The policeman orded me to ( ) the road at the zebra crossing,括号处改填through还是across?

作者&投稿:龙幸 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
The policeman helped the old woman walk____ the road. A.above B.across C.through D.over~

B 警察帮助老奶奶过马路。 A 在……上 B 横穿过 C 通过隧道之类的 D 越过 翻过

walks quickly / hurriedly

to是不定式符号,后面应该接动词cross,而 through是介词,因此答案是错误的

杂多县18950451867: the policemen后面加is还是are -
云受强力: is 应改为are police 是个“集体名词”,词本身没有复数形式 (除非以policeman 变为 policemen), “但是”作主语时,谓语动词“必须”用复数形式.这是个语法规定. The police are on the track of the criminals. 翻译:警察正在追踪那些罪犯.

杂多县18950451867: The policeman orded me to ( ) the road at the zebra crossing,括号处改填through还是across?
云受强力: to是不定式符号,后面应该接动词cross,而 through是介词,因此答案是错误的

杂多县18950451867: the policeman is on duty是什么意思 -
云受强力: the policeman is on duty 警察正在执勤双语例句1 The striped band round a policeman's sleeve is to signify that he is on duty. 警察袖子上的袖标标明他正在执勤.2 The policeman on duty is suspicious of the youth and asked him why he wasstanding there. 当班的警察怀疑起那位年轻人,询问他为什么站在那儿.

杂多县18950451867: the policemen是单数还是复数 -
云受强力: policemen是复数,policeman是单数,这个单词是不规则的

杂多县18950451867: The policeman is demanding that the thief confess the crime.为什么用动词原型? -
云受强力: demand后面的宾语从句,从句谓语动词用should+动词原形,should可以省略,所以就用动词原形啦.表示建议、命令、要求的词都这样用,后面的宾语从句、同位语从句或表语从句中,谓语动词一般都用这种称之为虚拟语气的结构should+动词原形,should都可以省略.

杂多县18950451867: The policeman on duty asked the boy ( ) why he was standing there
云受强力: 答案选D、 suspiciously adv. 怀疑地; A、 obviously adv. 明显地 B、 absolutely adv. 明显地 C、 anxiously adv. 不安地,忧虑地 值班的警察用一种怀疑的语气问那个男孩,为什么他一直站在那里.

杂多县18950451867: the policeman on duty told him that since his defeat, the ex - Prime Minister had gone abroad. -
云受强力: 如果是副词,做时间状语时后面就不跟其他成分了,比如 the ex-Prime Minister had gone abroad ever since 如果后面跟了其他成分,看情况,跟的是名词,since是介词,如这一句 跟的是从句,since是连词,如since he was defeated,,,,,类似的如,i was sick, so he went instead of me instead of介词短语 i was sick, so he went there instead instead 副词

杂多县18950451867: the policeman是什么意思啊? -
云受强力: n.(名词) A man who is a member of a police force. 警察:属于警察部队的一名成员的人 2. 起威慑作用的人(或物) police,policeman,officer,constable这四个词都表示“警察”. police是集体名词,总是单数形式,但应当用复数形式的谓语

杂多县18950451867: 这道题的解题过程是?The policeman told m -
云受强力: D

杂多县18950451867: The ( ) ( policeman ) are looking at me ( ) ( happy) 解释句意 . 并说明理由 -
云受强力: The policemen are looking at me happily.句意:那些警察开心地看着我.理由:后面是are,是复数,说明有很多警察 所以警察要用复数形式;然后开心是修饰动词的 应用副词即hppily

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