of hair straighteners produced from ceramic is it emits a type of natural supply of power as far infrared rays, which promote for a safe, frizz free hair styling by way of sealing in hair cuticles and preservation of moisture inside the hair shaft. BaByliss Pro Narrow White Ceramic Hair straightener and Amika ceramic hair styler are the most recommended ceramic straighteners. Tourmaline Ceramic straightening irons This is another a lot favored selection for expert hairstyling. It shares virtually all properties of ceramic flat irons, however with the exception it generates far infrared rays and negative ions in large number. Further, an area of expertise of tourmaline hair straightening iron is it contains within it plates that made from a mix of ceramic and tourmaline supplies. Therefore helps for enhanced hair styling results. One of the top tourmaline ceramic straightening irons are Karmin G3 Salon Pro White Tourmaline Ceramic Hair straightener and Metropolis T-Ion Tourmaline Ionic Hair straightener with ten year limited warranty. Titanium Hair straightening irons Titanium ceramic straightening irons are strongly suggested for professional hairstyling results. With properties such as durability, scratch resistance, lightweight, and smooth surface, titanium straighteners assists in snag totally free hair-styling. As with the situation of ceramic and tourmaline hair straightening irons, titanium ceramic straightening irons also emit negative ions and a lot infrared rays. Prominent from the titanium hair straighteners are Karmin Professional Black Titanium Flat Iron and BaByliss Nano Titanium Hair straightening iron. Mixture Hair straightening irons Mixture hair straighteners are hair straightening irons that are created using a combination of a couple of materials. Owning combination hair straightening irons enable you to enjoy the benefits of a couple of technologies, thereby assisting you to attain improved hairstyling outcomes. Some of the substantial samples of mixture ceramic straightening irons are BaByliss Pro Nano Titanium Ceramic and Ryton Hair straightening iron and Metropolis Titanium Ionic Digital Flat Iron. Additionally, there are some top end mixture straighteners that contain within it the properties of nano silver for example Metropolis Silver Nano Wet to Dry Flat Iron, which promotes for germ free hair-styling.





方法一:y=asinx+bcosx=√(a^2+b^2)sin(x+arctanb\/a)所以y=sinx+cosx=√2sin(x+pi\/4)方法二:sinx+cosx =√2(cos45°sinx+sin45°cosx)=√2sin(x+45°)==√2sin(x+π\/4)

1 f(x)=msinx cosx =√(m^2 1) [cosasinx sinacosx]其中 cosa=m\/√(m^2 1)sina=1\/√(m^2 1)f(x)=√(m^2 1)sin(a x)f(x)经过(π\/2,1)√(m^2 1)cosa=1 m=1 cosa=√2\/2 a=π\/4 f(x)=√2sin(x π\/4)最小正周期-π\/4x3π\/4 x=π\/4时,f(x)最大√2...

解:1、b^2+c^2—a^2=bc,根据余弦定理 cosA=(b^2+c^2-a^2)\/2bc=1\/2 A=60度 2、根据正弦定理 a\/sinA=b\/sinB=b\/sinx b=asinx\/sinA=asinx\/sin60=2asinx\/√3=2√3sinx\/√3=2sinx c\/sinC=a\/sinA=c\/sin(180-60-x)=c\/sin(60+x)c=asin(60+x)\/sin60=√3sin(60+x)\/(...

滁州市15387748913: 已知函数f(x)=asinx +bcosx (a,b为常数,a不等于0,a属于R) -
弥温可尔: f(x)=asinx +bcosx=√(a^2+b^2)*[sin(x+φ)] 其中tanφ=b/a x=π/4处取得最小值,所以π/4+φ=-π/2+2kπ 所以φ=-3π/4+2kπ 即f(x)=√(a^2+b^2)*[sin(x-3π/4+2kπ)] 所以y=f(3π/4-x)==√(a^2+b^2)*[sin(-x+2kπ)]=-√(a^2+b^2)*[sinx] 所以f(x)是奇函数且它的图像关于点(kπ,0)对称 可知选D.

滁州市15387748913: 已知asinx+bcosx=0(A不等于0),Asin2x+Bcos2x=C.求证2abA+(b^2 - a^2)B+(a^2+b^2)C=0
弥温可尔: [答] 由asinx+bcosx=0得sinx=(-b/a)cosx, 代入Asin2x+Bcos2x-C=0得 2A(-b/a)(cosx)^2+B[2(cosx)^2-1]-c=0 即(cosx)^2=a(B+C)/(2aB-2bA). 令(B+C)/(2aB-2bA)=y 则有(cosx)^2=ay (sinx)^2=1-ay 两边平方asinx+bcosx=0得a^2(...

