
作者&投稿:卢奇 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)



比尔博的好朋友灰袍巫师甘道夫(伊恩·麦凯伦饰)知道至尊魔戒的秘密,同时黑暗魔君索伦已经知道他的魔戒落在哈比族的手中。索伦正在重新建造要塞巴拉多,集结无数的半兽人,准备以大军 夺取魔戒,并且征服全世界。

而此时黑魁首索隆也策动其奥克斯部队向罗翰的首都埃多拉斯进发,精灵族与人类的联盟将遭到黑魔法兽兵强大战斗力与萨鲁曼邪恶魔法的双重挑战,紧要关头甘道夫再度现身,更从灰衣法师升至法力无边的白衣法师,双方一场恶战在所难免 。

电影讲述了在古老的中土世界,弗罗多在忠实的伙伴山姆、梅利和皮平的陪伴下,踏上了毁灭魔戒的征程。还有游侠阿拉贡、人类战士博罗米尔、精灵女王以及精灵莱古拉斯、矮人吉姆利和甘道夫巫师等正义力量的保护和帮助,弗罗多他们的魔戒远征队才一次次地化险为夷 。


The Lord of the Rings was first published in three volumes - The Fellowship of the Ring, The Two Towers and The Return of the King - each of which is divided into two 'books', making six books in total, successively numbered by Roman numerals. There is also a Foreword and a Prologue in The Fellowship of the Ring and six Appendices at the end of The Return of the King. The Prologue includes information on the nature and customs of Hobbits, and a brief synopsis of The Hobbit in which the Ring played a seemingly minor role.

Book I in The Fellowship of the Ring begins with Bilbo's hundred-and-eleventh birthday party, about 60 years after the end of The Hobbit, and his subsequent disappearance using his magic ring. Departing to journey once more, he left many of his belongings, including the ring, to his cousin and adoptive heir, Frodo Baggins.

After seventeen years of investigating, their old friend Gandalf the Grey revealed that this ring was in fact the One Ring, the instrument of Sauron's power, for which the Dark Lord had been searching for most of the Third Age, and which corrupted others with desire for it and the power it held.

Sauron sent the Ringwraiths, in the guise of riders in black, to the Shire, Bilbo and Frodo's native land, in search of the Ring. Frodo escaped, with the help of his loyal gardener Samwise "Sam" Gamgee and three close friends, Meriadoc "Merry" Brandybuck, Peregrin "Pippin" Took, and Fredegar "Fatty" Bolger. While Fatty acted as a decoy for the Ringwraiths, Frodo and the others set off to take the Ring to the Elven haven of Rivendell. They were aided by the enigmatic Tom Bombadil, and by a man called "Strider", who was later revealed to be Aragorn, the heir to the kingships of Gondor and Arnor, two great realms founded by the Númenórean exiles. Aragorn led the hobbits to Rivendell on Gandalf's request. However, Frodo was gravely wounded by the leader of the Ringwraiths at the hill of Weathertop. With the help of his companions and the Elf-lord Glorfindel, Frodo managed to enter Rivendell's borders by crossing the Ford of the river Bruinen. The Ringwraiths, in close pursuit, were swept away by an enchantment of the river when they entered its waters. Book I ends with Frodo losing consciousness.

