
作者&投稿:皮溥 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


  1. “teacher”的发音组合为 :tea + cher

  2. “read”的发音组合为:read

  3. “meat”的发音组合为:meat




  1. teacher: [ˈtitʃər]

  2. read : [rid]

  3. meat : [mit]


teacher read meet含有相同的元音[i:]

如果 read 是过去式就读[e] 不同

teacher read meat 中的 each 发音相同,都是发长音/ i:/
注 read 作为过去式 读/ e/

eacher:Why are you late for school every morning? Tom:Every time I e to the corner,a sign says,"School-Go slow". 老师:为什么你每天早晨都迟到? 汤姆:每当我经过学校的拐角处,就看见一个牌子上写着"学校---慢行". A Good Boy Little Robert asked his mother for o cents. "What did ...


eacher:Why are you late for school every morning?Tom:Every time I come to the corner,a sign says,"School-Go slow".老师:为什么你每天早晨都迟到?汤姆:每当我经过学校的拐角处,就看见一个牌子上写着"学校---慢行".A Good Boy Little Robert asked his mother for two cents. "What did...

答案是:第一大题;1.building 2.festival 节日 3.places 名声境地 4.nervous 紧张 5.protect 保护 翻译:1.swimming,summer 2.burned rubbish 3.see,every day 4.if ,kick 5.is ,important .for , 填写单词的适当形式:1.suggestions 2.hardly 3.central 4.older 5.playing 6.friendly 7.pr...

We are going to the hospital to visit Mr.Li tomorrow morning.We'll meet at 8 o'clock at the school gate and then we'll go to the hospital by bus.We'd better buy something useful for her and get her some fresh flowers,because it can make her feel very good and happy...

listen to sb(music,the eacher,mother,him,me) like sth\/like doing sth In English\/Chinese have shoes in all colors. be kind to sb You're welcome. Welcome to china\/America. my day, a happy day …not like Chinese or English. 在电影中 演奏小提琴\/喇叭\/打鼓\/钢琴 想参加 音乐\/运动\/美术\/...

求英语翻译 在线等 要人工翻译
for instance,if the readjustment of national policies and regulations unables the delivery of the contract, extra negociation between the two parties involved in the contract will be needed.

we are no strangers ,except friends we have not met这句话有语法错...
语法上有错。字面猜测意思可能是:我们不是陌生人,而是未曾谋面的朋友。英文就是:We're not strangers,but friends never met.

高二英语题...改写句子and 完成句子
you DON'T HAVE TO come to the meeting if you're too busy.3.这本字典很有用,而且也不贵 This is Very useful dictionary,and EVEN BETTER,it is not an expensive one.4.They invariably start by doing others harm but END UP HARMING THEMSELVES. (以害己告终)5.Thoughts can BE ...

因为加拿大除给国际学生提供部分奖学金以及助教( T eacher Assistant)、助研( R esearch Assistant)机会外,还有独特的 C o-op课程( C o-operative Education的简称,俗称“带薪实习课程”),学生在实习中可获得相应报酬。英文入学考试的要求 美国的研究生院一般需要申请人提供 G RE、GMAT、LSAT等考试...

怀安县18812471000: 谁能举出20个不同元音音标的英语单词(不要太难的,易记的) -
严素血塞: ]teach teacher team bean read leave meat mean please jeans pea sea east Easter eat tea teapot clean seat need meet keep [^]son lunch money under umbrella love study brother sun mother fun cup blood love cut honey[ɑ、[つ]:]bird girl skirt dirty ...

怀安县18812471000: meat和read的ea发音一样吗 -
严素血塞: 是的,一样的,亲!亲:高老师祝你学习进步,每天都开心V_V!望采纳,thanks!

怀安县18812471000: meat和read的发音是否相同 -
严素血塞: 不一样的************************************************************************** ^__^真心祝你学习进步,如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问, 另外如果你觉得我的回答对你有所帮助,请千万别忘记采纳哟! **************************************************************************

怀安县18812471000: 高中各种重要主要语法现象 -
严素血塞: 语专家葛传槼先生曾说:“32313133353236313431303231363533e59b9ee7ad9431333335306266语法是语言的法则.”英语语法是英国语言的实际用法,是通过语法家的调查研究、分析、综合而总结出来的,不是凭空臆造出来的.任何人...

怀安县18812471000: 字母"A E I O U"的发音规则 -
严素血塞: 英语的26个字母中有A、E、I、O、U五个元音字母,它们在不同词汇中的读音是不同的.A的发音规则.A/a的发音比较复杂,归纳起来有9种情况: (1)在重读开音节中读[ei].例如:plane[plein] radio['reidiƏu]wake [ weik] paper['peipƏ...

怀安县18812471000: want,do,read,speak,teacher的三单形式
严素血塞: wants does reads speak teach的三单形式是teaches

怀安县18812471000: teacher开头的英文接龙 -
严素血塞: teacher--rabbit---turtle----elephant---tea---apple--eraser--rock--kill--long--great--today--yellow---windows--star--rude 不知道够不够.

怀安县18812471000: 带有ea发|i:|的英语单词
严素血塞: 答案是: clean,read,teacher,tea,meat,seat,season,heat,等☞ ♧手工翻译☀尊重劳动☀欢迎提问☀感谢采纳♧ ☜

怀安县18812471000: 动名词加 - ing形式和to do形式有哪些(初中)用法总结 -
严素血塞: 动名词加-ing形式如下总结你可以参考一下: 1)stop to do 表示“停下来(正在做的事情)开始做别的事情”,stop为不及物动词,不定式to do在句中作状语,表示停下来...

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