Write a poem about food

作者&投稿:太衬 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ Chips
potatoes and hot dogs. 图片参考:schools.hants.uk/fawleyinfants/Childrens-Pages/Poetry-Day-2004/Images/Hot-Dog (Hot) Dog Chips are like salt and vinegar Full of salt And full of lots of vinegar
Chips are crunchy like the gravel under your feet Dipped in ketchup dripping off the plate When you stand in bare feet
it makes your toes get the heat Potatoes roasted in gravy
All soggy and easy to split
And when you put them in your mouth They scream out
"help me help me I'm in a tiff" Hot dogs full of ketchup Splitting at the ends Sometimes when you bite it
it gets stuck on your pens
The coat is soft and squishy
And sometimes you can feel The very furry ends Food is great Just like a cake The Pizza and Burger poem 图片参考:schools.hants.uk/fawleyinfants/Childrens-Pages/Poetry-Day-2004/Images/Burger Burger I'd rather eat a burger
one with lots of cheese. Lots and lots of Ketchup
and some salad please? I'd rather eat some pizza
with some tomato spread. Loads and loads more cheese
on some baked bread. I'd rather have an ice lolly
when its hot or cold! Chocolate
vanilla and strawberry ice cream
In a cone I can hold!
参考: schools.hants.uk/fawleyinfants/Childrens-Pages/Poetry-Day-2004/Poem-8
The “Healthy” A
Cs A is for apple
B is for bread
C is for cholesterol I always dread
D is for diet which I ought
E is for exercise I do a lot. F stands for fiber I must take
G is the goals I shall made
H must be healthy to match the title
I is for indulgence I am not entitled. J is for junk food which I must flog
K is the kilometers for my daily jog
L is for light-weight
M for good mood
N stands for the “No!” to fatty food. O stands for the anic salad I insist
P stands for the pint I resist
Q is the quest for R which stands for rest
S is the sensible eating I do best. T is the food triangle I obey
U is the urge to stay healthy
I say
V is for vegetables
W for wholesome
X is letter which is most troublesome. Y stands for yoga
I do myself
Z is for the zeal for good health. Original poem: The 'Awful' A
Cs A is for awful
B is for bad
C is the worst cold I ever had. D is for 'don';t' (and I hear that a lot!)
E is for everything I haven't got. F stands for feelings
when they get hurt
G are are the grass-stains all over my shirt. H is for headache
I is the ice They put on my eye when I got punched ice. J is the junk that was all I could see
When my K for kite crashed into a tree! L is for lousy
M is for mean
N is how nasty all my friends have been. O is for
oh! I lost my key!" P is the pocket where it was supposed to be. Q is for quarrel
R is for rain
S is how sad I'm feeling again. T is the toothache that came in the night
U is how ugly I look when I fight. V is for villain
W is weird
X marks the spot where my chicken pox appeared. Y is for 'yelled at' and it wasn't much fun
When my Z for zipper came undone. So when I look back at this awful ABC
The only thing not awful - is ME!

杭州市19856301749: 为你写诗英文怎么说 -
贸泰返魂: Composes a poem for you

杭州市19856301749: “诗”字英语单词 -
贸泰返魂: 诗 名词1. (文学体裁的一种) poetry; verse; poem:例句:satiric poem [poetry]; 讽刺诗symphonic [tone] poem; 交响诗2. (指《诗经》) The Book of Songs 3. (姓氏) a surname:例句:Shi Suo 诗索

杭州市19856301749: “写诗”用英语怎么说
贸泰返魂: write a poem

杭州市19856301749: i was required to write a poem 翻译中文
贸泰返魂: I was required to write a poem.我被命令了要写一首诗. 我被要求了要写一首诗.

杭州市19856301749: 求——动宾词组,20个. -
贸泰返魂: read books, write a poem, see a movie, hear a stoy, listen to the radio, clean the floor, drink water, typing letters, watch TV, drive a car, take a taxi, answer the phone, wash the dishes, cook the chicken, drink wine, eat an apple, wipe the table, open the file, take down the note, move the desk.

杭州市19856301749: he is write a poem语法对吗? -
贸泰返魂: 不对.至少应该是He is writing a poem.他正在写一篇诗作.

杭州市19856301749: write组词,并加意思 -
贸泰返魂: vt.& vi.写; 写信; 写作; 作曲;Could you write a poem about this photo? 你能写一首关于这张照片的诗吗?2. Where people first learned to write. 那里的人最早学会了写字.3. I'm going to write about my cat. 我要写一写我的猫.4. Write a ...

杭州市19856301749: 写一首诗. 英文
贸泰返魂:Write a poem in English 写一首诗英文

杭州市19856301749: 1.根据汉语提示用单词的适当形式填空. (1)I - ---(write) a poem. 1 hope you like it. -
贸泰返魂: 为你解答.1.根据汉语提示用单词的适当形式填空. (1)I (have written) a poem. 1 hope you like it.(2)Would you like some (bananas)? (3)Do you want (to visit) your parents? (4)How many (books)do you have? (5)Amy and Wu Yifan (are)playing ...

杭州市19856301749: 几道英语问题,谁来帮帮我
贸泰返魂: translation: 1. write a poem/ write poems 2.pay attention and.. 3.list.. change the form of the following sentences : 1 it's time to go home. 2.if u are interested in it, u can keep it.

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