
作者&投稿:子丰左 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

I am your father这句台词出自1980年电影《星球大战5:帝国反击战》。



此时达斯·维达冒出一句台词:“No, I am Your Father!”这一超展开的经典台词,被人熟知。




用am, is, are 填空
1.am are am 2.is 3.is 4.is 5.Is 6.is is 7.is 8.are 9.is 10.are 11.is 12.am 13.are 14.is 15.are 16.are 17.is 18.is 19.is 20.is 21.Are 22.is 23.are 24.Are 25.Is 26.is 27.is 28.are 。。希望采纳~~~(>_<)~~~参考资料:自己 ...

Now i am a fat house cat,nursing my sore blunt tongue,watching the...
Flightless Bird, American Mouth(破碎的梦想,自由的宣言)I was a quick wet boy(我是一个贫穷的男人)diving too deep for coins(为了生活苦苦的追寻)All of your street light eyes(城市冰冷的物质眼神)wide on my plastic toys(肆无忌惮打量我的天真)Then when the cops closed the fair...

用am, is, are 填空
am are am is is is is is is is are is are is am are is are are are 希望对你有帮助

用am, is, are 填空
1.am are am 2.is is 4.is 5. is is is 7. are are 9. is are 11.is 12. am is 14. is 15.are 16.are 17 is 18.is 19. is 20.is 21.are 22.is 23.are 24.are 25.is 26.are 27.is 28.am

...变复数句 3、That is a goose.变复数句 4、I am a boy. 变一般疑问...
2 there are some boys 3 those are some geese4 Are you a boy ?5 Is she a girl ?6 Is this her desk ?7 Are they your friends ?8 Is there a book on the desk ? small thin bad there these ...

有首Dj里面有一段女声歌词:I am so lovely lovely.全名是什么?_百度...
Now i'm riding in my big fat ride Your ass is late so look for the line Nana in the house to let you know What i see is how i feel so leave me alone I am lonely lonely lonely是这首吧 I am lonely lonely in my life I am lonely lonely lonely God help me help me ...

I am putting on weight. what can I do?
of cheesecake. You should aim to exercise at least three times a week, for 30 minutes, regardless of whether you are trying to lose weight or not. Get into an exercise routine and get sweaty! A healthy diet and regular exercise are your best defences against weight gain....

歌词and i am knocking out like
Start with the fat skills that rose in the past We got it like how you know how to beast rocks Entertain you, see you soon at the next spot The crew got you bouncing and dropping your eye Making you ???Tss tsss tsss, I'ma roll with the hot I'ma flow from the soul ...

一首歌里面有 i am lonely now 是什么歌
now i'm riding in my big fat ride your ass is late so look for the line nana in the house to let you know what i see is how i feel so leave me alone i am lonely lonely lonely i am lonely lonely in my life i am lonely lonely lonely god help me help me to ...

I Am Lonely 歌词
Now I'm riding in my big fat ride Your ass is late so look for the line Nana in the house to let you know What I see is how I feel so leave me alone Everybody is trippin' on me Why can't you rescue me cause you've got all I need That's why I am lonely ...

潮安县19560423868: 夏目友人帐中的经典语句,唯美的那种 -
柯盾儿童: 嘛,经典说不上啦,就写几句我喜欢的~ 1、后来,日子变得有点吵… 我依然还是不怎么喜欢妖怪,不过那个不管是好还是坏,都是一次的邂逅. 2、我们同样害怕踏出最初的那一步. 3、我也喜欢人类啊!不管是温柔的,还是温暖的,人类、野...

潮安县19560423868: 海绵宝宝说的那句英文 -
柯盾儿童: 英语原版台词是这样的SpongeBob: Well, Mr. Krabs. Do you want to know what I think? AAAAHHHH!! Regga Fleeba Brecka Brecka Smullen-ullen Mr. Krabs!! Yegga Hegga mergin Wallet!!!!! Dim...

潮安县19560423868: 这句台词出自哪部电影?
柯盾儿童: 电影:《国王的演讲》

潮安县19560423868: 把每天当成世界末日来对待 语出何处? -
柯盾儿童: 出自电影《美国美人》的一句台词“我们要学会珍惜我们生活的每一天,因为,这每一天的开始,都将是我们余下生命之中的第一天.除非我们即将死去.”

潮安县19560423868: 西方结婚牧师念的那段词的英文版? -
柯盾儿童: 第叁类(现代的)在上帝以及我们的家人及朋友面前,我娶/嫁你妻子/丈夫.从今以后,当你喜乐,让我分享你的喜乐;当你忧伤,让我分担你的忧伤;在你健康或病痛时支持你、与你在爱中共同成长,终生对你忠实,直到永永远远.第四类...

潮安县19560423868: "我来过,我看见,我征服."是谁说的?英文原句? -
柯盾儿童: I come, I see, I conquer(我来过,我看见,我征服)是罗马的凯撒大帝(Rome's Caesar emperors)说的这句很经典也很酷的话哦:)“我来 我看 我征服”原句:I come, I looked, I conquer. :)~~

潮安县19560423868: 表示不懂就要问,不会就要学的名言是? -
柯盾儿童: 表示不懂就要问,不会就要学的名言是:“敏而好学,不耻下问.” 指天资聪明而又好学的人,不以向地位比自己低、学识比自己差的人请教为耻. 出自《论语·公冶长》第五篇:子贡问曰:“孔文子何以谓之'文'也?”子曰:“敏而好学...

潮安县19560423868: 台词“拽犯法吗”出自什么电影? -
柯盾儿童: 台词“拽犯法吗 ”出自1988年出品的香港电影《大话神探》,陈百祥饰演的Richard在警局说:“拽犯法吗,请问我犯了那条法律?”后就被拉到小黑屋打了一顿.不过这句台词是出自普通话版,粤语版台词是不一样的.《大话神探》由永佳...

潮安县19560423868: “走自己的路,让别人去说吧.”是谁的名言? -
柯盾儿童: 但丁--------意大利 但丁·阿利基埃里(1265-1321) 意大利诗人,被恩格斯誉为“中世纪的最后一位诗人,同时又是新时代的最初一位诗人.”但丁一生著作甚丰,其中最有价值的无疑是《神曲》

潮安县19560423868: 电影《断背山》中的经典台词i wish i knew how to quit you出现在电影的什么位置? -
柯盾儿童: 他两个在山下小争吵的时候 JACK说的最后一句 1:47分的时候 这是电影《断臂山》的台词,杰克对欧内斯特说的那句情话:I wish I knew how to quit you. 感人至极. 在美国早已成为最为人们传颂的经典台词.这句话翻译成中文“我想知道我如何戒掉你”就韵味全无,或者也可以说但愿我能......但怎么翻译都体现不出原句的精神.

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