
作者&投稿:盛烁 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ 1、一旦避免失败变成你做事的动机,你就走上了怠惰无力的路。

Once you become avoiding failure motivation, you go on the road to laziness.


A constructive argument for work.


Tired of yourself than to put corruption is better.


Our destiny offers not the cup of despair, but the.


You hope I can with you together forever set sail, it sounds very good, but I am not your master forever. God for us to create feet is to let us walk on their own feet.


I should be a rich man, I have no right to be a poor man.


If you lose, the only to do is to lose.


My faith is to reach the goal before others.


In the world what things can happen, is unearned do not occur, those who ride hidebound, I ignore.


In business, success is not the trick trick.


Did not experience the unfortunate people, but unfortunately.


If one day, waking time spend all their time trying to earn money above, I don't know and than such a man more contemptible, more poor of.


I don't meet the competition, I destroy the competitors.


Be good to others when you are climbing, because you will meet them when you go down the hill.


The more you think you do, you will become more sophisticated.


In the opportunity of the world, there is not much chance to win, if you really want to succeed, you must master and protect their own opportunities, but also to try to seize the opportunity of others.


Coping ability is a kind of can buy goods, as sugar or coffee, and I am willing to compensate buy this ability, it is better than anything else in the world.


Patience is not swallow, also is definitely not bow and scrape, patience is a strategy, is also a kind of character of temper, has bred is emulative heart.


We found each other's weaknesses and give a person, often is the winner.


No one can stop us from going home, unless we don't want to go home.


Design luck, is the design of life. So when you are waiting for a chance, know how to lead. This is what I do not rely on the luck of the living, but I rely on the development of planning.


We should be brave in no choice, decided to blaze a way out.


Too many people overestimate what they are missing, but they underestimate what they have.


Good solutions are often not tolerated by each other, but the outcome of the quarrel.


In my eyes, money like manure, if you take it out, you can do a lot of things, and if the hide it, it will become stink to high heaven.


Insult is a kind of power.


The more you think you do, you will become more sophisticated, and a positive attitude will create success.


A comPhensive examination, and then decide which one is the best plan.


Once you have identified the goal, you should make every effort to cultivate the full confidence to reach the goal.


From poverty to wealth, the road is clear, it is important that you believe that I am my biggest capital.


Climb up and be good to others, because you will meet them when you go down the hill.


On the basis of the business of friendship, the resort has been built on the basis of friendship business.


We must let oneself become a strategic thinker, which is not only the means of the designer.


Do not rush time, no more firmly do, can do many things, how good it is!


When the red rose bud, only around the cut off don't branchy leaves, can in future thriving and emit charming showy flowers.


Everything should be done to perfection. You can't afford to pay all the extra burden of accumulated tanxiaoshida.


Silence gives you the benefits of a lot, put a low profile, become humble, in other words, hide your intelligence. The wise man knows more silence, like mature rice, rice down.


No action, no result, no one thing in the world is not put into practice by the idea of A.


To understand each opponent, even the background of the partner, often have unexpected help to their career.


Walking stick can not replace the strong feet, we must rely on their own two feet, if your feet are not strong enough to support you, you not to give up and admit defeat, but we should try to temper, to strengthen and develop feet, let them play strength.


People have a vision, only a long time to endure hardship, only a long time of harvest.


Because I know people bring harm to the most efficient way is to give money, it can let people corrupt, domineering, arrogant, losing the best happiness.


Everyone has lost confidence, doubt their ability, especially in the face of adversity.


I won't ignore employees, will seriously look at them, accurately said, in my mind, always put to me and die for the employees placed in the first.


Believe that things will happen again and again, the good will eventually Pvail.


Only know that the hard work of the people, the loss is the time to make money.


A man must find his own home, not to stray or become a beggar.


I despise those who are good at making excuses, because it is a cowardly behavior, I sympathize with people who are good at making excuses for an excuse is pathogenic to the failure of manufacturing.


I do things always have a habit, before making a decision, I will calm thinking, judgment, but I once a decision is made, duty bound to follow it to the end.


The power of the spirit comes from the great aim and the strong belief is the inner motive force of the self.


Without a golf game, you need to play one shot, the goal of every shot, the closer the hole, the better, until the ball into the hole.


If you see work as a pleasure, life is heaven; if you see it as a duty, life is hell.


I think it's the best way to figure out the basis of a business, from the bottom up, to the point of success.


Every time that does not understand the opportunity, will become a turning point in our lives.


Let every thought obey the interest motive.


Did not want to be a good final step, never take the first step.


Instead of living in a dark and gloomy mood that has neither won nor lost, it is the same kind of person who knows neither happiness nor sadness, it is better not to fail at failure, but to challenge one's way to the target!


Knowledge is external, it is our understanding of things, wisdom is the meaning of our understanding of the invisible things; only two of both, you can become a comPhensive development of the people.


To be frank, I have a belief that I should be rich, and I have no right to be a poor man. As time went by, the belief became as hard as steel.


Everything has to try, even if there is little hope.

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-弗烈得利克·威廉森 ●生命里最重要的事情是要有个远大的目标,并借才能与坚毅来达成它。-约翰·渥夫甘·冯·歌德 ●在任何行业中,走向成功的第一步,是对它产生兴趣。-威廉·奥斯勒爵士 ●强烈的信仰会赢取坚强的人,然后又使他们更坚强。-华特·贝基霍 ●一个人几乎可在任何他怀有无限热忱的事情上成功。-...