滁州市15387748913: 已知:asinx+bcosx=0 ①,Asin2x+Bcos2x=C ②,其中a,b不同时为0,求证:2abA+(b 2 - a2)B+... -
弥温可尔: 证明: 设siny=-b a 2 + b 2 ,cosy=a a 2 + b 2 则①可写成cosysinx-sinycosx=0,∴sin(x-y)=0∴x-y=kπ(k为整数),∴x=y+kπ 又sin2x=sin2(y+kπ)=sin2y=2sinycosy= -2aba 2 + b 2 cos2x=cos2y=cos 2 y-sin 2 y=a 2 - b 2a 2 + b 2 代入②,得 -2abAa 2 + b 2 +( a 2 - b 2 )Ba 2 + b 2 =C ,∴2abA+(b 2 -a 2 )B+(a 2 +b 2 )C=0.

滁州市15387748913: 已知函数f(x)=asinx+bcosx(a、b≠0)的最大值为2,且f(π/6)=√3 (就是根号3),求f(π/3) -
弥温可尔: f(x)=asinx+bcosx=[√(a^2+b^2)]sin(x+phi) 所以f_max(x)=√(a^2+b^2)=2 所以a^2+b^2=4 f(π/6)=a/2+(√3)b/2=√3 设f(π/3)=(√3)a/2+b/2=x f(π/6)^2+f(π/3)^2=a^2+b^2+(√3)ab=4+(√3)ab=3+x^2 所以(√3)ab=x^2-1 f(π/6)+f(π/3)=(1+√3)(a+b)=√3+x ...

滁州市15387748913: 已知:asinx+bcosx=0, Asin2x+Bcos2x=C a^2+b^2不等于0 求证:2abA+(b^2 - a^2)B+(b^2+a^2)C=0
弥温可尔: 作直角三角形,三边分别为a,-b,根号(a^2+b^2).设sinx=-b/根号(a^2+b^2),cosx=a/根号(a^2+b^2),同时将sin2x=2sinxcosx,cos2x=(cosx)^2-(sinx)^2代入第二个已知条件化解即为所证.

滁州市15387748913: 已知函数f(x)=asinx+bcosx(ab≠0)的最大值为2,且f(π/6)=根号3,求f(π/3). -
弥温可尔:[答案] f(x)=asinx+bcosx=[√(a²+b²)]sin(x+phi)所以f_max(x)=√(a²+b²)=2所以a²+b²=4f(π/6)=a/2+(√3)b/2=√3设f(π/3)=(√3)a/2+b/2=xf(π/6)²+f(π/3)²=a²+b²+(√3)...

滁州市15387748913: 若函数f(x)=asinx+bcosx(ab≠0)的图象向左平移 个单位后得到的图象对应的函数是奇 -
弥温可尔: asinx+bcosx=√(a^2+b^2)(asinx/√(a^2+b^2)+bcosx/√(a^2+b^2)),令cosφ=a/√(a^2+b^2),sinφ=b/√(a^2+b^2),则tanφ=b/a,asinx+bcosx=√(a^2+b^2)sin(x+φ) 本题由于奇函数,所以f(0)=0,可以解得a,b关系,从而拿到直线斜率.平移 多少个单位后没有注明

滁州市15387748913: α.β为锐角,且sinα - sinβ= - 0.5,补一个什么条件可得到tan(α - β)= - 根号7除以3
弥温可尔: 若α,β为锐角,且sinα-sinβ =-1/2,cosα-cosβ=1/2则tan(α-β))=-根号7除以3 由sinα-sinβ =-1/2得(sinα)^2+( sinβ)^2-2sinαsinβ=1/4 同理可得(cosα)^2+( cosβ)^2-2cosαcosβ=1/4 两式相加得1+1-2(sinαsinβ+ cosαcosβ)=2-2cos(α-β)=1/2 所以cos...

滁州市15387748913: 已知函数f(x)=asinx+bcosx(x∈R,ab≠0),给出下列命题:①存在a,b使f(x)是奇函数;②若对任意x∈已知函数f(x)=asinx+bcosx(x∈R,ab≠0),给出下列命题:①存... -
弥温可尔:[答案] ①若f(x)是奇函数,由f(-x)=-f(x)得b=0,由于ab≠0,故①错; ②函数的最小正周期为2π,若对任意x∈R,存在x1,x2,使f(x1)≤f(x)≤f(x2)成立, 则|x1-x2|的最小值为π,故②对; ③过点(a,b)作直线l,若直线为x=a,代入f(x),则f(a)存在;若直线为y=b,由...

滁州市15387748913: 已知函数f(x)=asinx+bcosx(a、b不等于0)的最大值为2,且f(π/6)=根号3,求f(π/3) -
弥温可尔: 先将asinx+bcosx换成Asin(x+φ)的形式.得到f(x)=asinx+bcosx=√(a^2+b^2)sin(x+φ) 因为sin(x+∮) 的最大值值是1.所以√(a^2+b^2)=2. a^2+b^2=4, 又因为 a/2+√3b/2=√3 得到a=0.b=2 剩下自己来吧

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