
作者&投稿:守倩 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


应该是Both he and you are students. 主语是你和他,两个人,所以动词要用are, student要加s.
both of和both...and...都是表示“两个都”,由于结构不一样,所以用法不一样,意思是相同的。
比如,Both of the brothers died in the war.(两兄弟都死在战争中)
Both Tom and Jack died in the war.

We are both students.
We both like English.

both of的用法见:
Both you and me are students.

both“都”的意思,常用词组both ...and...(常用于句首)
eg:Both my father and I enjoy watching TV.
They both enjoy watching TV.
both of后跟复数
eg:Both of the students like it.



1.Both (the)instruments are valuable to this process.(定语)这两个仪器对这个过程都是很有价值的。

2.Both (the)student have made a good few experiments on electricity.(定语)这两个学生都做了不少电学实验。


1.Bothe (of them)have been to Beijing.(主语)他们两人都去过北京。

2.There are two English books on the table. He wants to read them both in a short time.(同位语)桌上有两本英语书,他想在短时期内阅读这两本书。

3.Steel and petroleum both play an important part in the development of industry and agriculture.(同位语)钢和石油这两样东西在工农业发展中起着重要作用。

4.He and I are both from Tianjin.(both作同位语。注意both在本句中的词序和上两句不同。)他和我都是天津人。



1.Both copper and silver are good conductors of electricity.(连接两个主语)铜和银都是良好的电导体。

2.The molecules of common salt all contain atoms of both the gas and the metal which compose the salt.(连接of的两个宾语)食盐分子都具有构成食盐的气体和金属这两种物质的原子。

3.Alloys are both useful and important.(连接两个表语)合金既有用又重要。

4.To do work, you must both exert force and move something.(连接两个动词短语)为了作功,你必须既施加力又推动某个东西。

5.Copper is an important conductor, both because of its high conductivity and because of its abundance and low cost.(连接两个状语)铜是一种重要的导体,因为它的导电率高,而且资源丰富,价格又低。

6.It is necessary to build a lot of petrochemical works, both because China is rich in petroleum and because there is a great demand for petrochemicals.(连接两个状语从句)由于中国石油丰富,而对石油化学产品需要量又大,所以有必要建立许多石油化工厂。


1.Both (the)instruments are not precision ones.并非这两个仪器都是精密仪器。

2.Both of the books are not helpful.这两本书并非都是有益的。


1.Neither instrument is precision one.(=Either instrument is not precision one.=Either of the instruments is not precision one.)这两个仪器都不是精密仪器。

2.Neither of the books is helpful.(=Either of the books is not helpful.=Either book is not helpful.)这两本书都不是好书。



It’s impolite ___oth...
【答案】A 【答案解析】试题分析:句意:打断其他人是不礼貌的。要一直礼貌的等。It is impolite to do sth.做某事是不礼貌的。cut in on打断;cut on 赶路,很快向前走;结合句意,不礼貌的是打断别人。故选A。考点:考查动词短语词义辨析的用法。

请教一个词 otherwordly是什么意思
简单点说就是:来势的,超俗的,空想的,精神世界的。用WEBSTAR说就是1a: of,relating to,or resembling that of a world other than the actual world b:devoted to preparing for a world to com 2:devoted to intellectual or imaginative pursuits.参考资料:Merriam-Webster ...

这种_ 的用法有几种情况,一种是因为一个单词太长,刚好写到了一行的最后一个而还是没有办法完全写下。那么就用这个_将这个整个单词连起来。不过在用的时候要注意的是将单词分开的地方必须是一个音节和下个音节的分割处。还有一种情况是符合单词的时候的时候使用,两个单词分别独立存在,但是放到一起...

9.The little boy is very kind.Healways ___ his food ___oth?
B need doing,还可以为need to be done B in need of 表示“需要”,通常就是和help连用(考试基本上就是考这个)此外,句子是一般疑问句,做的时候简单的方法就是把它转为正常语序:You are.C 这个讲起来有点复杂了,靠觉悟.need的两个用法,考试考起来算是难题了.【第一】need作为情态动词时,...

“cloth”的复数形式是“ cloths”。下面我带大家来了解一下cloth的其他详细内容,希望对您有所帮助:一、单词音标 单词发音:英 [klɒθ]     美 [klɔːθ]二、单词释义 n. 布;布料;一块布 三、词语用法 cloth可以用作名词,cloth的基本意思是“棉布,毛织品”,通常指...

old, ost, oth---[Eu] cold, bold, fold, scold, most, almost, mostly, post, both, comb o在m, n, th前通常读[Q]: mother, month 辅音不发音 1. debt, tomb, comb, climb, doubt 2. hour, honour, exhibition, forehead, wh 3. wrong, write, wrist, wretched, wrap, sword, answer, two...

Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of...
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art nouveau的讲解
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赤水市13733807463: both的用法(如何使用both)
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赤水市13733807463: both用法? -
萧卖益肾:[答案] 1)adj.两者 一般单独修饰名词(复数)做前置定语(但名词前不能有其他限定词修饰),不做表语/补足语. 如:There are many flowers on both sides of the street. 2)pron.两者 可以单独使用(相当于名词),也可以构成“both of + 其他限定词 + 名词(...

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赤水市13733807463: both的用法? -
萧卖益肾: Both的用法及注意事项一、形容词both作“两”、“双”解:1.Both (the)instruments are valuable to this process.(定语)这两个仪器对这个过程都是很有价值的.2.Both (the)student have made a good few experiments on electricity.(定语)...

赤水市13733807463: Both的用法,以及与all的区别 -
萧卖益肾:[答案] both用法1)adj.两者一般单独修饰名词(复数)做前置定语(但名词前不能有其他限定词修饰),不做表语/补足语.如:There are many flowers on both sides of the street.2)pron.两者可以单独使用(相当于名词),也可...

赤水市13733807463: Both 用法 -
萧卖益肾:[答案] Both可作形容词、代词或副词用,意思是“两个”、“双方”、“两个都”.在句中可作主语、宾语或同位语.如: Both are right.两者都对.(主语) I like both.两个我都喜欢.(宾语) Both可参与构成名词词组,也可和动词连用,还可与and构成并列连...

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萧卖益肾:[答案] both and both ways

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萧卖益肾:[答案] 的用法有两种,它可以和名词、代词连用,也可以和动词连用,在句中作主语、宾语及同位语,也可作定语.现将其用法归结如下: 1)both与名词、代词连用 (1)both+(of) +the/ 物主代词/指示代词+名词,如: ①Both of the cats are asleep.两只猫...

赤水市13733807463: both的用法
萧卖益肾: both adj. 二者;双方的 both shoes 两只鞋 词性变化 pron. 两者; 双方 Both of us thought so. 我们俩都这样想的. My brother and my sister both ran to help me. 我弟弟...

赤水市13733807463: 关于both的用法 adj. adv. conj. pron. 可以的话带例子讲解 谢谢啦 -
萧卖益肾: adj.两者的 pron.两者 conj.不但 ... 而且 ... both of 两者都.... neither of 两都都不 none of 都不...(用在三人以上,两个用neither of) either of 也是两个都... 与both of主要的区别是:both与复数连用,either与单数连用.Both the ...

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