misssion什么意思?? 急求

作者&投稿:柯言 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

n. 代表团;使命;官方使命;布道所
v. 给…交代任务;派遣;把任务交给;向…传教

transmisssion malfunction

n. 1. 外交使团,使节团[(+to)] 2. 【美】使节团驻所,大使馆,公使馆 3. 使命,任务 4.(尤指在国外的)传教团,布道团 5.慈善机构 6.(人生的)使命,天职 7.【军】作战任务;飞行任务 8.布道;传教
vt. 1. 派遣 2. 向...传教
mission 1.广告目标 2.宗旨 3.使节,代表团,天职,任务 4.迷信 传教 5.委员会
Mission 1.美声 2.使命。 3.特殊任务

名词 n.   1.外交使团,使节团[C][(+to)][G]   
He was head of a French trade mission to the United States.   
The country maintains some sixty missions abroad.   
He went on a secret mission.   
A mission was sent to Africa by the Baptist Church.   
It seemed to be her mission to care for her brother's children.   
John had already flown sixty missions.   
8.布道;传教[U][C]   及物动词 vt.   1.派遣   2.向...传教[1]

n. 使命,任务;代表团;布道
vt. 派遣;向……传教

LS说的technical, professional, 甚至是special,都可以有专业的意思. 但是在这里应该用technical这个词,这个词经常可以用作贬义来批评一些过于技术的东西.而另外两个词基本上没有这种用法

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I love you so much, My heart is judged, Are stand goes on,I love you more,You happy smile,Your Loving face,Your number one with everyday your place Your my obsession and Your looking so special,My love is your illusion, but i Know it's you.Your my emossion like, I ...

6.___It___has been very cold this yesr.7.___There___has been no news of him .8.I am sure ___it___will be fine tomorrow.9.After dinner___there___will be a long dischssion on politics.10.When will___it___be convenient for you to come?

英语翻译 火速拜托了各位 谢谢
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Rencetly i have had a dischssion about the ways to learn english with Jim ,a student from britain .Jim gave me a lot of good tips about learning English, for example, he suggested that I reading English newspapers, imperceptible improve their English level. He suggested that ...

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年逸星索: 错了吧?mission n.布道;代表团 vt. 派遣;向……传教

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年逸星索: mission是名词,有"任务,代表团,使命"等意思

汾阳市19414631267: mission什么意思中文翻译 -
年逸星索: 名词:代表团,使命,布道所 动词:给……交代任务,派遣,向……传道

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