拜托我翻译成英文 谢谢

作者&投稿:冷嘉 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Personal Information
Name: ***
Gender: Female
Date of Birth: Feb. 19.2009
Age: 21
Citizenship: Suzhou city, Jiangsu province
Race: Han
Politics Status: reserve membership of Chinese Communist Party
Health Status: Good

Education experience

Skills and specialities
English level: CET 3
Computer Level: NCRE 1
Pro-level certificate: CAD semi-senior certificate, UG first-level certificate

Honor and reward
Had gotten scholarships for many times in school

Specialized courses
Mechanical design and manufacture (direction: Numerical control)

Career objective

Work experience
Had done many part time jobs in school

Open-minded, positive, good at imagining, hard-working, love new challenges
A good team worker, communicator, learner


中国的新年来得比较迟一些:More Chinese New Year Comparison later
我还没有做好心里准备:I also did not do a good job preparing hearts
在中国就业真的很难,尤其想我这样学艺术的.或许,有一天我真的像你说得那样去打零工... :It is really difficult job in China, in particular, I would like to learn this art. Perhaps, one day I really did fight like you say chores ...
我曾经想过要给你寄一些好玩的东西,但我不知道该怎么给国外寄邮包,还有就是在我们那里寄比较麻烦,我需要你的地址.你可以告诉我吗? :I have thought about giving you send some funny things, but I do not know how to send packets abroad, there is where we send in comparison trouble, I need your address. You can tell me?
中国现在正在大量植树,防止沙漠化过快,和水土流失:China is now massive tree planting to prevent excessive desertification, and soil erosion
由于中国的发展速度很快,也对环境有很大的破坏,国家为了未来的发展,才去大量植树.. :As China's development is very rapid, but also have great environmental damage to the future development of the country, only to the large number of trees ..
我觉得你真了不起~!! :I think you really remarkable ~! !
我在一些书中了解,美国的地方工资是很高的,你要是去了亚洲,生活上不一定好。:I understand in some book, the United States is very high local wages, if you went to Asia, not necessarily good life.
我想着,你要是有一天中文很不错, 那我们就可以面对面交谈,或者一起玩.一起去旅行... :I think if you have a good day Chinese, then we can talk face-to-face, or have fun. Together to travel ...
我有时候给你回复的信息有点迟,那是因为,我只动个别的句子和单词,所以我就找英文好的朋友帮我翻译,真惭愧. :Sometimes I give you back the information a bit late, it is because I only dynamic individual sentences and words, so I find a good friend to help me in English translation, really ashamed.
你很个性,我也喜欢你这样的性格,不要在乎别人的看法,着个世界本来就是这个样子的:You are very personality, I like you to the character and not care about other people's views, the world has always been like this
在我心里你永远都是我的好朋友,永远....:In my heart you will always be my friends forever ....

好久都没有联系了 最近怎么样?找到不错的工作了么?
I havn't hear from you for a long time. How are you doing? Have got a satisfied job?
我这学期有很多课程 还有很多英语考试要通过。
I am a little bit buzy this term.For I have a number of courses as well as lots of exams to attend.
我才知道今年是中荷建交35周年 在北京有一些庆祝活动 我和妈妈也参加了还照了一些照片 我觉得很有意思 十分开心!
I just learned that this year is the 35 of anniversary of establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Holland.They celebrated it in Beijing.And my Mom and I took part in it also. We took some pictures. It's very interesting and I felt excited.
北京现在的天气已经很凉了 冬天马上就要来临了 你们那里这个时候的天气怎么样?
It's colder and colder in Beijing now. How about your city?
万圣节马上就要到了 有没有什么有意思的庆祝活动呢?我可能会和一些外教们一起庆祝,应该会有些意思吧。
带我像你的父母问好 祝他们身体健康 我同样想念他们
Hallowmas is coming. Do you have any ceremonies over there? I will celebrate it with my foreign teachers and I think it must be interesting.Please remember me to your parents and tell them I miss them.

Haven't reach you for quite some time,how have you been?Did you get a nice job?I have a full schedule this session and many English tests to prepare.
I realised that this year is the 35th year since Holand and China first established diplomatic relations,there're some celebrating activities in Beijing.My mom and I took part in some and took some pictures,I had a great time and found it very interesting.
It's cold here in Beijing,winter will come soon,what's the weather like there in your place?
The halloween's coming too,are there any interesting celebration?I might celebrate halloween with some foreign teachers,it's going to be fun!
Remember me to your parents,and wish them good health,I miss them too.

龙泉市19255098368: 拜托!翻译成英文
藏苑诺和: Thank you for your help, I won't forget you for ever. Wish you in a good age!

龙泉市19255098368: 帮我翻译成英文!拜托拜托!谢谢!!
藏苑诺和: 数字13有时被人当成是个幸运的数字,有时也被人当成是不幸运的数字.Sometimes people take the number 13 as a lucky number,whereas,sometimes take it as a unlucky number.

龙泉市19255098368: 拜托,帮我翻译成英文,谢谢!亲爱的,我是一个活泼欢快而且幽默的人
藏苑诺和: Dear, I was a lively and cheerful and humorous, the last few days, how is not happy, you only think of the time, calm and warm hearts will be many in that distant place, I love you...

龙泉市19255098368: 拜托请帮我翻译一句英文,非常感谢. -
藏苑诺和: Everytime I find I can't communicate with you fluently when you need me, I hate myself because I didn't learn English well when I was young.

龙泉市19255098368: 拜托请帮我翻译一句英文,非常感谢. -
藏苑诺和: I have a little dream On my birthday,whatever anywhere,Even if we'll Never meet each other again,you are my best frend for ever,Can you help me to make the dreams come true

龙泉市19255098368: 英语高手请进!!! 拜托把下面的文字翻译成英文 谢谢! 【我想要有一个学习的伙伴,希望是女孩, -
藏苑诺和: I want to have a study partner, hope is the girl, learning to work together, sincere hope that the relative 我想要有一个学习的伙伴,希望是女孩,一起努力学习,希望真诚相对

龙泉市19255098368: 我要感谢她翻译 成英文 拜托拜托~~~~~~ -
藏苑诺和:[答案] I'll thank her. 不明白可以追问我,满意的话请点击【采纳】

龙泉市19255098368: 拜托大家帮忙翻译下,谢谢!!中文翻译成英文! -
藏苑诺和: 希望可以帮你 Sorry! the phone last night i do not bother you, because i was a bad one in the Bay Park, sorry! i know that your work is very busy, everyday working late, tired.... ... i found my God is very unfair to me, the fairest is the time, it gives ...

龙泉市19255098368: 拜托请帮我翻译一句英文,非常感谢你的帮助. -
藏苑诺和: You should love youself greatly,believe in yourself that you are a very brilliant and unique person.You are honest,trusting others,caring for friends.Also you are modest and full of enthusiasm,keeping trying new things.Spending rest time to ...

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