
作者&投稿:祗性 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
三傻大闹宝莱坞的英语台词,要全部。最好有中英对照,急~~ 在线等~



很标准的说法:I will absolutely never allow that idiot I love bullied. Never,ever!

Farhan Qureshi (R. Madhavan), Raju Rastogi (Sharman Joshi) and Ranchoddas Shamaldas Chanchad "Rancho" (Aamir Khan) are three engineering students who share a room in the residence of Imperial College of Engineering (ICE). Farhan is studying engineering to pursue his father's wishes over his own wish — to become a wildlife photographer. Raju is studying to raise his family's fortunes and get them out of poverty. On the other hand, Rancho studies for his simple passion in machines and devices. Rancho believes that success in studying is not achieved by solely memorizing definitions given by textbooks or professors, but by understanding and applying the concepts. He believes that one should follow excellence, not success, as success will come itself if excellence is followed.

However, this different approach is sneered upon by the faculties, including the dean of the college, Professor Viru "Virus" Sahastrabudhhe (Boman Irani). In contrast, Virus' favorite student, Chatur "Silencer" Ramalingam, (Omi Vaidya) believes in mindless memorizing over understanding, in order to reach his goals of corporate and social status. Meanwhile, Rancho falls in love with Virus' medical student daughter Pia (Kareena Kapoor) when he, Raju and Farhan accidentally crash her sister's wedding banquet to obtain a free meal, which infuriates Virus. Virus labels Rancho and his friends as "idiots" and continually attempts to break Rancho's friendship with Farhan and Raju.

Things further escalate when the three friends drunkenly break into Virus's house one night to allow Rancho to confess his love to Pia, and urinate on the front door before fleeing. The next day, Virus threatens to rusticate Raju unless he squeals on Rancho. Not wanting to betray his friend or let down his family, Raju attempts suicide and ends up paralyzed. Following his recovery, Raju discards his fear of the future. Encouraged by Rancho, both Raju and Farhan gain courage to do what they were afraid to do before. Raju takes a frank approach in an interview for a corporate job, while Farhan convinces his parents to allow him to pursue his love of wildlife photography, both successful in their endeavors.

When Virus discovers that Raju successfully obtained a job offer, he conspires to prevent him from getting the job by creating an exam paper so tough that will deliberately fail Raju. When Pia learns of his plan, she helps Rancho and Farhan by providing them with the keys to her father's office. However, Virus catches them and expels them on the spot. Pia angrily confronts him, revealing that his son, Pia's brother, committed suicide when he could not get into ICE, like Virus demanded, even though he had no interest in engineering and instead wished to be a writer. At the same time, Pia's pregnant older sister Mona (Mona Singh) goes into labor. A heavy rainstorm cuts all power and floods the streets, making it impossible for the ambulance to reach Mona, and Pia is stuck at her hospital, where she had fled. Rancho, Farhan and Raju come to the rescue, along with other students from ICE. Over phone and webcam, Pia instructs Rancho to deliver the baby via VOIP. After the baby is apparently stillborn, Rancho resuscitates the baby by leading the students in saying "All is well". Virus reconciles with Rancho and his friends, and allows them to stay for their final exams.

Their story is framed as intermittent flashbacks from the present day, ten years after Chatur bet that he'd become more successful than Rancho. Having lost contact with Rancho, who disappeared during the graduation party and went into seclusion, after five years, Raju and Farhan begin a journey to find him. They are joined by Chatur, now a wealthy and successful professional in the USA, who is looking to seal a deal with a famous scientist and prospective business associate named Phunsukh Wangdu. When they find Rancho's house in Shimla, they find a completely different man: the real Rancho (Jaaved Jaffrey).

From him, they come to know that their friend was a destitute servant boy "Chhote" who loved learning, while he, the real Rancho, disliked study. After seeing the boy's intelligence, the family agreed to let the servant boy study in Rancho's place instead of laboring. In return, the real Rancho would pocket his qualifications and after graduating, the servant boy will cease all contact. The real Rancho reveals that Chhote is now a schoolteacher in Ladakh. At the same time, they find out that, without Rancho, Pia decided to marry the same price-obsessed banker that Rancho initially talked her into dumping, and they go to rescue her from the wedding.

Raju and Farhan find Pia and arrive at Rancho’s school. Pia and the fake Rancho rekindle their love, while Chatur mocks Rancho for becoming a lowly schoolteacher. He asks Rancho to sign a "Declaration of Defeat" document. When Rancho's friends ask what his real name is, he reveals that he is actually Phunsukh Wangdu himself. Chatur finds out about this and is horrified; he accepts his defeat and pleads his case with Phunsukh to establish the business relationship he was after.




