happiness happy happilly造句

作者&投稿:赏旺 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
The old man lookes ( )And he lives( ) A, happy;happy B happily;happilly C.happy;happily~


第一个空填happy, looks happy,看起来很开心,这里look相当于系动词,后面接形容词作表语,第二个空填happily,副词修饰动词lives,生活的快乐。这句话的意思是:这个老人看起来很开心,并且他生活地很快乐!


Good morning, ladies and gentlemen! It’s my honor to give you my speech, and my topic is happiness. As to happiness, here is a legend in western culture; it says that anyone who can find a four-leaf-clover will get happiness. So do you think that I will tell you how to find a four-leaf-clover to make you happy? Obviously not, what I want to tell you is a story of mine which enlightened me about a true essence of happiness. The story began as I was walking with a friend near a clover-field. You know, my friend didn’t have the knowledge of clover, so he asked me its name. I told him it was clover and told him the legend. Then he was very curious about four-leaf-clover and eager to find one. In fact, I didn’t think he could find one, and I wanted to persuade him not to waste his time, but to my surprise, he really found one and thought it was very easy. Moreover, only a few minutes later, he pointed another one for me. Furthermore, I felt it unbelievable that I also found one soon. It shouldn’t have been such easy, and I was wondering why it wasn’t as difficult as I had thought to find one. Suddenly, as if a flash brighten my mind, I realized that four-leaf-clover is not a legend but a parable through which the ancestor wanted to remind us that happiness must be somewhere around us, and we should cherish it instead of ignoring it. As a survey on the Internet shows that more and more college students feel that they are unhappy, I think I should share my story with all of you. Well, so next time if you feel unhappy, why not just go out and try to find a four-leaf-clover? At last, I would like to end my speech by thanking you all. Thank you very much.

【happiness 】n.幸福
There is no exact definition of the word happiness.

【happy】adj. 幸福的;高兴的;巧妙的
In many countries old age is a happy time.

【happily】adv. 快乐地;幸福地;幸运地;恰当地
I ate the meal happily.

锦江区13028178519: happy和happily的区别 -
莫宇湿毒: 一、单词性质不同,用法不同. 1、happy是形容词,意思是快乐的、幸福的、巧妙的,用于修饰名词. 例如:happy birthday 翻译:生日快乐 2、happily是副词,意思是快乐地、幸运地、幸福地、巧合地、适当地,用于修饰动词. 例如:...

锦江区13028178519: HAPPINESS AND HAPPY 是什么意思并且附一下中文音译读音 -
莫宇湿毒:[答案] happiness KK:[] DJ:[] n.[U] 1.幸福,快乐,愉快 Money does not always bring happiness. 金钱并不总是带来快乐. 2.幸运 3.恰当,巧妙 happy:[ 'hæpi ] a.快乐的,幸福的 词形变化: 副词:happily 形容词比较级:happier 最高级:happiest 名词:...

锦江区13028178519: happy和happiness的区别是什么? -
莫宇湿毒: get happy 这里的get是一个“达到”或者“处于”的意思,happy是形容词,开心、快乐的意思,意思是(感到)“很开心、很快乐” get happiness这里的get是得到,happiness是幸福的意思(名词),“得到幸福”

锦江区13028178519: happiness和happy -
莫宇湿毒: 当然不对!!呵呵,楼主大概忽略了一点细节上的问题.happiness 作为一个名词前面怎么可能直接出现 you 呢,最起码也是 your 吧. 当然也不是完全不可能,可能的情况是要建立在句型或者词组上的,例如:give sb sth (God gift you happiness...

锦江区13028178519: happiness是happy的什么变化? -
莫宇湿毒:[答案] 很高兴能够在这里回答你的问题,这道题的正确答案应该为: happiness是happy的名词形式,由形容词变为名词

锦江区13028178519: happy和happiness意思有什么不同? -
莫宇湿毒: Happy是形容词开心的、幸福的,happiness是名词幸福.-ness一般是名词的后缀.

锦江区13028178519: happy与happiness有什么区别 详细点 -
莫宇湿毒: happy是快乐 happiness是幸福 意思不一样

锦江区13028178519: happy和happiness用法区别?! -
莫宇湿毒: Happy are 此句有语病,请查明出处后做修正.

锦江区13028178519: happiness和happy -
莫宇湿毒: HAPPY是形容词,开心的,happiness是名词,开心,以我之见,不用改

锦江区13028178519: happiness and happy是什么?Y
莫宇湿毒: 手牵手

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