
作者&投稿:归咬 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

make poster;或make show bill

英文:In the Atlantic Ocean in 1912 in order to find the sunken Titanic and the ship's precious treasures - priceless "Haiyangzhixin" treasure explorer Block salvaged from the wreck on a rusty safe, but, only one well-preserved pieces of the sketch - wearing a diamond necklace, a young woman. This is television news caused the attention of a hundred years old woman, the elderly excited, then rushed by helicopter Block salvage ship. It turns out her name was Rose Dawson, is the portrait of the woman.
Looked at portraits, scenes of past reappear in front of the elderly: April 12, 1912, for maiden voyage of the Titanic berthed at the port, the terminal is crowded with people competing to see human history, the largest and most luxurious ship . Rose, a beautiful but lack the temperament beautiful lady with her aristocratic mother and fiance - steel with large prince Karl Hawley boarded the first class. Meanwhile, another hero of the film - the young artist Jack Dawson street lucky by gambling to win third-class tickets, shouting "We are the luckiest ..." at the last moment, he boarded the ship. Titanic set sail, and the Atlantic Ocean early spring sunny, blue skies, Jack and his partner stood in front of the bow view, cheered, excited, as if this time the world has belonged to them.
Rose in the upper circle of life, social communication, has long been tired of boring conversation nobles, feeling no different bird in cage, and she worried frown to the deck looks into the distance, distraction Melancholy. Jack saw Rose, he was attracted to her temperament. As night fell, and a false picture, the Rose of the future and marriage felt very helpless; she dashed to the deck, trying to jump into the sea end of life. Jack and at the critical moment to discover their own true and unique sense of humor to convince Rose. Although Carl reluctantly, but for the answer Xie Jieke grace to rescue his wife, he had to invite Jack to dine in first class. Karl wanted to use the opportunity to shabby Jack about it, I did not expect the table in front of Jack in the words of sincere applause brought the house unexpectedly. Since both Jack and Rose met and began to understand each other, reveal their angst to Jack Rose: "I have found nothing more than that, as has been like living a lifetime. Countless banquets, parties, yacht race, horse game has access to are narrow-minded, Youkouwuxin people. I feel like standing on the edge, no one pulled me back, no one cares, or even left unattended. "enlighten and in the company of Jack, Rose, to find back long lost happiness, finally re-filled smile on her face.
Karl Rose's fiance found between Jack and Rose, the heart is very unhappy, and he gave Rose a priceless diamond necklace, "Haiyangzhixin", and declare her intention to win his state of mind Rose's favor . However, in the eyes of Rose, Carl is a full snob, she do not want to marry him from the bottom of my heart. However, the pressure in the mother and her fiance, under Jack Rose had intended to avoid the feelings can be positive because Rose did not realize he has a deep love Jack.
From friend to love, although only a few days time, Rose and Jack have been unable to separate. In the bedroom, Rose put on a "Haiyangzhixin," drawn by Jack that she will never forget the piece of the portrait. Rose decided to ignore the pressure of family and etiquette in the Titanic docked and Jack live together, happiness seems just minutes away from the couple.
White Star Line Manager Bruce Ismay Titanic created to make the fastest Atlantic crossing record, regardless of the potential threat to the tip of Captain Smith suggested to improve boat speed. 14 at night, unusually calm sea, the Titanic is still full speed. Lookout found immediately after the tip in front of the cockpit and informed the officer, but the inertia was too late to avoid the great vessels, the boat is the tip of the right split, six compartments flooded. Known as the unsinkable Titanic sank in two hours. Only enough lifeboats on board at a time when half the passengers on board panicked.
Unexpectedly, when Jack Hawley been planted in the name of the theft of diamonds framed and kept in the lower cabin. Rose know the truth with the crowd on deck with the waiting lifeboat, but she eventually believe Jack is innocent. Rose, desperate to return to the empty cabin to find Jack, and sent for rescue in a pinch ax rescued him. They came on deck, Rose persuaded the Jack on the lifeboat. Lifeboat slowly down, Rose trance when she gave up perhaps the last chance to jump back to the Titanic, the couple hugged each other tightly.
"Dream Boat" began to slowly sink the Titanic, the tragedy began to be staged. The dark ocean and the sky together into a ruthless and desperate passengers swallowed. Jack Rose went with the stern, climbed the railings (that is, they love the place to start) to the end, until the Titanic sank. Two full after struggling a huge whirlpool, Jack will push a piece of floating wood Rose, himself soaked in cold water.
Several hours later, rescue boats rescued the dying Rose return, but this time Jack had been frozen Ice ruthless swallowed. Jack Rose to keep the promise, the courage to live.
Eighty-four years later, Rose went to the place where the Titanic sank, the "Haiyangzhixin" into the sea, to tell Jack soul in heaven ... ...