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关于理想信念的教育名言 1.十分重要的是,关于祖国的豪言壮语和崇高理想在我们学生的意识中不要变成响亮的然而是空洞的辞藻,不要使它们由于一再重复而变得黯然失色、平淡无奇。让孩子们不要去空谈崇高的理想,让这些理想存在于幼小心灵的热情激荡之中,存在于激奋的情感和行动之中,存在于爱和恨、忠诚和不妥协的精神之...

1、人的一切都应该是美丽的:面貌、衣裳、心灵、思想。——契诃夫 2、虽然我们走遍世界去寻找美,但是美这东西要不是存在于我们内心,就无从寻找。——爱默生 3、最高贵的心,有着最高贵的满足。——斯宾诺莎 4、改变人的心灵,比征服许多一国更高贵。——德明纳尔 5、美都是从灵魂深处发出的。—...

53、人类在斗争中变得强大,不论他达到了什么目标,都是由於他的创造力加上他的残忍。希特勒 54、欢乐的名字是创造。希恩名句作为警示自己的句子,希望以上《自制力的名言》内容对您有所帮助,如果还想获取更多名句内容可以点击 心寒的名言警句 专题。 已赞过 已踩过< 你对这个回答的评价是? 评论 收起 为...

25.在任何行业中,走向成功的第一步,是对它产生兴趣.—— 威廉·奥斯勒爵士 26.相信就是强大.怀疑只会抑制能力,而信仰却是力量.—— 弗烈德利克·罗伯森 27.信心是人的征服者;它战胜了人,又存在于人的心中.—— 马·法·塔伯 28.自信者不疑人,人亦信之.自疑者不信人,人亦疑之.—— 《...

长岭县19473767171: 美国亿万富翁洛克菲勒所说的一句名言 英语原文是什么美国亿万富翁洛克菲勒所说的一句名言——即使你们把我身上的衣服剥得精光,一个子儿也不剩,然后... -
窦庄小儿:[答案] Even if you put my clothes stripped naked, a child is not left, and then I threw in the Sahara desert, the heart, but as long as two conditions 11 give me a little time and let a caravan from the pass...

长岭县19473767171: 谁知道洛克菲勒的名言 -
窦庄小儿: 洛克菲勒名言集锦 1、当红色蔷薇含苞待放时,唯有剪除四周的枝叶,才能在日后一枝独秀,绽放成艳丽的朵. 2、即使你们把我身上的衣服剥得精光,一个子儿也不剩,然后把我扔在撒哈拉沙漠的中心地 带,但只要有两个条件——给我一点时...

长岭县19473767171: 洛克菲勒的名言是什么??
窦庄小儿: 洛克菲勒十大名言 1、我不靠天赐的运气活着,但我靠策划运气发达. 2、要让金钱当我的奴隶,而不让我当金钱的奴隶. 3、一个人不是在计划成功,就是在计划失败. 4、命运给予我们的不是失望之酒,而是机会之杯. 5、我的信念是抢在别人之前达到目的. 6、智慧之书的第一章,也是最后一章,就是天下没有免费的午餐. 7、把一头猪好好夸奖一番,它都能爬到树上去. 8、永远不能让自己的偏见妨碍自己的成功. 9、往上爬的时候要对别人好一点,因为你走下坡的时候会碰到他们. 10、即使输了,惟一该做的就是光明磊落地去输.

长岭县19473767171: 原文翻译 洛克菲勒话. -
窦庄小儿: 当红色的蔷薇含苞待放时,唯有剪除多余的枝叶,才能在日后一枝独秀,绽放出艳丽的花朵”能说出出处和主旨更好"When the red rose bud, the only way cut off the extra branches in order to outshine others in the future, bursting out with gorgeous flowers" can tell a better source and substance!

长岭县19473767171: 洛克菲勒最有名的一句名言是什么??
窦庄小儿: 借口是制造失败的根源、

长岭县19473767171: 洛克菲勒的一句名言:“如果把我全身衣服剥光,一个子儿不剩的把我丢在沙漠里,只要有一个骆驼商队经过,过不了十年我又会成为亿万富翁. -
窦庄小儿:[答案] 只要活着就有希望,很自负!

长岭县19473767171: 求洛克菲勒一段话的翻译 帮下忙 高手 -
窦庄小儿: 我很早就学会了边工作边娱乐.我的人生是一段悠长的快乐假期,满是工作也不乏娱乐——我把忧愁丢在路上.——每一天,上帝都恩待于我.

长岭县19473767171: 洛克菲勒“即使你们把我身上的衣服剥得精光…”整句英文出处?不要软件翻译出来的. -
窦庄小儿: 这是Bill Gates自传中提到的,只是他小时候抄写的John D. Rockefeller 说过的一句话,不是什么名言,没有什么出处的.

长岭县19473767171: 求英文版的诚信名言以及关于诚信的英语短文 -
窦庄小儿: the sincere message is the most beautiful overcoat of person , is an intelligent the holiest and purest fresh flower. 2, the sincere message is your no humble price shoes , traverses the length and breadth of a journey filled with numerous difficulties ...

长岭县19473767171: 英语翻译A businessman was deep in debt and could see no way out.He sat on the park chair,with 21 in hands,wondering if anything could save his company ... -
窦庄小儿:[答案] 一位商人是债台高筑,并可能看不到出路.他坐在公园的椅子上,21手,想知道如果有什么能够拯救他的公司从22. 突然,一... 这位商人看到了他的手为50万美元的支票,这是26日由约翰·D.洛克菲勒,在世界上的27个男人之一!“我可以删除我的钱...

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