
作者&投稿:席轰 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ 1. Please make a written declaration of all the goods you've brought with you.
2. Milk bottle tops are made of tin foil.
3. This spade is made of iron.
4. He made a model plane out of wood.
5. Cruelty and injustice often make our blood boil.
6. Water can be made pure by distilling it.
7. Have I made myself clear?
8. His terrible stories made our blood freeze.
9. She will make him happy.
10. He made a profit of $500.
11. I can't make the horse go.
12. I don't like milk, but she made me drink it.
13. This photograph makes her look very young.
14. I make the distance across the river 150 feet.
15. 3 and 3 make 6.
16. If you work hard, you will make a good sailor.
17. We've made 80 miles since noon.
18. The ship made port.
19. Experience has made him a man.
20. She will make him an offer of £100.
21. He made to speak, but I stopped him.
22. The large print makes her look younger.
23. He made as if to speak.
24. She made believe that he was younger.
25. He made for the door, but she stopped him.
26. He made it to the airport on time.
27. They made the distance in an hour.
28. He made his way through the crowd.
29. He made up a story; it was not true.
30. They made the material into a skirt.
31. He made a name for himself.
32. He made a large sum of money.
33. He made a profit of $22,000,000 last year.
34. He made the distance across the room 15 feet.
35. How large do you make the audience?
36. My mother is making the bed.
37. Can you make the tea, John?
38. Shall I make some coffee?
39. The train makes 10 miles an hour.
40. We made 70 miles since 9 o'clock.
41. make one's way 前往,前进
42. make it possible for advertisers to capture the attention of millions of people
43. become, become
44. When lights fuse, furniture gets rickety, pipes get clogged, wives automatically assume that their husbands will somehow put things right.
45. total, equal
46. make a close study of human nature
47. know that he had made a real discovery
48. make a claim for the cost of salvaging a sunken ship
49. Over a year passed before the first attempt was made.
50. go out to make social investigation
51. If you hurry, you can make the next train.
52. don't think she'll make the 8 o'clock flight
53. making a shopping-list
54. making a sentence
55. making a plan
56. made the list of the 50 best books of the year
57. made the Dean's list

第四题选 A 常用的一个语法As what AS

do not maake

speak(说话)—spoke 8、动词原形中的ake改为ook,变成过去式。如:shake(摇动)--shook take(拿走)—took 9、动词原形中的ell改为old,变成过去式。如:sell(卖)—sold tell(告诉)—told 10、动词原形中的eel或ell改为elt,变成过去式。如:feel(感到)—felt smell(闻)--smelt\/smelle...

动词表示一种动态,新闻标题在浓缩新闻内容时,如能恰到好处地用上一个动词,就能增色不少,给人以形象生动、跃然纸上的感觉。如earthquake Hits Osakakobe(地震重袭(日本)皈神地区)远比 Earthouake Inosakakobe显得具体而达意。标题中用了动词,固然好处不少,但也给我们阅读英语报刊增加了一个困... 还是 to do?
读法英 [meɪk] 美 [meɪk]v. 制造;使变得,使成为;制定,拟定;做,作出(决定、估计等);强迫;任命(某人担任某职或角色)词汇搭配:ake life 求活;创造人生;有意义的活 make an appointment 约会,预约 make contribution 贡献 词语用法:make的基本意思是“做,制造”,即...



如alone , af raid , alike , alert , aw are ,alive ,ashamed , aw ash , asleep , aw ake , content , unable 等。 这里只简单列出了英语语法中部分特殊用法和例外。其实,自考生应认识到,英语中的特殊用法和例外还很多,要注意在平时学习语法课和其它英语课程时多观察、多思考、多总结。 四、结合其它...

四. 语法知识特殊疑问句通常以“what”、“who”、“which”、“when”、“where”、“how”、“how old”、“how many”等开头,对某一具体问题进行提问。 特殊疑问句的基本构成有两种情况: 1. 疑问句+一般疑问句结构。这是最常见的情况。例如: What’s your grandfather’s telephone number? 你爷爷的电话...

look black look bule look about look on look through look after look down on look out look up look well come up with come down think of think over think of think about pick up have a try have a rest try on try out all over large numbers of a number of no matter give ...

南票区18917764403: make的几种常见的语法 -
富英青鹏: Make: 制造,生产;使…成为;使某人做某事; 1. Make+复合宾语结构 ① 宾语后置现象. ② Make + n + adj Make + adj + n Make + it + adj + to do/ that从句,关键是it的有无. 2. 常见搭配 be made of:I can't make of what he wants. 我不了解他...

南票区18917764403: make的语法有那些 -
富英青鹏:[答案] 一、make用作及物动词,在主动语态中的含义主要有: 1. 做;制作;制造.如: Can you make any mooncakes? 你会做些月饼吗? ◆make后可跟双宾语,间接宾语后移时一般用for引导. 如: My uncle will make me a kite. = My uncle will make a kite ...

南票区18917764403: make的语法 -
富英青鹏:[答案] make用作使役动词表示 “使;使成为” 时,可跟复合结构,即“make+宾语+宾语补足语”,其中的宾语补足语可以是不带to的不定式、过去分词、形容词或名词.现将make的复合宾语结构小结如下:一、“make+宾语+n.” 意为...

南票区18917764403: make的语法
富英青鹏: make用作使役动词表示 “使;使成为” 时,可跟复合结构,即“make+宾语+宾语补足语”,其中的宾语补足语可以是不带to的不定式、过去分词、形容词或名词.现将make的复合宾语结构小结如下: 一、“make+宾语+n.” 意为“使、让某...

南票区18917764403: 英语单词make 语法 -
富英青鹏:[答案] make的过去式和过去分词:made make的意思是:做、制作等等. make常与一些名词连用构成固定短语,例如:make something . 你说具体点吧,因为一个单词的语法太多了.

南票区18917764403: make几种常见的语法 -
富英青鹏: 1. make sb. do sth. The boss made him work for a long time.使某人做某事 2. make sb./sth.+形容词 Exercise makes us strong. / Fresh air makes us healthy.使... 3. make (制造) He made a paper plane to fly.

南票区18917764403: 关于英语语法make的一些用法! -
富英青鹏:[答案] make sth.使某人做某事 make sth.done 使某事被做

南票区18917764403: make 有关的语法 -
富英青鹏: 1. "make + sb + adj",make 是谓语动词,sb是make的宾语,后边的形容词在此作宾语的补足语.例如:Rainy days make me sad.雨天让我很悲伤.What he said made the teacher angry.他说的话让老师很生气.Soft music makes me sleepy.轻...

南票区18917764403: make几种常见的语法不要复制,要总结,有例句. -
富英青鹏:[答案] 1.make sth.The boss made him work for a long time.使某人做某事2.make sb./sth.+形容词 Exercise makes us strong./ Fresh air makes us healthy.使...3.make (制造) He made a paper plane to fly....

南票区18917764403: 英语单词make的具体用法以及语法
富英青鹏: make 后通常接省略“to”的不定式~ 在被动语态中"to"不能省~ 译作“使...” make sb. do sth. 让某人做某事,使某人做某事 make use of 使用,利用

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