
作者&投稿:其狱 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

about thirty minutes


At about three o 'clock this afternoon

At about 3 o'clock.

about three o'clock

at about 3 o'clock

at about 3 o'clock

about three o'clock

用英语翻译: 在下午三点钟踢足球
play football at 3 p.m play football at three in the afternoon Play football at 3 o'clock in the afternoon


1.You must arrive the train station before tomorrow moringat eight o'clock .2.I just said you look better..They do not have to go so early,so they should go with us.4 In the past,people have to do many things by hand,it is not necessary.5.I have to use a pen to ...

1. 基础计数(Basic Counting):例句: There are three apples on the table.翻译: 桌子上有三个苹果。2. 时间(Time):例句: It's three o'clock in the afternoon.翻译: 现在是下午三点钟。3. 顺序(Ordinal Number):例句: She is the third person in line.翻译: 她是排队的第...

英文翻译:Class begins at three o'clock.

三点,3点10分,3点20分,3点30分,3点40分,3点50分,用英语单词怎么写 三点three o#39clock\\three 3点10分three ten\\ ten past three 3点20分three twenty\\ twenty past three 3点30分three thirty\\thirty。英 e#618t #601#712kl#596k 美 et #601#712klɑk八点钟 1I overslept...

1:She did not watch TV until her mother came home 2:和第一句一样,中文来讲也是一样的嘛,她不会一直看电视直到她母亲回来为止,意思就是他妈妈回来她就会开始看电视嘛,也可以说:She won't keep watching TV until her mother comes back.都是一个意思 3:直到下午三点我才会开始等你。

英语翻译1苏珊说她将在下午三点钟在这次会议上露面(show up)2我请他...
Susan said she would show up in the meeting of 15:00 I invited to have lunch together ,but she didn't respond.Dr.Li put off an appointment with ZhangJian because of the heavy rain She usually feels guilty because she doesn't have enough time to take care of her son....

▲X点三刻度 a quarter to x+1 或者 x forty-five如4点3刻:a quarter to five 或者four forty-five ▲X点半 half past x or x 30 如5:30是half past five或者five thirty.4. 几点钟了用英语怎么说 几点钟了翻译成英文是What's the time?what的英式读法是[wɒt];美式读...

在今天下午三点的英文是:At three o'clock this afternoon 一、o'clock 读法 英 [əˈklɒk] 美 [əˈklɑ:k]作副词的意思是:…点钟 双语例句:The trouble began just after ten o'clock last night.昨晚刚过10点钟麻烦就开始了。二、afternoon 读法 英 [&...

洛南县19670439701: 在大约三点钟英文翻译 -
布河阿奇:[答案] At about 3 o'clock. 应该正确,如果是早上的话在结尾加AM,下午则是PM

洛南县19670439701: 在大约三点钟的英语怎么写 -
布河阿奇: about thirty minutes 祝你学习进步,更上一层楼,快乐每一天!(*^__^*)

洛南县19670439701: 事故大约是在昨天下午三点钟发生的 英语翻译 -
布河阿奇: The accident happened at about 3 p.m. yesterday.

洛南县19670439701: 用英语怎么说 丽丽大约在下午三点学习英语 -
布河阿奇: Lily studies English at about three o'clock in the afternoon

洛南县19670439701: 他们放学大约在三点 翻译 -
布河阿奇: Their school is over at about three o'clock They hold foot matches four times a year

洛南县19670439701: classesstartat3o'clock怎么读? -
布河阿奇: 你这个应该是:At 2:30.Classes start at 3'oclock翻译:在2:30. 上课在三点钟.单个翻译:at:在classes:class(课)的复数形式.start:开始(还可翻译为:星星、明星)oclock:整点(几点钟)

洛南县19670439701: 6:30用英语怎么说 -
布河阿奇: half past six o'clock 例如:At half past six in the morning 翻译:在早上6:30.【6点过半个钟头】.

洛南县19670439701: 英语翻译在六点钟 12.在三点一刻 13.在八点零五 14.在九点半 15.十点三十五 16.在十一点四十 15.在两点四十五 16.在五点五十 17.在七点五十五 -
布河阿奇:[答案] at six o'clock也可以直接说at six 12.at three fifteen,15还可以用quarter表示,过就是past,那就是quarter past three 13.如上所... five past eight 14.按照上面套,就是thirty past nine,但一般不这样说,几点半是用half来表示,那就是half past nine 15.像这...

洛南县19670439701: 人教版英语5年级下册翻译 -
布河阿奇: Let's talk 你什么时候起床? 六点钟.你呢?我通常在六点半起床.你什么时候吃早饭? 六点二十. 你什么时候去上学? 七点钟.你呢? 我也是七点. Read and write 打扰一下,我能问你一些问题吗? 当然可以. 你是干什么工作的? 我是一...

洛南县19670439701: 你每天几点钟起床?我大约7点钟起床.翻译成英文. -
布河阿奇: When do you get up every day?About 7 a.m.

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