
作者&投稿:岛应 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1: If we do not protect those wild animals in the world will have no animals.
2: If the days it does not rain, I will be out playing football.
3: For teachers and students to encourage students is very important.
4: Milly like to share their happiness with friends.
5: The next Sunday and I intend to go with their parents to see the red Maple Leaf Fragrant Hills.
6: After school I usually do some extracurricular activities. Sometimes I would go to tennis courts to play tennis, and sometimes go swimming pools.
7: When I was growing up I want to be a social worker.
8: We all love history teacher, because he is very good sense of humor.
9: What is the natural disasters? Example, in last year's earthquake in Taiwan, there are thousands of people died.
10: Our country is becoming more and more powerful, more beautiful.选我

1.He teaches English as well as French.
2.Either you or me have to tell him.
3.He plays either soccer or football.
4.Both he and I do not speak English.
5.He speaks neither English nor French.
6.He can not neither read nor write.
7.Not only do you have to wash bowls,but also clean the floor.
8.Either you or I is right.
9.My English is not only clear but also careful.

His speech was interrupted by the noise outside the house.
2.开始时我想拒绝,但最终还是接受了他的邀请。At first, I wanted to refuse,but finally I accepted his invitation.
3.他弄得父母很不愉快。He made his parents unhappy.
4.大连值得一游。Dalian is worth visiting.
5.大街上到处是人。The street is crowded with people.
6.我真希望他明天能够早点来。I really hope that he will come here earlier tomorrow.
7.令我很振奋的是,我们队赢了。To my excitement,our team won.
8.当他们在公园的时候,天刮起了风。When they were in the park,it was blowing.
9.我昨天晚上在大街上被抢了。I was robbed in the street last night.
10.他们一到北京就去参观了颐和园。As soon as they got to Beijing,they visited the Summer Palace.

His address(speech,speaking)was interruped by the outdoor noise.
At beginning I wanted to refuse his invitation, but finally I accepted.
He made his parent unpleasant(gloomy,upset).
4.大连值得一游。The Dalian City is worth of visiting. (deserves)
5.大街上到处是人。The treet is crowded with people everywhere.
I really hope he could come early.
What makes me encouraging is our team has won.
The wind blowed when they were in the park.
I was robbed in the street last night.
They visited the Summer Palace as soon as they arrived in Beijing.

His speech was interuppted by tho noise outside
At first,i wanted to refuse,but finally,i received his invention
He made his parents quiet unhappy.
DALIAN is worth of a good sightseeing
The street is full/black of people
I wish he would come early tomorrow
To my big excitement,our team won.
When they were in the park,it began to blow.
I was robbed when i was in the street yesterday evening
On their arrival in BEIJING,they visited the SUMMER PALACE.

1.His speech was interuppted by the noise outside
2.At first,I wanted to refuse,but finally,I received his invitation
4.DALIAN is worth sightseeing
5.The street is full of people 或者The street is filled with people
10.As soon as arriving in BeiJing ,they visited the SUMMER PALACE.

名言翻译,英语,。超急!!7. 感情有着极大的鼓舞力量,因此,它是一切道德...
名言翻译,英语,。超急!!7. 感情有着极大的鼓舞力量,因此,它是一切道德行为的重要前提。 —— 凯洛夫  我来答 首页 在问 全部问题 娱乐休闲 游戏 旅游 教育培训 金融财经 医疗健康 科技 家电数码 政策法规 文化历史 时尚美容 情感心理 汽车 生活 职业 母婴 三农 互联网 ...

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永济市13448215282: 几个句子需汉译英 非常急!!!
辕通珠珀: 1.After the discussion of our group, please allow me to announce the name of the best collection. 2.It's very delicate. 3.That's all.

永济市13448215282: 求地道汉译英,很急,请高手尽量速译,再此拜谢! 汉语短文如下. -
辕通珠珀: Osteoporosis is not a disease of the elderly women may also suffer from a young age. A recent study shows that soft drinks will accelerate bone...

永济市13448215282: 请帮忙翻译一下英语 汉译英!!!很急
辕通珠珀: 1.上数学课 have a math class 2.我最喜欢的学科 my favorite subject 3.吃午饭 have lunch4.午饭后 after lunch 5.音乐课很放松 The music class is relaxing 6.喜欢音乐老师 like the music teacher 7.最后一节课 the last lesson 8.下课后 after class 9.打两...

永济市13448215282: 求中译英,要自己翻译!!很简单但很急!! -
辕通珠珀: What do you think of the following :Our school has decided to rebuild itself with excellent surroundings. It will have in it a botanical garden built, with various kinds of plants and flowers as actual samples for us students. There will also be a garden ...

永济市13448215282: 汉译英,很急,希望能快点
辕通珠珀: 1、isn't 2、didn't,were 3、and 4、but 5、to pass 6、to work 7、at the moment 8、didn't,until 9、don't,unhealthy,anymore

永济市13448215282: 英语!急!!超简单!汉译英! -
辕通珠珀: 1. Do things in order2. Talk about3. Dave's family members4. On the right

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永济市13448215282: 中译英(急) -
辕通珠珀: 1. This supermarket is crowded on weekend. 2. The sons fought for the heritage estate af...

永济市13448215282: 汉译英.急! -
辕通珠珀: They can't buy anything else,because they are out of money.The more things you interest,the more chances you have to be happy.She canlt bear any noise while sleeping ,so she didn't...

永济市13448215282: 急求汉译英!谢谢!!
辕通珠珀:非常抱歉!因为支付问题我不得不中止交易,也许我在一个小地方,显然银行工作人员不熟悉这种业务,他们建议我用别的支付方式以保证安全. --->> I'm very sorry! Because of some payment issues I have to abort the transaction, Maybe I'm in ...

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