
作者&投稿:国高 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


My dream is to be a painter when I grow up. The reason why I want to be a painter is because I especially like painting.


Whenever I see beautiful natural scenery and moving scenes outside, my mood is particularly excited.


I really want to draw these down, so that these beautiful pictures will exist in my heart forever in the future.


Every time I come back from a painting exhibition, I will be happy for a long time.


Sometimes there is a painting exhibition in the school, and I have to participate in it. Although the painting is not very good, I will draw with my heart.


I know it takes a lot to be a painter. So from now on, I must make up my mind and study hard so that I can make progress in painting.


I think: as long as I work hard, I will be able to draw well, and my dream will come true.


在平凡的学习、工作、生活中,大家或多或少都会接触过作文吧,作文是通过文字来表达一个主题意义的记叙方法。相信写作文是一个让许多人都头痛的问题,下面是我收集整理的我的梦想优秀作文,供大家参考借鉴,希望可以帮助到有需要的朋友。 我的梦想优秀作文1 每个人都有自己的梦想,有人想当发明家,有人想做画家,有人想...

在生活、工作和学习中,大家都不可避免地要接触到作文吧,作文根据写作时限的不同可以分为限时作文和非限时作文。那么你知道一篇好的作文该怎么写吗?以下是我收集整理的我的梦想作文,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读。 我的梦想作文 篇1 我喜欢做梦,一些不复合实际的梦。 我有很多梦想,想考上最好的大学、相当演员、歌星.....

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Everyone dreams of achieving something in life. My dream is to become an educator who shapes the minds of the future. As a teacher, I aspire to contribute to the development of individuals who can later serve their country and society. I want to impart knowledge, teach life ...

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梦想是一盏灯,在黑暗的带路上给我们到来光明,为我们指引道路前行。下面是由我为大家整理的“我的梦想初中作文600字”,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读。我的梦想初中作文600字【一】 我们人都有一个梦想,这个梦想是现实的也是虚幻的;有的很容易实现;有的却很难实现。例如,有的人想要当一名科学家;有...

梦想是一道光,指引我们想要的未来!每个人都有自己独特的梦想。那么你知道我的梦想 作文 该怎么写吗?下面是我为大家带来的我的梦想作文简述十篇,希望大家能够喜欢! 我的梦想作文一 在我一年级的时候,我想要成为一名老师,是因为一个比喻句:老师是辛勤的园丁,培育着祖国的花朵。那时候我仅仅是因为老师可以培育出花...

第1篇 每一个人都有属于自己的梦想,每个人都会为了自己的梦想而努力,每一个人都会为最后的结束露出笑脸,不管是成功还是失败,至少他努力过。寻 梦 上小学时,我一直在寻找我的梦想,第当候为了一个梦想而云努力拼搏时,没过两三天,脑海中又浮出另外一个梦想,使我懊脑不已。三年级时,学校举行...

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贲轰盐酸: My dream is to be a painter. Because it can let many people see my paintings, let a lot of people every day happy, happy every day! So I wanted to be a painter. Do you know why I wanted to be a painter? Then let you know about it! When I was four ...

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贲轰盐酸:[答案] My dream is to be a painter.Because it can let many people see my paintings,let a lot of people every day happy,happy every day!So I wanted to be a painter.Do you know why I wanted to be a painter?The...

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贲轰盐酸:[答案] 谢谢你哦~

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