
作者&投稿:播秒 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

A succession of beautiful scenery makes one feel delighted. A long stay in the same surroundings to make everything the same. Routine work often makes one feel bored But if you take a trip or a long journey on your holidays to some scenic spots or historic sites, that will make great difference.
Travel can widen one's knowledge. The far[her you go, the more you will learn about different politics, economics, customs as well as geography. If you travel the whole world some day, you will fully understand the globe on which we live.
However, too much travel causes tiredness. You get on a bus or a taxi, you travel on the train or in a plane, being patient with the hours needed on your mute from one place to another, that will make you exhausted after a while.

Today the weather was fine, my family and I went to the zoo. In the zoo, I saw the fierce tiger, the mighty lion and cute panda. I most like the panda, because the panda black circle is very lovely, today saw a panda, I am very happy. This is a happy day.


Every year,more than 0 million Americans spend their holidays camping in the national forests and natural parks.The number of visitors is rising.
Camping has been a long tradition for the American people.Pioneer Americans hunted and fished in forest streams and used forest trees for building houses.Often in their travels,they camped deep in the woods.Of course,it was not for fun at that time.In later years,Americans began to find great fun in camping,fishing and other activities.
The campers go climbing,swimming,boating and horse riding.They pick wild fruit,watch birds,and take photos of wild flowers,wild animals and the beautiful views.They also spend time making friends and singing around evening campfires.
Of course,people are attracted to the forests for different reasons and purposes.Some want to see the wildlife;others may just want to be in the open or live close to the land.These activities are becoming more and more important,especially for the people living in the big cities.
New campers may need some information about camping.For example,good maps are necessary not only for planning trips but also for traveing on unfamiliar roads.Making preparations is very important for camping.


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绍兴市17693466320: 写一篇英语作文关于旅游的 -
邰苑安福: This summer holiday , I went to Shanghai . I went to Shanghai by car .I visited Shanghai Museum . It is very intersting . I visited my aunt and played with my cousin . This summer holiday is very nice . What about your summer holiday?好久以前写的了,可能有错误,求采纳~~~·

绍兴市17693466320: 根据提示内容,以Traveling为题写一篇80词左右的英语短文.开头已给出,不计入总词数.提示内容:1.旅游是一项非常有益的活动.可以享受大自然,呼吸新鲜... -
邰苑安福:[答案] Traveling Traveling is a very good activity.When we go to a beautiful place,we can enjoy the nature and breathe fresh air.We can also make many friends.When we see the beautiful scenery,we will feel v...

绍兴市17693466320: 写一篇英语作文关于旅游 -
邰苑安福: A Trip to the Ocean Park My parents and I went to the ocean park last Sunday.We went by bus.We left home at 8:00am and got there at 8:30am.There were a lot of people in the park,boys and girls ,young and old are everywhere.We saw many ...

绍兴市17693466320: 求一篇关于求关于旅游的英语短文,背诵时间为两到三分钟即可,要从六个方面描述. -
邰苑安福:[答案] It was last National Holiday,I went to Shandong Province on my own with a travel agency.I really had a unforgotable holiday ... I put on raincoat.That was really hard for me.My trip to Shandong wasn't bad,I really enjoyed it.希望楼主满意阿 It is exciting to ...

绍兴市17693466320: 写一篇关于旅游的英语作文 -
邰苑安福:[答案] I have a try...I have been to BeiJing for a travel.it was a great journey!we have went to see the Imperial Palace and the great wall and them let me feel that I was proud to be a Chinese.the Imperial ...

绍兴市17693466320: 英语作文!根据下面提示内容以“traveling”为题目写一篇80词左右的短文1、旅游是一种非常好的活动,当你工作累了,有空的时候,可以到外地领略大自... -
邰苑安福:[答案] TravelingTraveling is a very good activity.When you are fed up with your work and study,and when you are free,you can go to a beautiful place to enjoy the beauty of the nature,you can breathe the fres...

绍兴市17693466320: 写一篇题为"旅游"的英语文章,不少于80字,并基于以下提纲:1.我一直都喜欢旅游.2.旅游能够增长知识,并对健康有益.3.希望人们都能抓住机会外出旅游. -
邰苑安福:[答案] I like to travel all the time. First, travelling everywhere can enlarge your knowledge about the custom in the places, can feel the natural and beautiful scenery;Also,it is good for your health,it can...

绍兴市17693466320: 求一篇去旅游的英语作文
邰苑安福: Hello everyone, I'm …You can call me… I am a sunny and hard-working girl from Class 79 ,Grade 1 of CE JING Middle School. It's my great honor to take part in this oral competition. The title of my speech today is “Traveling and Reading”e68...

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邰苑安福:[答案] 好像来晚了呀 不过还是给你参考参考 我自己写的 It was last National Holiday,I went to Shandong Province on my own with a ... cuz we climbed Mount Tai.It was a rainy day,I put on raincoat.That was really hard for me. My trip to Shandong wasn't bad,I ...

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