白星航运公司经理布鲁斯伊斯梅为了让泰坦尼克号创造横跨大西洋的最快纪录,不顾潜在的冰山威胁暗示船长史密斯提高船速。14日夜晚,海面出奇的平静,泰坦尼克号仍然全速行驶。了望台发现正前方的冰山后立刻通知了驾驶舱和大副,可是惯性极大的轮船已来不及躲避, 船身右侧被冰山割裂,六个舱室进水。号称永不沉没的泰坦尼克号将在两小时内沉没。而此时船上的救生艇只够一半乘客使用,船上陷入一片恐慌。

爱情后的悲痛------sorrow after love
英文:In the Atlantic Ocean in 1912 in order to find the sunken Titanic and the ship's precious treasures - priceless "Haiyangzhixin" treasure explorer Block salvaged from the wreck on a rusty safe, but, only one well-preserved pieces of the sketch - wearing a diamond necklace, a young woman. This is television news caused the attention of a hundred years old woman, the elderly excited, then rushed by helicopter Block salvage ship. It turns out her name was Rose Dawson, is the portrait of the woman.
Looked at portraits, scenes of past reappear in front of the elderly: April 12, 1912, for maiden voyage of the Titanic berthed at the port, the terminal is crowded with people competing to see human history, the largest and most luxurious ship . Rose, a beautiful but lack the temperament beautiful lady with her aristocratic mother and fiance - steel with large prince Karl Hawley boarded the first class. Meanwhile, another hero of the film - the young artist Jack Dawson street lucky by gambling to win third-class tickets, shouting "We are the luckiest ..." at the last moment, he boarded the ship. Titanic set sail, and the Atlantic Ocean early spring sunny, blue skies, Jack and his partner stood in front of the bow view, cheered, excited, as if this time the world has belonged to them.
Rose in the upper circle of life, social communication, has long been tired of boring conversation nobles, feeling no different bird in cage, and she worried frown to the deck looks into the distance, distraction Melancholy. Jack saw Rose, he was attracted to her temperament. As night fell, and a false picture, the Rose of the future and marriage felt very helpless; she dashed to the deck, trying to jump into the sea end of life. Jack and at the critical moment to discover their own true and unique sense of humor to convince Rose. Although Carl reluctantly, but for the answer Xie Jieke grace to rescue his wife, he had to invite Jack to dine in first class. Karl wanted to use the opportunity to shabby Jack about it, I did not expect the table in front of Jack in the words of sincere applause brought the house unexpectedly. Since both Jack and Rose met and began to understand each other, reveal their angst to Jack Rose: "I have found nothing more than that, as has been like living a lifetime. Countless banquets, parties, yacht race, horse game has access to are narrow-minded, Youkouwuxin people. I feel like standing on the edge, no one pulled me back, no one cares, or even left unattended. "enlighten and in the company of Jack, Rose, to find back long lost happiness, finally re-filled smile on her face.
Karl Rose's fiance found between Jack and Rose, the heart is very unhappy, and he gave Rose a priceless diamond necklace, "Haiyangzhixin", and declare her intention to win his state of mind Rose's favor . However, in the eyes of Rose, Carl is a full snob, she do not want to marry him from the bottom of my heart. However, the pressure in the mother and her fiance, under Jack Rose had intended to avoid the feelings can be positive because Rose did not realize he has a deep love Jack.
From friend to love, although only a few days time, Rose and Jack have been unable to separate. In the bedroom, Rose put on a "Haiyangzhixin," drawn by Jack that she will never forget the piece of the portrait. Rose decided to ignore the pressure of family and etiquette in the Titanic docked and Jack live together, happiness seems just minutes away from the couple.
White Star Line Manager Bruce Ismay Titanic created to make the fastest Atlantic crossing record, regardless of the potential threat to the tip of Captain Smith suggested to improve boat speed. 14 at night, unusually calm sea, the Titanic is still full speed. Lookout found immediately after the tip in front of the cockpit and informed the officer, but the inertia was too late to avoid the great vessels, the boat is the tip of the right split, six compartments flooded. Known as the unsinkable Titanic sank in two hours. Only enough lifeboats on board at a time when half the passengers on board panicked.
Unexpectedly, when Jack Hawley been planted in the name of the theft of diamonds framed and kept in the lower cabin. Rose know the truth with the crowd on deck with the waiting lifeboat, but she eventually believe Jack is innocent. Rose, desperate to return to the empty cabin to find Jack, and sent for rescue in a pinch ax rescued him. They came on deck, Rose persuaded the Jack on the lifeboat. Lifeboat slowly down, Rose trance when she gave up perhaps the last chance to jump back to the Titanic, the couple hugged each other tightly.
"Dream Boat" began to slowly sink the Titanic, the tragedy began to be staged. The dark ocean and the sky together into a ruthless and desperate passengers swallowed. Jack Rose went with the stern, climbed the railings (that is, they love the place to start) to the end, until the Titanic sank. Two full after struggling a huge whirlpool, Jack will push a piece of floating wood Rose, himself soaked in cold water.
Several hours later, rescue boats rescued the dying Rose return, but this time Jack had been frozen Ice ruthless swallowed. Jack Rose to keep the promise, the courage to live.
Eighty-four years later, Rose went to the place where the Titanic sank, the "Haiyangzhixin" into the sea, to tell Jack soul in heaven ... ...

