
作者&投稿:之婵 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


1.When a gift is received in the United States ,the receiver is almost always expected to open it in front of the giver and admire it .

在美国,当收到一份礼物时,大多数情况下送礼者希望接受者当面打开礼物欣赏。【be expected to……被期望去做某事;in front of 在……面前,在……前面。】

2.No wadays, Chinese calligraphy has developed into a precious 【此处你打错了,应该是愤慨的两个词:a precious】traditional art.


3.Nobody knew him ,but the host went to meet him, and took him to the bar for a drink.


4.That deed was only superstitiously believed to be decisive.

那种做法只是被迷信地称作坚定。【superstitiously 迷信的,被邪教控制的; decisive,坚定的】

5.The application interview is to be held in the reception room of the company.

聘用面试将在公司的接待室里举行。【application interview聘用面试;be to do,表示将要做某事; the reception room是接待室的意思。】

be a favorite with 是某人的宠儿,而此句中 a favorite with his fellow students 是作为主语同位语存在的,可翻译为同学中最受欢迎的人
此句还可以翻译为 如果不是因为癌症缠身,同学中最受欢迎的他应该已经是班长了吧!
2、2005年以来,该组织(没语境,可将上下文中的组织名直接代入,例如IUCN:世界自然保护同盟 .)红色名录中的物种数目由3增至25
补充:increase by 3 to 25 ,意思已经翻译了,增长了22,red list十之八九是指IUCN的红色名录吧(一个地区或国家的濒危或受威胁物种的名录)

1. 他很受同学厚爱。如果不是他的癌症,他可能已经就是班长了。
2. 自 2005 年以来该机构红名单上的物种数量已增加3个,到当前的25个 。

注: favorite = 最爱,最受宠,最受欢迎,
favorite with his fellow students = 同学最欢迎/最爱的
increased by 3 = 增加 3 个, 长了 3个。

A favorite with his fellow students单独意思是:他很受同学欢迎
increased by 3 to 25 单独意思是:增加3到25个


大家都喜欢和他交往 要不是癌症缠身 班长准非他莫属
该组织的红名册上物种名称自2005年以每年增添三个的速度增长 至今已有物种名称25个

翻译要在一定的语句环境中进行,你既没有告诉是什么类型的文章又没有前言后语 这样是很容易让人望文生义的!


高手帮我把一些中文句子翻译成英语!!急!! 英语高手来!!!
8.锻炼和培养我的英语能力.My English Proficiency will be trained and improved.9.北欧位于欧洲北部,包括丹麦,瑞典,冰岛,挪威 ,芬兰5个国家.它们都很发达.北欧的天气比较寒冷和潮湿. 北欧的教育水平的非常高,留学费用也不是很高. 我最喜欢的北欧的环境,我认为那里的环境非常好.As a northern area ...

1、我觉得学英语很难,但我从未放弃过!I think English is hard to learn, but I never gave up.2、让我来告诉你怎样从机场到我家吧!Please let me show you how to get my house from the airport.3、我觉得她是个漂亮惹人喜欢的女孩子!I find her a pretty and pleasing girl.4、她...

I. am a camera with you all right »2 If you love me, tell me.让我更高兴 4 you still remember? Here »5 I believe that tomorrow will be better!

1. When we suffered robbed in a place which is obscure and we are not familiar with, we can telephone the place for help. When we get lost we can also ask the police for help.2. As us in another country, when we miss our parents, we can telephone to greet them.3. ...

呃,我们英语老师真的很无趣。你看,他通常还没上到15分钟,课堂上的学生就已经无聊到打瞌睡了。20,If you can't fall aslleep at night,you may count the sheep.That may work.如果你晚上失眠,可以数羊。也许有用。21,Due to Tom's joke,the discussion came to life and went on in a ...

Thanks for sending me the photos we took together.They are very nice.5.谢谢你送我的迪奥的香水,我非常喜欢。谢谢!Thank you for presenting me the Dior perfume.I like it very much.6.那天和您在一起聊天我也感到十分的愉快。我要努力学英文了以便以后和您更好的交流!It is cheerful ...

麻烦帮我翻译几句中文成英语 谢谢
1.请稍等,我(我们)正在测试.Please wait for a while, we are testing it.2.抱歉,我不懂英语,请和我搭档讲.Sorry, I don't speak English. Please talk with my partner.3.稍等,我去找个翻译员.Wait for a moment.I will get a interpreter.4.问题已经解决.The problem has been ...

very much for giving me such an oppotunity. Now i'm going to show you is XXX, hope you like it. Please give me applause, louder, please! First, let me introduce myself...well, Let's start!2. That's all for my performance, thanks for watching, bye~希望帮到你~...