Book II in The Fellowship of the Ring reveals that Frodo managed to recover under the care of the Half-elven lord Elrond, master of Rivendell. Frodo met Bilbo, now living there in retirement, and saw Elrond's daughter Arwen, Aragorn's betrothed. Later, much of the story's exposition is given during a high council, attended by representatives of the major races of Middle-earth (Elves, Dwarves, and Men) and presided over by Elrond. Gandalf told them of the emerging threat of Saruman, the leader of the Order of Wizards, who wanted the Ring for himself. In order to fulfill an ancient prophecy about the return of the King of Gondor and Arnor, Aragorn was going to war against Sauron armed with Narsil, the royal sword that had been used by Isildur to cut off Sauron's finger that wore the ring in the great battle at the end of the prior age. The shards of the sword had been kept safe in Rivendell through the intervening years, and were now reforged there and renamed Andúril, meaning "Flame of the West". After pondering several options, the Council decided that the only course of action that could save Middle-earth was to destroy the Ring by taking it to Mordor and casting it into Mount Doom, where it was forged. Frodo volunteered for the task, and a "Fellowship of the Ring" was formed to aid him, comprising his three Hobbit companions, Gandalf, Aragorn, Boromir of Gondor, Gimli the Dwarf, and Legolas the Elf, and with Frodo himself they were nine companions to go against the nine Ringwraiths.

The company journeyed through plains and over mountains, and ultimately to the Mines of Moria, where they were followed by the wretched creature Gollum, whom Bilbo had met years before (as detailed in The Hobbit). Gollum was once "of hobbit-kind" but the Ring had corrupted him while he had possessed it, and Gollum desperately sought to regain what he called his "Precious". When they were almost through the mines the party was attacked by Orcs. Gandalf battled a Balrog, an ancient demon creature, and fell into a deep chasm, apparently to his death. Escaping from Moria the Fellowship, now led by Aragorn, took refuge in the Elvish wood of Lothlórien, the realm of the Lady Galadriel and the Lord Celeborn.

The Fellowship then travelled along the great River Anduin, and Frodo decided to continue the trek to Mordor on his own, largely due to the Ring's growing influence on Boromir; however, the faithful Sam insisted on going with him. At the end of the book, the Fellowship was attacked by orcs and, during the confusion, Sam and Frodo made their escape. Unbeknownst to them, Boromir was killed and Merry and Pippin were kidnapped by the orcs because their commander, the traitor Saruman, had ordered them to capture the hobbits and bring them to him alive, knowing that one of the hobbits had the Ring.

The second volume, The Two Towers, deals with two parallel storylines, one in each of its books. Book III details the exploits of the remaining members of the Fellowship who aid the country of Rohan in its war against Saruman. At the beginning of the book, Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli went off in pursuit of Merry and Pippin's captors. The three met Gandalf, who had returned as "Gandalf the White". He had defeated the Balrog at the cost of his life, but had been sent back to Middle-earth, with enhanced powers, to aid the forces of good. Gandalf, Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli helped defeat Saruman's armies at the Battle of the Hornburg. Meanwhile Merry and Pippin, freed from captivity, helped the tree-like Ents and Huorns attack Saruman at his stronghold of Isengard. The two groups were reunited in the aftermath of battle, and after Saruman refused to repent of his folly, Gandalf cast him from the Order of Wizards.

Book IV tells of Frodo and Sam's exploits on the way to Mount Doom. They managed to capture Gollum and forced him to show them a way to enter Mordor secretly (as opposed to the Black Gate), albeit through the dreaded valley of Minas Morgul. At the end of the volume, Gollum betrayed Frodo to the great spider Shelob, and though Frodo survived he was captured by orcs. Meanwhile, Sauron launched an all-out military assault upon Middle-earth, precipitating the War of the Ring, with the Witch-king (leader of the Ringwraiths) leading a large army from Minas Morgul into battle against Gondor.

The further adventures of Gandalf, Aragorn and company are related in the first book of the third volume, The Return of the King. As told in Book V, the Fellowship assisted in the final battles against the armies of Sauron, including the siege of the tower-city of Minas Tirith in Gondor and the climactic all-or-nothing battle before the Black Gate of Mordor, where the alliance of Gondor and Rohan fought desperately against Sauron's armies in order to distract him from the Ring, and hoped to gain time for Frodo to destroy it.

In Book VI, Sam rescued Frodo from captivity. After much struggle, they finally reached Mount Doom itself, tailed by Gollum. However, the temptation of the Ring proved too great for Frodo, and he claimed it for himself, but Gollum struggled with him for it and managed to bite the Ring off Frodo's finger. Crazed with triumph, Gollum slipped into the fires of the mountain, and the Ring was destroyed.