他用所学的物理知识来教训野蛮的学长,他用智慧打破了学院墨守成规的传统观念。最后他用智慧征服了印度科学界(一位具有400项专利,日本人求之不得的天才科学家),他实现了自己的梦想,也做回了真正的自己——法撒克 望杜。 《三傻大闹宝莱坞》剧照 “三人帮”中兰彻和莱俱梦想成为工程师,法汉...

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漳州市19487909608: 三傻大闹宝莱坞主要讲了什么
邲油盐酸: 三傻大闹好莱坞讲的是三个人的故事.有一个人他特别的聪明而且特立独行.他用他的行动和思维影响了他身边的两个朋友.

漳州市19487909608: <三傻大闹宝莱坞>拍摄年份是?
邲油盐酸: 拍摄时间是2008年夏天 上映时间为2009年圣诞节 中文名:三傻大闹宝莱坞/ 三个白痴 / 三个傻瓜 / 三个呆瓜 / 寻找兰彻 / 3 idiots/ three idiots 类型:爱情/ 剧情/喜剧/励志片外文名:3 idiots 片长:164分钟其他译名:三个白痴 上映时间:2009年12月25日 印度对白语言:北印度语 导演:拉库马·希拉尼制片国家/地区:印度 主演:阿米尔·汗 卡琳娜·卡普 马德哈万制作公司: Vinod Chopra Productions 编剧:Chetan Bhagat 拉库马·希拉尼 Abhijit JoshiIMDB评分:8.1/10 (10,762 votes)

漳州市19487909608: 三傻大闹宝莱坞有哪三傻?要剧名 -
邲油盐酸: 中文名字叫:三傻大闹宝莱坞 其实叫:3 idiots. 主角是1、兰彻(苏克·旺度)扮演者阿米尔·汗2、法尔汉 扮演者马德哈万3、拉杜 扮演者沙尔曼·乔什4、查尔图(无声火)扮演者奥米·瓦依达

漳州市19487909608: 三傻大闹宝莱坞歌曲 名字都是什么啊! -
邲油盐酸: 看来是同道中人了;给你一个我特意收藏的地址:http://tieba.baidu.com/f?z=850772090&ct=335544320&lm=0&sc=0&rn=30&tn=baiduPostBrowser&word=%C8%FD%C9%B5%B4%F3%C4%D6%B1%A6%C0%B3%CE%EB&pn=0 三傻大闹宝莱坞 插曲汇总地址

漳州市19487909608: 求电影三傻大闹宝莱坞(中文高清)的百度云网盘下载地址~ -
邲油盐酸: http://pan.baidu.com/s/1qYTDOoW

漳州市19487909608: 三个傻蛋大闹宝莱坞这部印度片真名叫啥.....为啥我输入这个名字网上没有资源,迅雷上也找不到~ -
邲油盐酸: 中文名: 三傻大闹宝莱坞 外文名: 3 idiots在线链接: http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/KABWILP6wgQ/

漳州市19487909608: 推荐几部这两年的喜剧片,要超级搞笑的! -
邲油盐酸: 《三傻大闹宝莱坞》(也叫《三个傻蛋》、《三个白痴》)(印度的,非常棒的喜剧片) 《宿醉》&《宿醉2》《里约大冒险》《功夫熊猫1》&《功夫熊猫2》《小屁孩日记》&《小屁孩日记2》《让子弹飞》(经典搞笑啊) 《钢的琴》(国内的,也还不错)

漳州市19487909608: 请问三傻大闹宝莱坞一共有几个版本? -
邲油盐酸: 两个版本一个是原版 宝莱坞印地语版 就是兰彻那个版本一个是11年南印度翻拍的 泰米尔版

漳州市19487909608: 宝莱坞的一个电影讲了回忆多年以前的同学生活的电影叫什么 -
邲油盐酸: 《三傻大闹宝莱坞》

漳州市19487909608: 《三傻大闹宝莱坞》的主题曲叫什么?还有中文的歌词对照! -
邲油盐酸: 我像风一样自由 就像你的温柔无法挽留 你推开我伸出的双手 你走吧 最好别回头 无尽的漂流 自由的渴求 所有沧桑 独自承受 我给你温柔 你拒绝接受 我给你双手 真实的感受 我给你自由 记忆的长久 我给你所有 但不能停留 我像风一样自由 我像风一样自由 就像你的温柔无法挽留 你推开我伸出的双手 你走吧 最好别回头 无尽的漂流 自由的渴求 所有沧桑 独自承受 我给你温柔 你拒绝接受 我给你双手 真实的感受 我给你自由 记忆的长久 我给你所有 但不能停留 我像风一样自由

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