
作者&投稿:曹艺 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Learning history can be intelligent, more aware of what to do, can do.

Today is the end of July,2009. I feel so empty, I got nothing though I have been waited for so long. I keep asking myself if it's worthy to do that, but the answer is always positive. Maybe wha I have done means nothing to her, but still I will never give up just because I LOVE you, and I will never regret loving you. Maybe the future is bloom to us but I will spend my whole life on your happiness. No matter what, I wish I could always be with you. I LOVE U.

Humanist Thought has a long history in west. This article explains systenmatically the development and transformation of schools of Humanist Thought, in which Charles Dickens' humanistic thought emerged. Throught analysing the Dicken's comteporaries and his own specific experience in life, the essence and features of Humanist thought are exploited. After learning his experience,morality and aesthetic at that time,as well as the priciples of christian, the cause of the formation of Dickens's Humanist Thought can be better understood. His Humanistic Though has a profound effect on our social cultivation and authors after him. At the end this article concludes the realistic significance and influence on posterity of Dickens' Humanist Thought.

Humanitarian ideological source in the West far and a long, this article described the rheology of the Western humanitarian thinking, stripping out of Dickens humanitarian ideas and rheology in Detected by analyzing the particular experiences of contemporary writers, and Dickens era in which humanitarian thought content and features, and in the times of Dickens' experience in the history of morality and aesthetics, as well as the interpretation of the Christian spirit to grasp to the causes of the humanitarian ideas of Dickens. The humanitarian spirit of Dickens also had a profound impact on the socialization and the creation of future generations writer. Finally, induction of practical significance of Dickens's humanitarian ideas and impact on future generations.

Humanitarian thought in the far western source and keep, this paper introduced the western humanism rheological, and in the analysis of the rheological humanitarian thought out of dickens. Through the analysis of contemporary writers and dickens in The Times special experience and detecting humanitarian thinking of the meaning and characteristics, and in place of the era of dickens experience, history and aesthetic view of morality, and the interpretation of Christian spirit to grasp the cause of humanistic thought dickens. Dickens humanitarian spirit on the social education and the later the writer's creation also had the profound influence. This paper sums up the last discusses the dickens humanitarian thought the practical significance of the influence and later.

你很忙吗?翻译成英语是Are you busy?英式读法是[ə(r)][ju]['bɪzi];美式读法是[ər][jə]['bɪzi]。busy用作形容词的基本意思是“忙的”,通常指人经常或暂时埋头于一项工作,含有“热衷于”的意味。busy作“繁忙的; 热闹的”解时可修饰物或事物。相关例句:...

[别忙]英文翻译 don't hurry; take it easy [别忙]相关搜寻 特别忙的成语

I'm busy! Don't bother me! This dry what to do what to! Are you not? Disgusting.

“要好好照顾自己哦!别太累了,注意休息!”英语翻译为:Take good care of yourself!Don't be too tired. Pay attention to rest!。照顾自己:take care of yourself;劳累:tired 休息:rest

尽管忙你的,不用理我,我没什么特别的事情 英语翻译,谢谢
You could work as you like,I have got nothing special so no need to der me.

此句的关键点:1.No matter how引导让步状语从句,“无论怎样,不管怎样”的意思 2.乐于助人,可翻译为“Ready to help others”或“be glad\/pleased to helps others”或“be willing to help others”等等;整句翻译为:No matter how busy he is, he is always ready to help others....

You shouldn't be so eager to grow up, don't be too tired 满意请采纳,O(∩_∩)O谢谢~

elimination 去除; 不用 disuse 不用 do without 不用;没有……也行 need not不用;没有必要 介意你用need not 例句:don't mention it; don't stand on ceremony;不用客气 it goes without saying; needless to say;不用说 You needn't worry.; There is no need to worry.不用着急。

英文翻译: 1,别羡慕别人,其实自已经很幸运 2,虚假的人在身边,不用特别...
Don't envy others, in fact has been very lucky 别羡慕别人,其实自已经很幸运 False people on your side, no special care, let them continue to act 虚假的人在身边,不用特别去在意,就让他们继续演戏 Busy, prove yourself energetic Serious life, enjoy the busy 忙碌,证明自己有活力。

to the students. she gave us the right to choice and encouraged us to express our feeling. she said the students were the masters of study. because of these, i had good score.一个一个字打的...绝对不是用软件翻译的 算是帮LZ一个忙了 水平有限 只是直译了 参考资料:自己 ...

同德县15026767318: 帮忙翻译成英文.不要用翻译器的!“若是可以真的想回到当初那个时候” -
钦饶左羟:[答案] if it can come back to that time

同德县15026767318: “ 我学会了26个英文字母,我能默写他们 ” 麻烦帮忙翻译成英文 请不要用翻译软件 是错的 -
钦饶左羟:[答案] I have learned the 26 English letters,I can write down them by myself

同德县15026767318: 请帮忙翻译以下一句成英文,不要用翻译软件直译...
钦饶左羟: Pls proceed with the payment for the actual QTY you received. Pls deduct the payment for the goods of short shipment from the payment.

同德县15026767318: 英语翻译请帮忙翻译,不要用翻译软件 ,请问疑问这词是用query 还是用question比较好,为什么 -
钦饶左羟:[答案] query 原因: query 名词n.1. 质问;询问;疑问 eg.I have a query about his sincerity. 我对他的诚意有怀疑. 2. (用以提出问题)请问 3. 问号,(加在稿子等疑问处的)疑问号 question 名词n. 1. 问题;询问 2. 要讨论(或考虑)的问题;争端;难题 3. ...

同德县15026767318: 【急求】帮忙把我的这封信翻译成英文,不要用翻译器不要用翻译器需要翻译的内容如下:现在我只是一个初一学生,还在努力学习英语,我也希望能通过... -
钦饶左羟:[答案] Now I am just a student, still trying to learn English, I also hope that through communication with you, let our English ability is stronger.

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钦饶左羟:[答案] Scientific visualization of environmental information provides a means to present data for environment managers in a more intuitive way consistent with human cognition. It helps to explain the essenti...

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钦饶左羟: Severely limits the technical barriers to trade in foreign trade of China's agricultural products exportsThe overall level of development China's agriculture is not high, behind the export product mix, lower grades, some exports of agricultural products in...

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钦饶左羟:[答案] I can help to share the housework,if my English is good,I can also help the kids with homework.或者I would like to share the housework,if my English is good enough,I can also help the kids with homewo...

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