白星航运公司经理布鲁斯伊斯梅为了让泰坦尼克号创造横跨大西洋的最快纪录,不顾潜在的冰山威胁暗示船长史密斯提高船速。14日夜晚,海面出奇的平静,泰坦尼克号仍然全速行驶。了望台发现正前方的冰山后立刻通知了驾驶舱和大副,可是惯性极大的轮船已来不及躲避, 船身右侧被冰山割裂,六个舱室进水。号称永不沉没的泰坦尼克号将在两小时内沉没。而此时船上的救生艇只够一半乘客使用,船上陷入一片恐慌。

我先翻译的!!!yangmengyue11 是抄袭我的!!!


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跪求各位英语高手帮翻译一下海报 在线等 急!!谢谢了
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跪求各位英语高手帮翻译一下海报 在线等 急!!谢谢了
Lexus: I won't change any day the pursuit of perfection from 1989into the luxury car market, the LEXUS Lexus has always been committed to consumer driving pleasure to perfection, a luxury car produced in each is manufacturing sophisticated, elegant style, at the same time, with ...

宜昌市13978384101: 海报用英语怎么说 -
允勤益母: Poster

宜昌市13978384101: 英语海报用英语咋说?
允勤益母: English poster 海报 poster 告示可以说 notification 巡视 patrol

宜昌市13978384101: 海报的英语单词怎么写??? -
允勤益母: 最常用的是 poster,其余的还有 playbill placardshow bill 这些词

宜昌市13978384101: "英语海报"怎么说是 ENLISH POSER 还是poster of english -
允勤益母:[答案] English poster

宜昌市13978384101: @在英语中怎么说 -
允勤益母: @ “@”是一个符号,电邮应用中意义为“at”,即“某用户”在“某服务器”.它在社交应用如微博中也有广泛应用. 中文名 艾特 外文名 @,at 读音 ài tè

宜昌市13978384101: 用英语翻译:春节元宵晚会的海报 -
允勤益母:[答案] Spring Festival lantern party poster

宜昌市13978384101: 海报怎么写 英语 -
允勤益母: poster2.海报上的字体非常醒目.The lettering on the poster is very eye-catching.若觉得满意~请记得采纳~∩_∩

宜昌市13978384101: 张贴海报 英语 -
允勤益母: put up a poster poster 招贴,海报,广告(画);布告[C] They put up posters all round the town advertising the circus.他们在镇上四处张贴海报为马戏团作宣传.

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允勤益母:[答案] A concert @ Qidu theatre 6:30 PM 9:30 PM,tonight Join us!

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