
作者&投稿:阮欣 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
请帮忙翻译个邮件 谢谢~~

Dear Sir or Madam,

We are sorry to inform you that we will only arrive at the hotel on 16th midnight due to the flight delay. Please help reserve our room.

As this is our honeymoon trip, please help reserve a room suitable for honeymoon stay.

Thank you very much for your cooperation.

Yours Sincerely,

subject : Purchase a new laptop computer


Our director will be dispatched to the other rental office in Oct. To improve the work efficiency, we need to purchase a new laptop computer for him so he can use the old one in our company and the new one in the otner rental office.

Looking forward to your reply.


Dear all,

Thank you very much for your time yesterday and we benefits a lot from the communication with you.
We hope the cases shared yesterday might be helpful for you and there will be more opportunities for cooperation between us in the future.
Please kindly see below the links of the 4 presentations shared yesterday for your information and download if necessary.
(最后这句话前面已经有过了,最好不要重复)Thanks again.

Thank you very much for your time yesterday, and everybody communication is also very rewarding.
Also hope that we share some cases can be of help to you yesterday, I can have more opportunities for cooperation.
The link below is yesterday share 4 PPT download link, if the need to please download.希望我们可以有更多的交流沟通的机会,谢谢。
I hope we can have more communication opportunity, thank you.

Dear All,

Thank you for coming yesterday and we really harvest a lot from communicating with you.
We hope that the cases we shared can be helpful and we really expect more cooperation
opportunities in the future.
Links to download the four PPTs showed yesterday are attached to the mail.
Please check.

Look forward to more communicating chances in the future.

Best regards,

Thanks for all the time yesterday, and your communication is also very fruitful.
At the same time also hope we share some cases of yesterday can be of some help to you, later can have more cooperation opportunities.
The links below are four PPT yesterday to share the download link, if need to please click download.
I hope we can have more communication opportunity, thank you.

" Folk,
Thank you very much for your time yesterday, and everybody communication is also very rewarding.
Also hope that we share some cases can be of help to you yesterday, I can have more opportunities for cooperation.
The link below is yesterday share 4 PPT download link, if the need to please download.
I hope we can have more communication opportunity, thank you.


A nine-year-old girl discovered a semi-automatic pistol in her parents’ living room and shooting his 13 years brother unexpectedly in the suburb of Chicago of Illinois state of America.The parents were not at home when the accident happening. The girl discovered a pistol of 380 ...

the impression at heart in the consumer. Our company television post-sale service is very complete. In seven days without reason returned goods. Carries on training to the staff. May visit to serve. And has the professional to introduce the product the function.希望能帮助到你。


哪位高手帮忙用英语翻译思哲这个词,简短一点,谐音也可以,拜求_百度知 ...
包含的意思有两层:思为思考,是为探索而付出心智:think;哲为智慧,是熟谙事理而有明智:wise。所以 思哲即为:think and wise 如果用一个词,可用:Esprit. 语源于法语,是“思哲”而后的精神和机智。如果用谐音,可用:sage. 是贤明,明智的,贤人等意思,与“思哲”异曲同工。希望能帮到你。

楚国有个人坐船渡江时,他不小心把自己的一把宝剑掉落江中。他马上掏出一把小刀,在宝剑落水的船舷上刻上一个记号。船靠岸后,那楚人立即从船上刻记号的地方跳下水去捞取掉落的宝剑。他怎么找得到宝剑呢?船继续行驶,而宝剑却不会再移动。像他这样去找剑,真是太愚蠢可笑了。自己到百度文库里找 很多...

Drinking method:First. Prepare a transparent glass, put in one third cup boiling water , put in 5 grams of Longjing tea , quietly wait for the tea stretch slowly.Second. after the tea stretched, fill it up with boiling water.Third. You can drink! But still feel hard to, ...

帮忙翻译一下这段话 (很简短,没有专业术语)
希望你能在高中里做一个成功的自己,享受这三年的枯燥却激情燃烧的岁月,有一个自己满意的未来。对你的问候再次表示感谢,同时希望你弟弟在中考中取得优异的成绩,进入理想的高中!Long time no hearing from you. How are you on these days?女朋友叫了,明天再帮翻......


Two cabinets which closing date should be Nov.11th was told overbooked by the ship company yesterday.So it was left for next ship.And it will be send on Thurseday. 瞧瞧他们的,直接拿翻译器翻出来的中国式英文,连文法都不通,LZ希望你自己看清楚 ...

