
作者&投稿:戚荷 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
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The Duke said uncertainly,"I don't understand."

"I understand,"the Duchess of Croydon sai."You want money,don't you ? You came here to blackmail us."

If she expected her words to shock, they did not succeed. The house detective shrugged. "Whatever names you call things, ma'am, don't matter to me. All I e for was to help you people out of trouble. But I got to live too."

"You'd accept money to keep silent about what you know?"

"I reckon I might."

"But from what you say,"the Duchess pointed out,her poise for the moment recovered,"it would do no good. The car would be discovered in any case."


这是英国作家阿瑟*哈莱(Arthur Hailey)的小说《旅馆》(Hotel)中的选段,我刚刚学过,不会错的。







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Summer has arrived at , I have wanted to take everybody to go round the open country to go for an outing. Now is six months , sixth the moon of 1 year , is summer. We can get rid of Hu Li have a swim, that green lake water be like that beautiful , think of a ...

England is the first country in the world to establish a government subsidized free health care system.

急!!!英译汉句子翻译!不要软件 或在线翻译出来的!高手来啊!在线等...

1.It is said that Mr.Green was brought up by his grandparents 2.I feel so sorry that his parents didn't let him go with us.3.It doesn't matter that he will come or not.4.I often see some beggars in rags when I walk on the street.5.As we all known to all that ...

一个字儿一个字儿翻译的。。。Currently the major factor of the network insecurity is the design defect of system, protocal and database etc. As today's computer network operating system focuses on the convenience of usage in its structural design and code design, thus it led to ...

由于在乡村生活了大几年,他不太适应城市的一切.5.Having translated that thick book, he felt relieved and satisfied.翻译完了这么厚的一本书,他感受到了内心的充实.6.Having been told that it was going to snow, they decided to put off the football match.听说要下雨,他们决定将足球赛推迟...

求翻译 求高手帮忙啊!!!一定不要软件翻译的!!!谢谢啦!!!
The gathering and transportation system to be used in the different oilfield chemical additives, although medicament adding sequence, but the system will remain part of the residual chemicals or.整个集输系统中要使用不同油田化学助剂,虽然药剂的加入分先后顺序,但在系统中总会有药剂的存留或...

兴义市17296031480: 几个英译汉,不要在线英译汉的~1.她在唱歌.2.他每天去上学.3.我现在正在做作业.4.我爸爸经常喝茶.5.不要说话,他在睡觉. -
人仁天力:[答案] 1、Listen!She is singing. 2、He goes to school every day. 3、l am doing homework now. 4、My father often drinks tea. 5、Don't talk!He is sleeping. 简明扼要.

兴义市17296031480: 英译汉,准确一点,不要软件翻译的 -
人仁天力: The content of the attached are information you need, based on what we discussed in the meeting today. It includes the inspection standards, datasheets, a list of the items to be recorded by FIS on all processing steps and the FIS User Manual. ...

兴义市17296031480: 几句简单的英译汉?不要机器翻译~~~1、请先付押金.2、(娱乐结束了)完了请到吧台结账3、你可以随便坐(很自由的选择座位) -
人仁天力:[答案] 1、please pay +钱数+yuan as deposit. 2、please check at the cashier. 3、You can sit as you like.

兴义市17296031480: 英译汉几个句子,不要翻译器翻译的,warned that fuel pools in plants across the country were riskprone unless the rods could be submerged at all times.,... -
人仁天力:[答案] 警告说,除非鱼竿能在所有的时间都被水淹没,植物燃料池遍布全国.(riskprone 就真不知道什么意思了.……这几句很不顺的说) 在1996年3月4日,时代杂志说的一篇文章:“大量的辐射,释放并渲染数百平方英里的土地,不适合居住.这次地震和...

兴义市17296031480: 英译汉,不要在线翻译软件翻译出来的寒假帮忙吧!翻译一下!不要用在线翻译软件翻译出来的!好的话会再给分!The little children in the pictures ... -
人仁天力:[答案] 照片中的孩子们来自苏州的一个幼儿园,他们在干什么呢?他们不是在玩游戏,而是在为我们的地球家园做一些重要的事情.他们想告诉人们必须爱护地球,保护环境.他们很乐意去做环保志愿者,并想让人们把从书本和老师那里学到的东西学以致用...

兴义市17296031480: 英语翻译不要翻译软件翻译的 -
人仁天力:[答案] 空间之主...人群的宠儿...我是 Dimentio. Dimentio 是马里奥游戏里一个黑白小丑(boss),没有官方译名.

兴义市17296031480: 英文句子翻译,高手进.不要软件翻译的!~1. Canners can can what they can can but can not can things can't be canned. 2. Bill's big brother is building a ... -
人仁天力:[答案] 首先说明一下那些是绕口令,比较看重读的怎样. 1.罐头工人可以把做成罐头的东西做成罐头,但是不能把无法做成罐头的东西做成罐头. 2.bill 的哥哥在两大砖头中建一幢漂亮的房子. 3.paul请停下你的鼓掌. 4.我可以带你去参观鞋店和衣店么?shirley ...

兴义市17296031480: 英译汉 高手进!不要工具翻译的!1、if they are of the same tutsi ethnicity as the military 2、being forced into flight totally disrupts the lives of the internally ... -
人仁天力:[答案] 如果他们把同样的图西族作为军事力量 被迫从事飞行完全打乱了国内流离失所者的生活,就像它对reguees所做的一样 . 要么围绕军事哨所.

兴义市17296031480: 英语翻译不要用翻译软件翻译出来的句子,把它翻译得准确完整 -
人仁天力:[答案] 不见面不等于不思念, No meeting doesn't mean no missing, 不联络只是为了掩饰眷恋. No contact is just for hiding love. 因为有时候, Cause sometime, 相见不如怀念. Cherishing is better than meeting.

兴义市17296031480: 英语翻译不要用软件翻译 -
人仁天力:[答案] 好像很多人没有它们就不能享受人生 It seems like that many people cannot enjoy life without them

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