Thus, Sauron was banished from the world and his realm ended. Aragorn was crowned king and married Arwen, the daughter of Elrond. The conflict was not over, however, for Saruman had managed to escape his captivity and enslave the Shire. Although he was overthrown by the Hobbits and the four heroes helped to restore order and beautify the land again, it was not the same Shire that they had left. At the end, Frodo remained wounded in body and spirit and, accompanied by Bilbo, sailed west over the Sea to the Undying Lands, where he could find peace.

The Appendices contain much material concerning the timeline of the story, and information on the peoples and the languages of Middle-earth. Notably, Arwen, physically absent for much of the book, is dealt with in full here; her backstory and future with Aragorn are related.



LT是什么重量的单位 对应的有 吨、长吨、短吨 解释:吨(原本意义上的吨)是英制单位,英文中是ton。英国和美国对ton的定义不同。在英国1 ton等于1016公斤,因此英国的吨又成为long ton(长吨);在美国1 ton等于907公斤,因此美国的吨又成为short ton(短吨)。“公吨”即中国普遍采用的“吨”。

可以组成:李天、黎堂、冷婷、灵腾、李糖。重点词汇:李 拼音:lǐ 部首:木 笔画:7 繁体:李 基本释义:1、李子树,落叶灌木或小乔木,叶子倒卵形,花白色,果实球形,黄色或紫红色,是常见水果。2、这种植物的果实。3、(Lǐ)姓。相关组词:李子、桃李、行李、李闯、李煜...

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有人能告诉我轮胎型号:175\/70R 14LT 中的LT表示什么意思吗谢谢_百度知 ...
LT(Light truck)是轻型卡车的意思。对于轮胎这边,是加重胎的意思,给用来载重的车用轮胎、比如皮卡单排车等。同样的型号,有LT轮胎的会厚很多,重很多,也比较耐磨。价格也相对高点,舒适性就低了。不过载重车不在乎舒适性。175是指轮胎断面宽度;70是指胎侧扁平比(厚度等于胎面的70%);R是指...

轮胎中C和LT分别对应的意思是:C代表轮胎速度系数最大为 60km\/h,LT代表轻型载货汽车轮胎。195R15C指的是轮胎胎面宽245mm,扁平比为45(胎高÷胎宽) (45指45%);R指的轮胎是钢丝子午线结构;15指的是钢圈直径是15英寸;C指的是轮胎最大速度为 60km\/h。195R15LT指的是轮胎胎面宽195mm,...


音标:[its]“lt's”是it is的缩写有,它是,“这是”的意思。重点词汇:it 英 [ɪt] 美 [ɪt]作为代词pron.意思是:它;他;正好是所需的;事实[情况]作为名词n.意思是:<美俚>傻瓜,笨蛋;<俚>绝妙的人;理想的东西;登峰造极 is 英 [ɪz] 美 [ɪz]vt.&...

lt是檩条,ht是标高。各种符号表示:1、用图案填充封闭区域 H或BH 2、根据选定对象创建块定义 -B 3、创建对齐线性标注 DAL或DIMALI 4、创建角度标注 DAN或DIMANG 5、从图纸空间切换到模型空间视口 MS 6、创建多行文字 T或MT 7、创建浮动视口和打开现有的浮动视口 MV 8、创建对象的等距线,如同心...

LT是LEFT TRIGGER缩写。LB是LEFT BUMPER缩写。同样的右边那一对叫做RB RT。TRIGGER和BUMPER中文含义分别是“扳机”和“保险杠”。通俗来讲的话,L键就是左摇杆,R键就是右摇杆。游戏手柄按键说明:1、电池按照正负极装入中间凹槽处,接通后,手柄按钮会变亮;2、将手柄的无线usb与盒子连接,启动;3、...