Australia, it is possible to have a collective discussion for the decision if you come up with better ideas of any other kind. Your comments would be highly appreciated.By the way, please find enclosed two pictures of mine I prepared for you.仅供参考,望能帮助到你,呵呵!

曲麻莱县13149986876: 请英语高手帮我翻译一段商业邮件,谢谢(汉译英) -
燕炕肝复: 1.This is our best price. This is the best price we can provide. This is our rock-bottom price. This is the rock-bottom price we can provide. (商务...

曲麻莱县13149986876: 急求帮忙翻译一篇信件.汉译英!!!很简单的几个句子,只是本人英语水平太烂.先拜谢!内容如下: -
燕炕肝复: 很抱歉那么晚才给您回信.我到现在还没有收到试卷.你可以通过邮箱再给我发一遍吗?我的邮箱是:XXXXX.谢啦.I am so sorry that reply you so late. I haven't received any exam paper so far. Could you send me a copy of it by e-mail? My e-mail address is XXXXX. Thanks.

曲麻莱县13149986876: 麻烦帮忙翻译一封邮件,急!!! -
燕炕肝复: First of all, you must be a "Z" (occupation) visa to enter China to bid for "foreigner residence permit", after the success of this card, valid travel...

曲麻莱县13149986876: 翻译成中文.商务英语email -
燕炕肝复: 我们没有得到满意的答复,在我们的电子邮件的 5 月 17 日提出的关于犯罪条例草案的问题.因此,我们被迫冻结了您的帐户,有效期至: 2009 年 6 月 18 日,您的付款的到期日期,所有未付发票和进步作为此日期中的所有单词.

曲麻莱县13149986876: 英语商务邮件回复求翻译急!~~~~我要回复一个外国公司的邮件,我写中文请你们帮我翻译一下!!顺便邮件的格式也帮我写好谢谢啊!!!拜托了~~~~ 你... -
燕炕肝复:[答案] DearSirorMadam, Ourcompanyiscompleteinspecifications,therearemorethanfourhundredstaffsinourcompany,andthegarmentsewingequipmentsareadvanced.Wehavesophisticatedtechnologyandbetterabilitytodevelopnewpro...

曲麻莱县13149986876: 帮忙翻译简单邮件.
燕炕肝复: I've booked the hotel from 1th to 5th, and meeting room on 4th. Please do confirm your schedule later so as to make any modification of the former reservation.

曲麻莱县13149986876: 英语翻译急用一个英文信函,大意如下,请熟悉商务信函的高手帮忙翻译一下,很高兴收到您的来信,对于你所说的产品**,我们很有兴趣.希望您能提供**的... -
燕炕肝复:[答案] We are very glad to receive your letter.As for the product XXX you mentioned,we are very interested in it.Please offer its quality specifications and your expected price.We look forward to your reply ...

曲麻莱县13149986876: 帮忙翻译一封邮件! 英文不懂? 把它翻译成中文!谢了! -
燕炕肝复: 意大利的国际商务和可持续增长MBA课程,要价一万六千欧,如果你有奖学金学费全免 想报名的话6月6日之前寄CV到上面的邮箱地址 并随邮件注明你自己的的科目奖学金 准学生会给予富余的时间完成报名事项 最低录取标准如下:至少大本或大三,(也可能大专也算?姑娘我没在国内上大学所以不清楚) 能证明自己有三年的英语工作经验 无经验证明者可用雅思托福代替 本课程2011年九月开讲,为期一年,网址是告诉你如何报名和课程简介 还有就是有问题到最后那个邮箱咨询 完啦~

曲麻莱县13149986876: 请英语高手帮我翻译一段外贸邮件,谢谢 -
燕炕肝复: We are willing to go for the entire range but for 70mm to 140mm. I repeat again that the pricing has to be correct so that you also make some profit and i also dont feel the pinch. You have to agree that i have to pay 40% duty on your cost to my ...

曲麻莱县13149986876: 您好!请帮忙翻译下这封商业邮件!多谢! -
燕炕肝复: Dear Mr. Zhong,钟先生 Good evening 晚上好 I take this opportunity to write to you directly. I got the message from my colleague Jimmy Wang about the handling charge and I must say I am very disappointed.借此机会很荣幸直接写信给您.我从同...

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