1.事情的发展程度超出了人们的能力The degree of business development beyond people's ability.2.他的情况很艰难,从而产生了一个不好的想法His situation is so hard to produce a bad idea.3.我无法想象这件事会经常发生在他身上I cannot believe that it alwways happens to him.4.可能发生的...

.在我看来,创意就是做了别人没做过的东西,想了别人没想过的事情,是超越传统和打破常规的智慧,包含着人们的方方面面 (1) In my opinion, Innovation is to do what others have not done and think what others have not thought and it is the wisdom to surpass and break the conventiona...

沙洋县18217974365: 英语翻译请英语高手帮我翻译几句句子?3.自从本世纪开始,太多的自然资源已被利用.(use)4.他是唯一今天早上迟到的那个学生.(theonly)5.就我们所... -
郸光苏合:[答案] 3/Since the beginning of this century,too many natural resources have been used.4/He is the only student who was late this morning.5/As far as we know,Africa is world's second largest continent.

沙洋县18217974365: 英语高手请进来```帮我翻译一段话 谢谢了``` -
郸光苏合: I cann't let you go, because I feel like I've fallen in love with you. I will have a try even if it is impossible.I know you love me too, so please don't hide your feeling any longer.

沙洋县18217974365: 英语高手请进.帮我翻译一句话! -
郸光苏合: 你问的应该是这句:"The mark of the immature man is that he wants to die nobly for a cause, while the mark of the mature man is that he wants to live humbly for one." 这是《麦田里的守望者》里的一句,是原文.直译是一个不成熟的男人的标志是愿意为某个事业英勇的死去;一个成熟的男人的标志是愿意为某个事业卑微的活着.

沙洋县18217974365: 请用英语帮我翻译几句话 -
郸光苏合: 1他们通常不能为考试做充分的准备 They always can not do enough preparation for the exams.2他请求我和他一起回家(这句用过去式) He asked me to go home with him. 3这片叶子像刀一样锋利 This piece of leaf is as sharp as a knife.

沙洋县18217974365: 请英文高手帮忙啊~~~请帮我翻译一下这几句话,不胜感激!1. Limits of liability not less than: Commercial General Liability - general aggregate $2,000,000, ... -
郸光苏合:[答案] 应该是责任保险条款吧:1、责任险保额不得低于:一般商业责任险(也有译作:综合商业责任险)-保险总额$2,000,000,产品完全运作险(也有译作:产品完成业务险)- 保险总额$2000000人身及广告责任险$1,000,000每次事...

沙洋县18217974365: 请英语高手帮我翻译几句话,谢谢(在线等) -
郸光苏合: 1. we will wait for your news2. we hope we can cooperate sucessfully , and set up a long business relationship3. welcome to come to our factory again.

沙洋县18217974365: 英语高手进来,请帮我翻译几句求饶的话,最好是美国俚语对不起,我真的不是故意的,请您不要这样做好吗?我错了!请您放过我这次吧,我保证不会再有... -
郸光苏合:[答案] Sorry,I really am not intentionally,please you do not complete likethis?I was wrong!Asks you to let off my this,I guaranteed will not beable again to have the next time!You have forgiven my this,asked!Asked you!Please do not have to me like this

沙洋县18217974365: 英语翻译请高人帮我翻译以下几句1.没有比脚更高的山,没有比腿更长的路我们坚信:只要勤奋努力,只要谦虚谨慎只要我们——尽力拼搏!或许,我们不... -
郸光苏合:[答案] 1.There is never a hill taller than your feet, or a road longer than your leg. We believe: as long as we work hard, as long as we are modest and careful as long as we ----- strive to succeed! maybe we are not the best, but we will be the better! 2.Campus ...

沙洋县18217974365: 英语高手进来帮忙翻译几句话~ -
郸光苏合: I will do it,but on second thoughts,is it necessary to sacrifice myself? i am afraid of nothing except my laziness and wasting time

沙洋县18217974365: 英语翻译请英语高手帮我翻译几句句子?1.这个老年人因为他的伟大著作而著名同时他也是一个著名的科学家.(befamousfor,befamousas)2.Tom认为他比他们... -
郸光苏合:[答案] 1.The old man was famous for his great work whilst famous as a scientist. 2.Tom believes he knows everyone's business better than themselves.3.Since this century, natural resources are overtly used.

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