嘉兴市19465005272: 指环王跟魔戒一样吗?
壬媚欧斯: 翻译的关系啦,其实两者是一样的,不过《指环王》这个片名太有误导性了,像我妈就问我“指环王”到底是哪个“王”啊?大多数看过书的影迷可能会更赞同“魔戒”这个译名

嘉兴市19465005272: 指环王分几部 -
壬媚欧斯: 3bu 魔戒首部曲:魔戒现身The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring(2001)(指环王:护戒使者 ,指环王:友谊之戒 ) 拍摄日期:1999年10月11日 - 2000年12月22日 制作周期:1998年8月 - 2001年10月 导演:彼得·杰克逊 Peter ...

嘉兴市19465005272: 指环王一共有几部?每部又分几集?
壬媚欧斯: 指环王1:魔戒现身 2:双塔奇兵 3王者归来 还有个《指环王前传:希望的诞生》 都在这里: http://www.funshion.com/search/media?rec=1&sall=&kt=&ta=0&word=%E6%8C%87%E7%8E%AF%E7%8E%8B

嘉兴市19465005272: 请问指环王三部曲各部的时长是多少?谢谢!
壬媚欧斯: 我的是加长版 第一部分228分钟 第二部235分钟 第三部263分钟 = =

嘉兴市19465005272: 指环王讲的什么故事大神们帮帮忙 -
壬媚欧斯: 去看魔戒三部曲,也就是指环王的三部,风靡一时的好电影,看完就知道什么是指环王了.7个指环中有一个是邪恶的,也就是莫比人要去摧毁的哪个,主要讲的就是这个戒指摧毁过程中的各种艰难险阻~~

嘉兴市19465005272: 指环王是那年的作品?又是那年拍的电影?
壬媚欧斯: 魔戒原著是在1937年——1949年之间写就的,三部作品分别在1954年7月24日,1954年11月11日和1955年1月20日出版 魔戒的电影则是在1999年10月到2000年12月指尖拍摄,后来在2002年和2003年分别对魔戒二和魔戒三进行了小规模的补拍

嘉兴市19465005272: 谁有《指环王》第一部那段雄伟的背景音乐?
壬媚欧斯: 1.The Prophecy 2.Concerning Hobbits 3.The Shadow of the Past 4.The Treason of Isengard 5.The Black Rider 6.At the Sign f the Prancing Pony7.A Knife in the Dark 8.Flight to the Ford 9.Many Meetings 10.The Council of Elrond ('Aniron' ...

嘉兴市19465005272: 《指环王》的所有插曲+《千与千寻》的所有插曲
壬媚欧斯: 《指环王》的所有插曲 The Fellowship of the Ring(指环王-护戒同盟) 1. The Prophecy 2. Concerning Hobbits 3. The Shadow Of The Past 4. The Treason Of Isengard 5. The Black Rider 6. At The Sign Of The Prancing Pony 7. A Knife In The Dark...

嘉兴市19465005272: orlardo bloom是谁
壬媚欧斯: &lt;指环王&gt;里那个英俊帅气的精灵族王子.我知道的他主演的影片还有&lt;天国王朝&gt;.最近他和&lt;蜘蛛侠&gt;中的女主角克里斯滕-邓斯特主演的一部电影&lt;伊丽莎白镇&gt;正在西方上映,反响不错.出生地:英国肯特郡坎特伯雷 生 日:1977年1月13日 星 座:水瓶座 身 高:180

嘉兴市19465005272: 指环王插曲 -
壬媚欧斯: he Fellowship of the Ring(指环王-护戒同盟)1. The Prophecy 2. Concerning Hobbits 3. The Shadow Of The Past 4. The Treason Of Isengard 5. The Black Rider 6. At The Sign Of The Prancing Pony 7. A Knife In The Dark 8. Flight To The Ford 9. ...

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