急:翻译问题:Secretary of the Company 要怎么翻译啊?

作者&投稿:华滕 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

please write a memo according to the information given below
suppose you are the secretary of the personel Department of a company and organizing farewell party for a colleague who is going to retire . Wirte a memo in about 100 words to inform your colleagues of the meeting


He has clearly expressed that he didn't want to take over this project.
He made Polly as the company secretary because she is qualified for the work.
Right after he returned from is vacation, he found that his house had broken into by someone and his money was stolen.
She hardly imagines how does it look like when working for 20 hours every day.
I am deeply concerned about whether these articles are helpful to you.

因此,"Secretary of the Company"可以作"公司秘书".

Secretary 有"部长"之意,也就可以表示董事长,总经理.仅作参考.

Job description
A company secretary manages the processes that ensure their organisation complies with company legislation and regulation and keeps board members informed of their legal responsibilities. By law, every company must have a company secretary.

They are responsible for calling annual general meetings and board meetings and ensuring the implementation of their decisions. It is also their responsibility to register and communicate with shareholders, and to pay dividends. Ensuring that their company complies with legal and regulatory requirements, company secretaries provide a firm foundation on which companies can successfully operate.

Company secretaries work in all sectors. Some act as freelance consultants.



回答和翻译如下 :第二 。sec .



SEC是Security Exchange Commission的缩写,翻译过来就是“证券交易委员会”。它是美国联邦政府的一个独立机构,主要负责监管证券市场,维护投资者的权益和保障市场的公正、公平和透明。SEC的存在对投资者至关重要,因为它可以确保公司遵守公开披露规则,提供准确的信息给投资者,从而让投资者做出明智的投资决策。

sec 发音:英 [sek] 美 [sɛk]翻译:n.秒;adj.<法>干的; 略具甜味的; (香槟酒)含糖量为3-5%的; 淡的 变形复数: secs 例句:Details are available from the Hon. Sec. A.R. Bushby.详情可咨询名誉秘书A.R.布什比。Phyllis Smith ran a controlled race to qualify in ...

sec就是secant,正割的意思,读['sekənt];csc就是cosecant,余割,读[kəu'sekənt];余割是在直角三角形某个锐角的斜边与对边的比,用 csc(角)表示 。正割是直角三角形中,一个锐角的斜边与其邻边的比(即角A斜边比邻边),叫做该锐角的正割。y=secx的性质:1、定义域,...

英语1 sec怎么翻译?
sec是second的简写。1 sec就是一会儿,一秒的意思 拓展:min 是minute的简写。1 min是一会儿,一分钟的意思 口语中,wait a sec\/ wait a min 都可以翻译成:等一会儿

sec 翻译:n.秒;adj.<法>干的; 略具甜味的; (香槟酒)含糖量为3-5%的; 淡的 变形复数: secs 例句:Phyllis Smith ran a controlled race to qualify in 51.32 sec.菲莉丝·史密斯控制好速度,用51.32秒跑完了比赛,获得了参赛资格。She ran a personal best of 13.01 sec.她跑...

英语Have you got a sec怎么翻译?
所谓“sec”其实是“second(秒钟)“的简略,有较强的口语色彩。那么这句话说全点儿也就是,”Have you got a second?“,意为“你有时间吗?”“你有空吗?”。通常作邀请、引出对话用。

英语缩写词SEC通常被用作"Secretaría del Estado de Comercio"的简称,中文翻译为"国家商贸秘书处"。本文将深入解析SEC所代表的英文单词及其中文含义,包括其拼音、详细解释、在英语中的使用频率,以及SEC的分类、应用领域和具体示例。SEC,即"Secretaría del Estado de Comercio"的缩写,代表的英文单词含义...

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余畏尼尔: secretary

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余畏尼尔: secretary (秘书,名词)、sink(沉没,动词) 、on purpose (特意)、attempt (企图,假装)、average(平均的,形容词) 、bury (掩埋,动词)、marriage (婚姻,名词)、foreign(外国,名次) 、January (一月)\额、好久没看书了,也不知道是你要的麽

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余畏尼尔: 主要是看后面跟的部门,还有级别.说实在的,党内的职务一般不对外,老外看到secretary这个职务,基本上都是云里雾里的.

礼县13377883720: 英语翻译美国其他行政部门首长,英文也都叫secretary,中文翻译为"xx部长"而不是"xx卿呢,国务卿是唯一例外,谁知道是啥因故?同样道理,当年中文... -
余畏尼尔:[答案] 主要是要考虑让中国人便于接受和理解.

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礼县13377883720: 英语翻译似乎不能翻成公司秘书,这是法律文件,中间有提到Secretary of the Company is a corporation or other body . -
余畏尼尔:[答案] Job description A company secretary manages the processes that ensure their organisation complies with company legislation and regulation and keeps board members informed of their legal responsibilities.By law,every company must have a ...

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余畏尼尔: Secretary Office, Vice Secretary of Office, Vice Secretary Office, Executive Vice Secretary Office, discipline inspection and leader Office Office, personnel education unit, financial unit, b market unit, registration registered unit, fair trade unit, food ...

礼县13377883720: 急:翻译问题:Secretary of the Company 要怎么翻译啊? -
余畏尼尔: By law. It is also their responsibility to register and communicate with shareholders, and to pay dividends, every company must have a company secretary, company secretaries provide a firm foundation on which companies can successfully operate....

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余畏尼尔: 私人秘书 : private secretary或 personal assistant

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