
作者&投稿:夙尹 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

according to the payment for bank credit certificate ( morning ) 2 submitted bank credit certificate ( morning ) 3 to go to the Bank of China pull the last monthly statement 4 scanning the payment memo and email to related colleagues 5 according to the bank statement of JOJO DAI on the day before the pull of a working day, in the bank journal registration. 6 according to the date of receipt in bank accounts receivable form pull of a working day to the account information, and send the mail to related colleagues 7 according to the date of account information extraction Siliandan of Huang Lian distribute to related colleagues 8 according to the date of the Siliandan write-off of the white systematic write-off. TAX RV and ALL RV document system respectively, and the white, special tickets, first United Bank receipt, the bank receipt copies were bound with 9 according to the Bank of China Journal will make a work day has an account payment application form and submit the fee to a ARING MA10 account before sunrise the application for payment, GL documents, and binding. 11 receipts, GL Registration Certificate in the corresponding bank journal and receivables in the form of 12 according to the colleagues came Siliandan INVOICE open tax invoice 13 register new customer billing data of 14 in the SH ALL system to make tax invoice corresponding to the TAX BILL15 on the same day the tax invoice registration form 16 day open tax invoice the invoice scanning copy and mail CC to related colleagues.To edit the answer or insert picture, please click on the title to the details page

We are according to the order quantity production, 1305 boxes. Owing to the negligence of customs declaration, the customs clearance when less report a LCL, and our factory loading quantity is 1305 cartons, please rest assured, freight forwarders said this does not affect the customer clearance.

Time: On July 24 (10: 00-12: 00) 1, does not have the automatic sprayer, mainly produces Tristar the sound box outer covering 2, mold warm machine: Is uses for to reduce clamps the watermark (to appear around hole) 3, nitrogen equipment: The reduced synaeresis question (in view of thick sizing material) 4, has not produced the PC+ABS small volume product 5, if the mold has completed, the request revision, does not change 不另收费 uses 6, acts through Tristar purchases the raw material, prepares materials the time probably 1 week, the special material needs 3 weeks, the product provides to Tristar's electronic suppliers. 7, usual 100T casting machine opening machine spends (24H) is 800 Yuan to 850 Yuan. Time: On July 24 afternoon 1: 30 to 17: 001, shortcoming: The drainage opening material and the raw material mix piles up, whether the proportion does obtain the customer the confirmation, if we use the raw material and the drainage opening mix cast, the unit price can decline. 2, the general PC raw material price is 33 Yuan to 35 Yuan, ABS=RMB 19/KG, the raw material price has not closed with the sign, with the model, the performance concerns. Generally decides the material time is 1 week, what is special is 10 days. 3, 100 tons machines every day (24H) the opening machine expense is 1,200 Yuan, each 啤 0. 55 Yuan 4, the blueprint confirmed after opens the mold time: Generally is 18 days, 1 CAVITY is quickest 15 days, supplements 3CAVITY in this foundation to add 20 day, namely opens the mold time from 1CAVITY to 4CAVITY is 35 days. 5, 1CAVIT mold processing table as follows: 1), periphery processing: 3 days 2), FIT mold: 1 day 3) province mold 2 days 4) CNC processing: 3 days 5) hit the spark: 3 days 6) the line cuts: 2 days 7) the heat treatment 8) decides the material: 2 days 9) the total is 18 days 6, after we request to confirm the blueprint, 4CAVITY opens the mold time 15 days, is to hands over the model from the under order form is 15 days, could not achieve I take charge of request. 7, after the consultation, opposite party 4CAVITY opens the mold time is 21 days, opposite party guaranteed if arranges the mold semifinished product and the raw material, then quickest opens the mold time is 14 to 18 days. 8, RMB0. 3 unit prices are high. On July 25 (10: 00-12: 00) galvanizes the factory conference main point: 1, before provides galvanization model thickness cannot achieve 0. Above 07UM 2, if the partial galvanization, the part which does not galvanize covers 3, is plates with the electrolysis below, does not have 化学镀 4, the model must do the test 1) 90 knee bends tests (also to be possible to translate destructive test) 2) 72 hours salt mist to test 3) the outward appearance color to want even 4) the soldering tin to test 5, on July 27 may reprovide the model. On July 25 afternoon 1: 30 to 4: Below 30 forever the Li revertex factory 1. this factory simultaneously will develop has the factory: 1) forever Li precise hardware production factory: For precise revertex, hardware mold design and manufacture, hardware compression casting, hardware ramming


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毋京清眩: A letter to a boy who murdered When I see the the desperate view of your back in the ... I should tell you that the world is full of disappointments,so you have to confront with ...

和田县15048789824: 麻烦帮忙将下面这段话翻译成英文,谢谢 -
毋京清眩: I am very interested in this item though I am aware that I am not the only one want it. Such that please inform me of how much you expect or others' offer when you are going to sell it. We can negotiate the price.Besides, I had been planning to buy ...

和田县15048789824: 请帮忙将如下文字译成英文,不甚感激,谢谢 -
毋京清眩: We do appreciate your understanding and support ,all the shipment plans will be according to your arrangement.Meanwhile, we are grateful for your invitation,we will try our best to spare time to visit your company,to enhance the mutual ...

和田县15048789824: 请高手帮忙将以下一段中文译成英文,谢谢 -
毋京清眩: We have prepared the products. They are all made according to your required models. And there are you Logos on the products. Cardboard boxes are also made as your expectations. Therefore, we can not sell there products to the other customers. ...

和田县15048789824: 帮忙把以下内容译为英语,非常谢谢你的及时回复我们期待着与你在中国见面,我们公司将为我们的见面做好一切准备.此外,我真诚的希望你能把我公司做... -
毋京清眩:[答案] Thank you very much for your prompt replyWe look forward to meeting with you in China,our company will make all preparations for our meeting.In addition,I sincerely hope you can make me subject to a m...

和田县15048789824: 请帮忙翻译用英文以下内容,谢谢!
毋京清眩: Highlights Annex In charge Sales Commissioner In charge of insurance business In charge of the future Consultancy services for the first time diagnostic test

和田县15048789824: 请将以下内容翻译成英文,急,在线等,谢谢! -
毋京清眩: About your company in the January 22, 2007of our audit questions. In January 22, 2007, your line of five leading to the Division I undertook thorough and meticulous audit, the audit process of Division I of the production situation, process, quality ...

和田县15048789824: 请帮忙用英文翻译下列的内容,...
毋京清眩: Every colleague, I'll invite you to take part in a photography game. 1. cut-off date: 5:30PM, 24th July, 2007 2. There is no limitation for the work style, everyone can offer 1~2 piece of pics without the PS or other treatment by software. 3. Please put your...

和田县15048789824: 英语翻译请将以下的内容翻译成英文.因为是有求于人所以请用委婉一些的语气!1.请帮忙出具商务签证所需要的材料.我们上海的同事Ada将在**月去访英国参... -
毋京清眩:[答案] 1. Please kindly help to list all the documents we need while apply the commercial visa. My colleague Ada will visit in England from Shanghai for a meeting in Oct(月份自己填). Please show me the documents list ASAP.Thanks. 2. I'm sorry that send ...

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